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Those fishy .fsh files ...


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Ok, I am past the point of frustration on this. No one can seem to help me, so it's come to this:

Yes, I am BEGGING someone out there to just create the damn .fsh files for me. Seeing as how I can't do it with any program, I am willing to BEG for someone else to do it. If you take paypal donations, I will make a DONATION to get my .fsh files!!! I don't care what the pictures are, I can change those with the FSHed program, I just want .fsh files in the right numbers!!


All I wanted to do was create 19 easy .fsh files, then I could start my dynasty, but NOOOOOO. It seems my computer just can't handle that.

So you heard me right, I will beg, I will donate, I don't care what pictures they are, I just want the following .fsh files created:


Thanks to anyone who is even considering this ...

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Holy crap, Double XX, you never cease to amaze me. You've definitely got to be the coolest person thats helped me out so far. Sending them here would be great:


Now for the reward. Have you heard about gmail? If so and you want an invite, let me know. If not, i'll explain it to ya.

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