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Pardon Paris Hilton!!

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I'm not kidding, that's what's going on right now. Some guy who knows Paris is starting an online petition to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to not have her go to jail starting June 5th. This isn't going to get her any sympathy from anyone. They should give this airhead another 45 days because of this.

'Free Paris Hilton' Petition Appears Online

A petition has appeared online asking Governor Schwarzenegger to pardon Paris Hilton for her “mistake.”

The petition was started by a Paris fan known only as Joshua, whose friend is using the socialite’s Myspace page to encourage “all fans and supporters and all that are outraged by injustice” to sign it.

Addressed to “The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,” the petition describes Paris as “an American celebrity and socialite” who “provides hope for young people all over the US and the world.”

It then goes on to insist that, although drink driving is wrong, Paris’s crime is not serious enough to warrant jail time:

“We, the American public who support Paris, are shocked, dismayed and appalled by how Paris has been the person to be used as an example that Drunk Driving is wrong. We do not support drunk driving or DUI charges. Paris should have been sober. But she shouldn't go to jail, either.”

Paris is set to begin a 45 day jail sentence on June 5.


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If she is pardoned, imagine the message that it will send out. That only the rich and beautiful are excused from the law. Governator, if you do this, think if free rooks at the Hilton hotels are worth being made to look like a fool. But the movie Commando did much of that for you, so there's not much work to do there.

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Addressed to “The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,†the petition describes Paris as “an American celebrity and socialite†who “provides hope for young people all over the US and the world.â€

LMAO... :twocents:

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Addressed to “The Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,†the petition describes Paris as “an American celebrity and socialite†who “provides hope for young people all over the US and the world.â€

What? She doesn't provides hope for young people all over the US and the world, she's just a *****. I hope that she goes 45 years in jail.

And Y4L, stop doing this threads about Paris hilton or i'm going to ban you :lmao: .

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As someone who lives in California, and unfortunately close to Hollywood, Arnold would be my hero if he took the petition and set it on fire

And I'd like to see him do this on National TV.

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"Come with me if you want to live!"

on topic: I think DUI charges should be more strict. Especially for those who have been charged before.

Yeah, and if she's arrested without underwear on, it should be an antomatic 3 years. If combinded with a black cocktail dress, lets not go there.

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This gets even worse! Check out this article from the New York Post. There's already OVER 900 SIGNATURES!

Hilton Shifts Moods, Rehires Publicist

AP Photo

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The many moods of Paris Hilton shifted again when the jail-bound socialite rehired the publicist she blamed for her 45-day sentence. Elliot Mintz confirmed to The Associated Press on Tuesday that he is again representing the 26-year-old socialite, who was ordered to report to county jail by June 5 for violating the terms of her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.

Mintz, 62, wouldn't elaborate on why he reunited with Hilton. The publicist, whose clients have included John Lennon and Bob Dylan, issued a statement Sunday night that he and Hilton had parted ways over an apparent "misunderstanding she received from me regarding the terms of her probation."

In a court appearance Friday, Hilton told the judge Mintz informed her it was all right to drive on a suspended license for work obligations. Mintz also testified Hilton believed she was allowed to drive. The judge called Mintz's testimony worthless.

Hilton - star of E! network's reality show "The Simple Life" - has called the sentence unfair, and her fans have posted a petition on the Internet urging Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to pardon her.

"I feel that I was treated unfairly and that the sentence is both cruel and unwarranted and I don't deserve this," Hilton told photographers assembled outside her home Saturday.

In an interview for the June issue of Harper's Bazaar, Hilton says: "I get in more trouble just because of who I am. The cops do it all the time. They'll just pull me over to hit on me."

"It's really annoying. They're like, `What's your phone number? Want to go to dinner?' They won't even give me a ticket. They just pull me over, and the paparazzi, of course, take a picture. All the time. I have so many cops' business cards."

The governor's office hasn't reviewed the petition but has received individual e-mails from constituents both for and against a gubernatorial pardon, Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said Tuesday.

"We'll treat this as we would any other case of this nature, but it would be premature for the governor to get involved until the individual has exhausted his or her judicial remedies," McLear said.

The petition, which had more than 900 signatures by Tuesday morning, urges Schwarzenegger to pardon Hilton because she provides "beauty and excitement to (most of) our otherwise mundane lives."

Meanwhile, Hilton's lawyers have filed a notice with the court indicating their intent to appeal the decision. The document is required before a formal appeal can be lodged.

The latest installment of "The Simple Life," which throws Hilton and pal Nicole Richie, 25, into everyday situations, premieres May 28 on E! After famously feuding and filming their parts separately last season, the celebutantes reunite as camp counselors for the show's fifth installment.


On the Net:

MySpace Web page identified as Paris Hilton's:


The petition:




Harper's Bazaar:



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Who cares about the petition? Paris Hilton lives in the USA and she has to respect the law. If she doesn't, she goes to the jail.

That's true, and this stuff only happens here in the USA. There's a ton of people like Paris Hilton who think because they have money they don't have to follow the same rules as everyone. Look at all the money she has. She can drink all she wants and she can afford to hire someone to drive her around town 24/7. I have no sympathy for her at all.

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What is this going to prove if she gets out of jail? That just because you have money you're free to do whatever you want?

Great example.

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If he actually were to pardon, I think he would lose complete respect from just about everyone in the state/country, and everyone convicted of DUI's (I think thats what shes in trouble for?) would try and use the 'Well Paris Hilton got off with just a little slap on the wrist, why can't I?' excuse, and there would be big problems.

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Your wrong, rich dumb S***'s will love whim everywhere.

I'd like to kick her between the legs, just to see how far my foot would go.

It'll be like throwing a show in a gymnasium.

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Actually, she's not going to jail for DUI. She already had her license suspended after a previous DUI charge, and she was then caught again, with her license, thus violating her probation. That is why she is going to jail.

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I was going to point that out too, Fred. She's not being jailed for her drunk driving, though that's certainly worthy. She's being jailed for her total disregard for her previous punishment.

In other news, nobody gives a **** about petitions, especially online ones, so I wouldn't lose too much sleep over this....

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Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your actions? Celebrities and the rich believe that they're above the law. This has been going on for years. Paris is just the latest example of a society that's run amok.

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