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ambidextrous pitcher


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I went to the Creighton and Nebraska game on Tuesday. One of the pitchers for Creighton was ambidextrous. It was pretty crazy, if a switch hitter came to bat, he would wait for the batter to set up, and then he would decide which arm to throw with. I was just wondering if anyone else has seen one.

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That's awesome. Too bad none of those guys actually had a career using both arms. I got mad when I saw they only did it for like two innings or one game. I was hoping to see someone who actually did it a lot.

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It would be even cooler if he pitched submarine with one arm and over the top with the other and some sort of ambidextrous glove so he didnt have to go to the dugout all the time to switch.

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I can throw with both but sadly I can only get it up to 75, 80 max. =(

I was born a lefty and my parents made me a righty cause that's what customary in Russia, which they are from.

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hey, you may not get to the majors with that velocity unless you got a knuckler, but that's still pretty good. could be worse, i can barely make it to the cutoff man at times!

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There was a guy in the Jays system last year who could pitch with both arms.. Spike Lundberg from Australia but he only pitched right-handed as far as I could tell last year

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I've heard this before, but I can't remember the rules regarding ambidextrious pitching....

Is it that you must decide what side to throw from each at bat? I am 99.9% sure that you cannot change your delivery each pitch in the at bat. Meaning, once you begin an AB throwing lefty, you must finish that at bat lefty before you can switch to righty.

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I've heard this before, but I can't remember the rules regarding ambidextrious pitching....

Is it that you must decide what side to throw from each at bat? I am 99.9% sure that you cannot change your delivery each pitch in the at bat. Meaning, once you begin an AB throwing lefty, you must finish that at bat lefty before you can switch to righty.

You're correct, and that also applies to the batter.

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