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Help making own portraits


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So, I'm trying to make my own portraits using Kraw's tutorial from EA Mods and his installer thingy.

It appears I have everything right. Yet when I install the portraits, I get a black box where the photo should be. Not the default black outline head, but a black box.

Any ideas? Seems to happen more on guys I'm having to create a Audio/Photo ID number for. Some help on what ID# slots are open/not used would help immensely too.

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I haven't looked at Kraw's tutorial but does that inform you to create an alpha-image? If not, then that could be your problem. Basically you would need a 8-bit alpha image to go along with your 24-bit portrait.bmp. Hope that makes sense. And thats another thing, make sure that your portrait is 24-bits and the alpha image is 8-bit. Also, are you creating 1X or 2X portraits?

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The portraits I created were 256x256 and I did use an alpha.

It seems like the problem is with my having to create a photo ID #...they work more often than not unless that's the case.

Someone got a step-by-step of how they do this that definitely works for them almost without fail?

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Here's the link to a previous thread in which I asked for A LOT of help and brought up many little details. Most or all of my problems got fixed, so maybe take a look around in there and see if any of the tips that people offer help you out.

Here's my basic step-by-step:

1) When you're making a player in MVPedit, find a Photo/Audio # that is not used yet. The square next to it should show the black outline guy.

2) Jot that number down for later and close MVPedit

3) Use kraw's portrait maker to combine the photo/alpha together and assign it the A/P number you jotted down earlier. This will make a .fsh file.

4) Use kraw's installer thingy to install that .fsh file

5) Open MVPedit, load up the appropriate .mbe file and go to the player whose picture you wanted to make. Now the square from step 1) should say "no picture found." Single left click on this, select the photo and alpha again and the picture should come up correctly.

6) Export the datafile and then close MVPedit

7) Load up the game, go to rosters and RESET ROSTERS. This should help to make sure that all changes you make actually take place. Now check you players to see if they have the right pictures in-game.

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I can't comment on Owner Mode because I only do exhibition games (I can never force myself to go through a full season, so I don't even try). Don't go into Owner Mode and then reset, if that's what you're thinking. As soon as the game loads up, go to Roster Management and then Reset Rosters.

Doesn't Owner Mode actually run off a different roster set anyways? A change made in Owner Mode shouldn't affect the basic exhibition game rosters.

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