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My principal sucks...


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My principal is this guy who's about 7 feet tall, yet always has hid head where the sun dont shine. He always wears green suits and bowling shoes so he looks like a retarted Christmas Tree.

Well, anyways, I asked my tutor to ask him if I could be excused from my senior project because of ym condition, and he said no. Dosn't sound bad, but my senior project requires me to become a mountain goat and climb the side of a mountain just about, and re-spray the school letters which are painted on a pile of rocks. It's hard to describe, but it's bug project. I wrote the report last year, and the project was intented to be done by two kids, me and a friend, but he's making me do it alone. That was the first bad news. And now he wont excuse me because he said "I should have known that I was having surgery at the start of the year." Well hell, I didn't know that I was going to have surgery in December, let alone the start of the year.

So, my tutor came up with a god idea, write a report on my surgery, and my limitations so I can present it to a group of people, where he'll be included. And more bad news, suprisingly, I cant find much info on my surgery online! This keeps getting better and better, lol.

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That's a good idea by your tutor. Try to get some people on your side whether it's parents, teachers, friends, or relatives and have them talk to your principal. Anyone will help.

Did your principal give you an actual reason as to why he's not letting you be excused from this project? From what you're saying, it is COMPLETELY unfair that you're being forced to do this, so what is his reasoning behind his choice? Also, why is he making you do it alone?

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If he's 7 feet tall,he can re-spray the school letters.

Maybe he is a retarded Cristmas tree.

I think it's so stupid that he thinks that his name Hitler.

Very good idea by your tutor...but i have a better idea:send your principal to an asylum.

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No superciuc, you read it wrong. The guy doesn't think his name it Hitler, that's what he is called by the students.

I know that they call him Hitler,but i think that this principal is so stupid that he thinks that his name is Hitler because they call him Hitler (in my opinion)

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If I said he thinks he's Hitler, I mistyped. I ment that he wonders why we call him Hitler, because he acts like a dicktator. Also, He's reasoning for me not being excused was that I should have known that I was having this surgery at the start of the year. He usually acts worse, I was lucky to get a tutor. The last kid that went homebound, he didn't allow them to have a tutor, and when they switched to full time homeschool, he wouldn't allow them to have the books. He can be a jerk sometimes, well, ok, all the time. If I played basketball, I'd get away with murder.

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There are several things wrong here:

1. Principal Skinner here is being a little uptight. Does he not understand your limitations or are there reasons for him to think you can climb a hill?

2. Not trying to be a jerk, but it will sound that way. Maybe your tutor could teach you how to spell or write with correct grammer. I know it's a message board, but this is excellent practice. If I was your prinicipal and saw these kinds of errors, I'd be hard on you too. He probably feels he is not performing up to his own stndards when seniors cannot write correctly.

3. You have to paint letters for a senior project? What kind of school do you go to? For english alone, I had to write a 20 page thesis on classic literature compared to modern works using at least one exaple from each era to support our thoughts on there never being a new litterary idea. Senior high school english. I won't even get into my physics class.

You've got it easy kid. Unless your doctor provides you an excuse you need to do the project. Principal Skinner cannot deny a doctor's orders.

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Unless your doctor provides you an excuse you need to do the project. Principal Skinner cannot deny a doctor's orders.

Exactly man. Talk to your doc, talk to your parents, tell them what is going on, and if they have to get involved in this to protect your health then let them. He has no right to order you to do something that is going to endanger your physical well-being, it doesn't matter who he thinks he is. If this is something that can aggrivate your condition then the adults are going to have to get involved. It doesn't matter if it's your parents, your dodctor, the school board, the health department, child services or the media - get some adult allies. You shouldn't have to fight this alone.

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In reply to Pirate-

1. He dosn't care, thats the kind of person he is. A total dictator. It was worse when he was a teacher, he'd make fun of you in class. He's only been principal for a few years, and the other man qualified for the job, they wont give it to him since he was caught looking up porn on a fellow teachers computer.

2. I know I got is easy, kinda, but I dont want to write that long *** report again. English isn't my best subject, and I try my best to work on it in forums, but I suppose writing 7 pages on my surgery will be easier than writing it on spray paint. I cant have a doctors excuse from writing a report and presenting it via PowerPoint.

3. I go to a highschool that is one of the worst in the area, possibly the state. people can tell what school we come from just by watching us do math.

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I know that they call him Hitler,but i think that this principal is so stupid that he thinks that his name is Hitler because they call him Hitler (in my opinion)

I don't think they call him Hitler to his face. But if he does answer to the name Hitler I don't think it's stupid, I think it's plain crazy.

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He answers to it with a Saturday Dentntion. The guys at school used to love me, because when he'd walk into the caf, I'd stand up and stretch out my arm, and yell "Heil Hitler!" I never was caught though.

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When all else fails, and you lean toward "abort mission mod", aka self destruct mode, and you're looking for some pranks you're not supposed to do, let me know.

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When all else fails, and you lean toward "abort mission mod", aka self destruct mode, and you're looking for some pranks you're not supposed to do, let me know.

We were supposto "fix" his hot tub so that it would spray blue dye, so we'd have a smurf for a day or 2, but that got canceled when I went for surgery. Sure, tell me a few via PM if you want, I wont mind :mwha: .

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My principal is this guy who's about 7 feet tall, yet always has hid head where the sun dont shine. He always wears green suits and bowling shoes so he looks like a retarted Christmas Tree.

Well, anyways, I asked my tutor to ask him if I could be excused from my senior project because of ym condition, and he said no. Dosn't sound bad, but my senior project requires me to become a mountain goat and climb the side of a mountain just about, and re-spray the school letters which are painted on a pile of rocks. It's hard to describe, but it's bug project. I wrote the report last year, and the project was intented to be done by two kids, me and a friend, but he's making me do it alone. That was the first bad news. And now he wont excuse me because he said "I should have known that I was having surgery at the start of the year." Well hell, I didn't know that I was going to have surgery in December, let alone the start of the year.

So, my tutor came up with a god idea, write a report on my surgery, and my limitations so I can present it to a group of people, where he'll be included. And more bad news, suprisingly, I cant find much info on my surgery online! This keeps getting better and better, lol.

When did they stop teaching spelling in school?

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Does anyone else find it offensive that the name Hitler is being thrown around without much regard for how "loaded" that name is?

3. I go to a highschool that is one of the worst in the area, possibly the state. people can tell what school we come from just by watching us do math.

LOL -- That made me laugh... well done.

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When did they stop teaching spelling in school?

Apparently, the same day they stopped teaching reading.

From this site's RULES page:

II. Forum Etiquette

- Pointing out Spelling/Grammar errors isn't necessary.

The best way to improve the overall presentation of the forums is not to post in every poorly written thread complaining about it. Instead, practice what you preach: try to write reasoned, well-thought out, well-written posts.

We've all done it, I know - but you've obviously seen that Medric's spelling has already been commented on numerous times in this thread - so maybe you could find a more productive way to make your first/second post.

I know it can be painful to read poorly written posts sometimes, when it seems spelling and/or grammar has been thrown to the wind - but there's no need to be insulting about it. Thank you for participating in the thread, however.

And: Welcome to MVPmods.com!

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well medric, if your doctor requires limited activity, his recommendations take precedence. if your principal declares otherwise, he can do so by simply having you get a second opinion. otherwise, he cannot tell you to do something your doctor has not cleared you for. he can however, simply make you do it at a later date. so it's simple in the matter that you need to decide whether or not it's worth the fight.

if he is insisting that you do it eventhough your doctor will not clear you for it, you can simply ask him to show his medical license. if doesn't present you with one, you can also contact the state licensing board to ask why a principal is practicing medicine without a license.

and if that's still not good enough for him, get yourself a lawyer and have your principal and the superintendant sign a waiver stating that they will take full responsability for anything that may happen to you as a result of doing this work because he is choosing to play doctor. him stating that you knew you were going to have surgery well ahead of time is none of his business. HIPAA regulations make it quite clear that your medical history and records are no one else's business and are to be kept confidential (minus some exceptions of course).

anyhow, not giving you medical advice, but that's what i would do. man, those senior projects. when did people stop doing stuff that meant anything? i made a comic book when i did mine. but that's because it used to be an interest to me.

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There are several things wrong here:

2. Not trying to be a jerk, but it will sound that way. Maybe your tutor could teach you how to spell or write with correct grammar. I know it's a message board, but this is excellent practice. If I was your principal and saw these kinds of errors, I'd be hard on you too. He probably feels he is not performing up to his own standards when seniors cannot write correctly.

3. You have to paint letters for a senior project? What kind of school do you go to? For English alone, I had to write a 20-page thesis on classic literature compared to modern works using at least one exaple from each era to support our thoughts on there never being a new literary idea Sentence is overlong with a string of prepositional phrases. Consider re-phrasing with multiple sentences.. Senior high school English. I won't even get into my physics class.


(Just kidding, Pirate...checked the boards during a break from grading actual English papers and thought I'd poke a little fun at you.)

EDIT: Missed the rule-dropping before I posted this. Can we consider it for the joke that it is and not consider me in violation of the forum rules? Please? Pleeeeease?

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Oh, and Medric...the proper way to handle this situation is by uttering the following sentence:

"I may not be well enough to climb a mountain, but I'm in good enough shape to beat your ***, old man! I'm all jacked on on Mountain Dew!"

(Just kidding again.)

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Ha, this thread sounds like my life. My mom is an English teacher and she corrects everything I say, none better than the classic, "me and my buddies are going out." If I had a nickel for everytime I was corrected, I'd have like sixty some nickels.

Anyway, on topic, that's a tough scenario. Take it up with the school district if need be. That can be considered discrimination in some way I'm sure.

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