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thank you mvp baseball and mvp mods


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I have tried playing mlb2k7 for the 360, sliders, roster edits and all other etc. but nothing makes get in the game more than good old mvp 2005. Unlike 2k7, mvp makes have total control on whether I win a game or lose a game. So until someone can do a true simulation of baseball other than mvp, mvp will always remain on top.

One thing that got me all pissed is Ben Brinkman's conference on how there was so much problems with this game after its release, then I remember how much he was talking about this year's game and how good it was, but thats just marketing. All I can say is LONG LIVE MVP!

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Amen Kumala amen. I just got into a big debate with some high-school dropout at gamestop when he told me that MVP is soooo out dated and that MLB2k7 was far and above MVP even with the new mods, though when I asked him if ever played it with the mods he could not say yes.

MVP still reigns supreme and it's the modders that make it all possible and these great sites!

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I keep telling guys on xbox live that you gotta try mvp pc to see what really is a good baseball game. some of them have never heard of this site. Got some of them to convert over.

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Well simply for me it's programs like savreader and boxscore extractor. Also the minors. It's more like running a true baseball team. I love stats and stat programs. Contract negotiations and many other things. To me it's more in depth, granted it's possible because of these great modders and websites. MLB2K7 is more arcadish in my opinion. Plus I can print my rosters, scouting reports, contracts and again many other things.

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does anyone know if mvp is made for the Macintosh? just curious (i live in that "other" computer world)...or if the rosters put together here would even be compatible for it? thanks!

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what's lacking is the choices, batting cams, fielding cams, zone hitting and plain just good solid gameplay. sure graphics look awesome, but gameplay is a key ingrediant to an excellant game. When I talk zone hitting, it shouldn't be push up and slam a homerun or fly ball, with mvp, I can push up and still hit a ground ball. now also the long throws from the outfield wall all the way home. What happened to friction? To me, mvp is just more of a complete game than 2k7.

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