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Need some time

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Well, I'm going to need some time off for a while from the sig contest, probably a week if at all possible. This morning, we got a phone call that my grandfather passed away in the night. He was in his 70's. Me and him were very close, and I'll need some time off. Man, what a hell of a time I've been having this year.

Also, for those who I promised to do some work for, you can either wait a little while longer or ask someone else to do it. Most of the work I'm just about done with, but the choice is yours.

Thanks for understanding, and if I'm not back or ready by the scheduled time feel free to give whoever is matched up against me a win. Thanks.

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Sorry for your loss Medric.

As for the sig contest, I think we should postpone it. I am having a heck of a time trying to get sigs here, etc...

Why not take a week, regroup and hopefully I can get the contestants on this end to make a commitment.

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Don't you worry about taking time off medric. This is only a sig contest. Your family comes first. You should feel fortunate that you knew your grandfather. Both of my grandfathers died before I was born and I never got the chance to know them. My condolences to you and your family.

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Well his memorial service is today, and then they are sprinkling his ashes over a local airport because he loved planes, so probably by Wednsday, I'll be able to continue the contest.

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Don't you worry about taking time off medric. This is only a sig contest. Your family comes first. You should feel fortunate that you knew your grandfather. Both of my grandfathers died before I was born and I never got the chance to know them. My condolences to you and your family.

I've never know one of my grandfather, he died in 1974. The other grandfather is on a wheelchair. As for my grandmother, one has passed away in 1998 and the other is still alive.

This things bring back sad memories.

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I tried to avoid this thread after I read about someone's grandfather passing. I love mine with all my heart because I've grown up with my grandparents and the thought of him leaving me will break me completely. I'm talking about like a nervous breakdown type of "break me".

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I'm talking about like a nervous breakdown type of "break me".

Yeah, thats how I felt too.

The following is from another forum that I am a member of (no, it not EAMods)

Yeah, thanks guys. It was a beautiful service. Nice day, and everyone was close to tears if not already there. He was the kind of guy that just lit up a room, you know. Even the Pastor was crying when he gave the service. I didn't cry though. Afterward, we went to his favorite restaurant and ate dinner, the whole group of us, and most laughed and cried some more. No, not me. I was string and solid like a rock. And when we got into the car, my mom handed me something. It was my grandfathers hat that he always wore. He had it for years. He loved that hat, you know. I asked for it, and my grandmother said OK. Even after one of her daughters asked for it, she said it was taken. When I got that hat passed to me in the car, I lost it. I cried my head off. I dont think I ever cried that much in my life. Hell, I'm still crying now, and hour plus since I got it. Man, I know he's hard to describe to you guys, but that man had so much love in him, it was impossible to hate him unless you were filled with pure evil. He could always make you laugh. Even when he was going though his cancer two years ago, he still could make you laugh your pants off. He's the kind of guy that the world has so few of because they broke the mould of him. He'll be missed by all, and he was a guy I loved alot. When he died, I couldn't believe it. I mean, I'm old enough to understand death, but I had never lost someone close to me before. My mom says I'm just like him, body frame, look, even the humor. But I'll never be the man thta my grandfather was. He gave me the nickname of Buba when I was a small child, and he's the only one I let call me that. Out of his over 25 grandchildren, I was the only one with a nickname. He also influenced my decision to want to join the NAVY, since he was in the NAVY during WWII and the Korean War.

I love you Pansy, I know your up there making God laugh now. See you before you know it. I love you-

Your Buba

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