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Baseball Trivia


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I know that there are several trivia threds started already, but I'm starting this one anyways. It will have a point system similar to my "Name that car" thred I had going before my surgery. This will be a baseball trivia mostly, meaning that every 5th question, the winner of the last question will recieve a bonus question via PM (which will completely unrelated to baseball), and I'll post the question later for all to see.

Each question will be worth 1 point, with the bonus being 3. You will also lose points if you answer incorrectly. You can only have one answer per question as well. And with the bonus, if wrong, you'll loose 3 points, but if correct, you'll have the choice of gaining three points, or one point and subtracting 2 from someone else. If you are unable to answer or wish not to, someone else will have a chance to. If they answer correctly, they will take one point from your score for theirs. If they answer wrong, then nobody gains or loses any points.

So, with this all said, here's the first baseball trivia question:

Lou Gehrig, the Iron Horse, said a quote that will forever live on, when he said: "Today, I consider myself, the luckiest man on the face of the earth." Gehrig said that on Lou Gehrig appriciation day at Yankee Stadium, just before a game. Who was the opposing team?

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Oxbay- +1

August 19, 1951, Eddie Gaedel was walked on four pitches. Although this seems like something most certainly usual, this truely was not. Eddie Gaedel was a midget standing at 3foot7. He wore the uniform # 1/8. Who started that game for the St. Louis Browns?

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HFLR is correct. Pirate? Not moving to Cincy? Moving on....

HFLR- +1

Oxbay- +1

dbalash- +1

Question #4

This current Ace hails Anchorage Alaska as his town of birth. Who is he?

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Question #4

This current Ace hails Anchorage Alaska as his town of birth. Who is he?

Curt Schilling

Dave Williams, New York Mets :yernuts: :smile:

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Bonus question asked to HFLR:

Once a loveable child, this diplomat appeared on a cover of a National Magazine in the late 90's under the name of Black with a headline of "Surviving Breast Cancer."

Now, since he didn't answer this question, whoever does not only gains one point, but the person origionaly asked the question loses a point as well.

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Bonus question asked to HFLR:

Once a loveable child, this diplomat appeared on a cover of a National Magazine in the late 90's under the name of Black with a headline of "Surviving Breast Cancer."

Now, since he didn't answer this question, whoever does not only gains one point, but the person origionaly asked the question loses a point as well.

Shirley Temple

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Oh my God, he got it! Your up 1 pt, and HFLR is down one now.

If you dont mind me asking, how did you find the answer?

Oxbay- +2

HFLR- +1

dbalash- +1

Question #6

Time to step things up a bit.

The Boston Red Sox were close to signing a black baseball player before the Dodgers did, but then became the last team to do so. Who was the first black baseball player, and what were his stats for his first game?

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If you dont mind me asking, how did you find the answer?

Simple Yahoo search. :rocklicker:

Who was the first black baseball player, and what were his stats for his first game?

Moses Fleetwood Walker on May 1, 1884. He went 0-for-3 in his ML debut‚ allowing 2 passed balls and committing 4 errors.

* His brother Welday later joined him on the team and became the second black baseball player.

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Um, not what I was looking for, I was kinda refering to the pre cave-man days of Baseball, from the 1903+. Since I realy cannot accpet this answer, is that there were many leagues, and one place kept many of the records of the games. And unfortunately, most of these records were destroyed before the 1900's.

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Oh my God, he got it! Your up 1 pt, and HFLR is down one now.

If you dont mind me asking, how did you find the answer?

Oxbay- +2

HFLR- +1

dbalash- +1

Question #6

Time to step things up a bit.

The Boston Red Sox were close to signing a black baseball player before the Dodgers did, but then became the last team to do so. Who was the first black baseball player, and what were his stats for his first game?

it is jackie robinson who went 0 for 4 but scored the go-ahead run in the bottom of the seventh inning of Brooklyn's 5-3 victory.

Robinson fielded his position admirably, but was held hitless in three attempts. He rapped into a double play in the fifth with runners on first and third.

that's all i can find information to answer your question :contract:

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Question #6

Time to .

The Boston Red Sox were close to signing a black baseball player before the Dodgers did, but then became the last team to do so. Who was the first black baseball player, and what were his stats for his first game?

I assume you want the Red Sox 1st black player since you are "step(ing) things up a bit"

If not then this question was a no brainer

Pumpsie Green 7-21-59

entered in 8th as a pitch runner for Vic Wertz on 1sb base, finished game at SS, no ABs

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No, I didn't want that info. habs0 is correct.

Oxbay- +2

habs0- +1

HFLR- +1

dbalash- +1

Question #7

This Pitcher was once diagonosed with the flu, and was given Silver Nitrate by the team trainer to keep his throat wet and cool, bt was given too much of it and was poisoned. He had to be rushed to the hospital and given an antidote, but the Silver Nitrate left its mark, and this player had a raspy voice for the rest of his life. Who is the player?

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Who was the first black baseball player, and what were his stats for his first game?

I think you need to be a bit more specific in your questions when needed. Jackie Robinson is the incorrect answer to this question.

This Pitcher was once diagonosed with the flu, and was given Silver Nitrate by the team trainer to keep his throat wet and cool, bt was given too much of it and was poisoned. He had to be rushed to the hospital and given an antidote, but the Silver Nitrate left its mark, and this player had a raspy voice for the rest of his life. Who is the player?

Babe Ruth

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Very good on the Babe Ruth part. I figured the pitcher part would throw someone off.

Oxbay- +3

habs0- +1

HFLR- +1

dbalash- +1

This player played in 20 All Star games, has three World Series rings, and also won 3 MVP awards and was elected into the HOF on his first time on the ballot. This player also has over 3,00 hits and over 400 home runs.

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