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Attribute Updater


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Attribute Updater

This program updates the attributes for players and managers in the game's memory, based on what is in the following .dat files (which should be in the same folder as this program)






All stats and everything else should be unaffected.

Basic instructions: Start the game. Load/Start Dynasty or Owner mode. Minimize the game. Run this program in a folder that contains the .dat files which you want to update your dynasty/owner mode with.

Possible uses of this program:

1. When kg, Swingin' Soriano, Totte, or even yourself updates their rosters, you can put this program in the folder with the .dat files for the new rosters, load up your dynasty, then run this program, and the players will have the updated ratings.

2. You can use it to switch between the different rosters in the middle of a dynasty. Same directions as #1

3. You can undo most changes that you've done with the in-game player editor or with my MVP2005 Editor. Same directions as #1.

4. You can use it to update the ratings for just certain players. Just delete the players out of the .dat files that you don't want to update.

For example: Kraw has said that he likes KG's minor league ratings and Totte's major league ratings. He could start a dynasty with KG's rosters. Then he could delete all but the major league players out of Totte's .dat files. And then run this program in the folder with those edited .dat files.

5. You can use this to wipe out player progression in the offseason. Run my .dat Exporter before player progression. Then after player progression, put this program in the same folder as the .dat exporter and the newly created .dat files. Then run the program. All of the player ratings would have gone back to what they were before the player progression.

I have done just a little testing on this so far. I haven't came across any problems yet.

I'd appreciate it if some people would help me test it.

Requires .NET Framework 2.0. www.microsoft.com/downloads

Let me know if you have any problems, comments, etc...

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Question numbe 2.

This is not the mod that you were thinking about where it is a player progression kind of mod that says, "Ok, this AAA player is 2 star rated, he got 39 homers, and now he is a 4 star AAA player", is it?

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Question numbe 2.

This is not the mod that you were thinking about where it is a player progression kind of mod that says, "Ok, this AAA player is 2 star rated, he got 39 homers, and now he is a 4 star AAA player", is it?

No. It's not. Though a progression mod like that can be done.

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Would it be possible to somehow use this program to disable the CPU generated players in the FA-pool?

Not yet, but I can add that in as an option. If the audio id is not 1-9999, I will set the player to hidden.

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would it be possible to add roster.dat to this, or as a seperate program if that is easier

Roster.dat is hard to convert from text to it's memory format. I never really got it completely right for the .dat importer. (over 95% of the code from this program is from the .dat importer)

You probably missed this program in my MVP2005 Editor thread:


It allows importing and exporting of roster.bin which is the equivalent of roster.dat in memory.

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2. You can use it to switch between the different rosters in the middle of a dynasty. Same directions as #1

how did you pull that off when new created players since EA's release would have different HEXs IDs between the rosters?

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how did you pull that off when new created players since EA's release would have different HEXs IDs between the rosters?

AudioID like in the plusmaker.

When I imported the attrib.dat file, I made an array of the hex ids from the file, and an array of the audio ids. So when I'm doing the other files, I just need to search through the hex id array. When I find the match, I have the audio id for that player. After I have the audio id, I search another audio id array that I created from the memory version of attrib.dat. When I match the two audioids, I can figure out that player's memory address for lhattrib.dat, rhattrib.dat.

For pitcher.dat I had to do another couple of steps. I had to find the hex id in memory based on the audio id. After I found that, I need to match that hex id against the hexid list of pitchers. After that is done, I have the player's memory address for pitcher.dat

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Not yet, but I can add that in as an option. If the audio id is not 1-9999, I will set the player to hidden.

That would be really cool, thanks :)

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Here's a new version of the program. It has an option to hide all of the players that don't have an audio id of 1-9999. (If you don't select that option, it will unhide the players)

I still need to make an exception for Create-a-Players. Also I need to make pitcher.dat update faster if possible.

Edit: forgot to attach file.

Edit2: download removed

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Here's another new version of the program. It has an option to hide all of the players that don't have an audio id of 1-9999. (If you don't select that option, it will unhide the players)

I still need to make an exception for Create-a-Players. Also I need to make pitcher.dat update faster if possible.

The last version would always hide the players.

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  • 1 month later...

Edit: I got it to work. Restarted the PC and worked amazingly.

One thing, could i make the rosters up-to-date on my save? like braun with the brewers, clemens to AAA, etc.

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I have tried several times unsuccessfully to update my dynasty. The attributeupdater program is in the same folder as the attribute files. I run the program and when done nothing changes. Any suggestions for the idiots that are having trouble out there?

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Here's another new version of the program. It has an option to hide all of the players that don't have an audio id of 1-9999. (If you don't select that option, it will unhide the players)

I still need to make an exception for Create-a-Players. Also I need to make pitcher.dat update faster if possible.

The last version would always hide the players.

So, I can use this to update attributes (but not rosters) in the middle of a dynasty without affecting my created players? Am I right in saying that?

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