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Switch Hitter Audio Mod


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As most of you might have noticed, when a switch hitter comes to bat in the game, 07 mod or default installation, the announcers always get it wrong what side of the plate he likes to hit from. for example, if you have a switch hitter who is much better hitting right handed against a lefty pitcher, the game always either says something like "he looks way more comfortable hitting from the left side" or "he much rather face righty pitching" or something along these lines.

anyhoo, is it possible to change this to make it right? the announcers always say the opposite of the truth. im no modder, but maybe just taking those audio files and editing the left/right to the opposite. or maybe, idk how it works, but if there are like triggers for the comments by the announcers, like flip flop the triggers or something. idk how you would go about doing this, but it does sound possible.

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I've noticed this too, but wasn't sure if it was true for all switch hitters. It's certainly got Berkman pegged wrong though.

Should be a matter of finding the two audio files and switching them, right?

Where's UncleMo when you need him?

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