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Infielder Depth


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does anyone know how to change the depth of infielders (like ronnie belliard playing deep) and what programs i can use? this would help a lot thanks.
There is a section in the datafile that controls the 'standard' positions of the fielders. IE. Standard, double play, left shift, right shift, drawn in etc...

Infielders are positioned on X and Z axes, with the numbers being distances in feet up the first and third base lines.

The outfielders are positioned using a percentage of the distance between home plate and the fence, plus an angle to locate them left and right.

The infield section looks like this:

0xda07f2a0 18 15;16 ShortstopXfeet;6 FirstBase;1 PitcherXfeet;15 Shortstop;5 CatcherZfeet;17 ShortstopZfeet;9 SecondBase;2 PitcherZfeet;7 FirstBaseXfeet;8 FirstBaseZfeet;10 SecondBaseXfeet;12 ThirdBase;13 ThirdBaseXfeet;11 SecondBaseZfeet;14 ThirdBaseZfeet;3 Catcher;4 CatcherXfeet;0 Pitcher;

0x85160897 18<if_standard_lh>;0 ;1 42.8;2 42.8;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 20.0;8 110.0;9 ;10 59.0;11 128.0;12 ;13 100.0;14 20.0;15 ;16 124.0;17 70.0;

0x8516095d 18<if_standard_rh>;0 ;1 42.8;2 42.8;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 20.0;8 100.0;9 ;10 72.0;11 119.0;12 ;13 110.0;14 20.0;15 ;16 124.0;17 64.0;

0x8ff26577 18<if_doubleplay_lh>;0 ;1 42.8;2 42.8;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 15.0;8 100.0;9 ;10 60.0;11 119.0;12 ;13 100.0;14 20.0;15 ;16 118.0;17 68.0;

0x8ff2663d 18<if_doubleplay_rh>;0 ;1 42.8;2 42.8;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 20.0;8 100.0;9 ;10 70.0;11 120.0;12 ;13 100.0;14 15.0;15 ;16 124.0;17 65.0;

0x96ebf586 18<if_slaphitter_lh>;0 ;1 42.8;2 42.8;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 20.0;8 100.0;9 ;10 55.0;11 120.0;12 ;13 85.0;14 15.0;15 ;16 120.0;17 65.0;

0x96ebf64c 18<if_slaphitter_rh>;0 ;1 42.8;2 42.8;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 15.0;8 100.0;9 ;10 55.0;11 110.0;12 ;13 80.0;14 25.0;15 ;16 110.0;17 70.0;

0xaf55ab55 18<if_sacbunt2>;0 ;1 42.8;2 42.8;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 12.0;8 85.0;9 ;10 55.0;11 110.0;12 ;13 90.0;14 16.0;15 ;16 110.0;17 55.0;

0xb3c9815e 18<if_extremeshift_lh>;0 ;1 42.78;2 42.78;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 15.00;8 120.00;9 ;10 50.00;11 124.00;12 ;13 125.00;14 60.00;15 ;16 85.00;17 125.00;

0xb3c98224 18<if_extremeshift_rh>;0 ;1 42.78;2 42.78;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 50.00;8 125.00;9 ;10 125.00;11 85.00;12 ;13 120.00;14 15.00;15 ;16 124.00;17 50.00;

0xf4624142 18<if_spray>;0 ;1 42.78;2 42.78;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 15.00;8 105.00;9 ;10 65.00;11 105.00;12 ;13 105.00;14 15.00;15 ;16 105.00;17 65.00;

0x2a670a5 18<if_infieldin>;0 ;1 42.78;2 42.78;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 20.00;8 95.00;9 ;10 60.00;11 95.00;12 ;13 95.00;14 15.00;15 ;16 95.00;17 50.00;

0xc2ea6b3 18<if_pullhitter_lh>;0 ;1 42.78;2 42.78;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 15.00;8 115.00;9 ;10 65.00;11 129.00;12 ;13 105.00;14 25.00;15 ;16 115.00;17 85.00;

0xc2ea779 18<if_pullhitter_rh>;0 ;1 42.78;2 42.78;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 25.00;8 105.00;9 ;10 75.00;11 115.00;12 ;13 115.00;14 15.00;15 ;16 119.00;17 65.00;

0x49297d47 18<if_sacbunt1_lh>;0 ;1 42.78;2 42.78;3 ;4 -3.2;5 -3.2;6 ;7 6.0;8 74.00;9 ;10 60.00;11 115.00;12 ;13 90.00;14 10.00;15 ;16 115.00;17 65.00;

So, in that example, for a "Standard LH" infield, the SS is positioned 124 feet up the 3rd base line and 70 feet up the first base line (at the point where those two numbers intersect). While for a "Standard RH" set up he is 6 feet closer to the third base line, only 64 feet up the first base line.

It's a bit confusing, but at least there is no calculation or conversion needed, it's simply in feet.

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so if i were to make my whole infield play deeper as standard, which numbers do i change? i tried to change things but its seems like they just played the same position every time.
Well, think of it as a graph. You need to move each infielder separately, increasing the X value for the 3B and the SS, and increasing the Z value for the 2B and 1B.

Imagine this, a value of 0 for the X variable would have the player standing right on the first base line. You could move him up the line by increasing the Z value. Similarly, a value of 0 in the Z variable would have the player standing on the third base line, and increasing the X value would move him up the line towards 3rd base.

If you notice, the catcher has 2 negative values. Home plate would be X=0 and Z=0, so to put him behind the plate both values are negative.

As long as you are comfortable editing the datafile, it shouldn't be too difficult to make these changes.

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