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Pitch questions....


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okay...I'm currently playing on pro and I have no trouble with pitching. I know how to work the count, how to get batters to chase and all that other sweet stuff.

I've noticed though that I get hit against when I throw these 3 pitches:

1) Splitter

2) Change up

3) Cutter

That's probably because I'm not all that familiar with the movement of these pitches and that might cause my location to be a bit off.

If someone could explain to me what exact movement these pitches have and perhaps a few tips or advice on location and such, then I'll be a happy camper.


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Change-up: You should Throw this after a high speed pitch..... like the fastball ... This pitch has a little movement but works real well after high-speed pitch. Mostly goes straight....average speed around 75-81 MPH

Cutter: This Pitch Goes straight down with pretty decent speed...This is all I know bout the cutter.... its bout 85-90 MPH

Splitter: I'm not sure if this is correct... but I think this pitch goes straight...UNTIL.... it reachs to the hitter and I think it drops... about the speed of a cutter....but maybe 1-2 MPH off....

Hope this helps.

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I am a pitching instructor so let me see if I can relate this to you...

1> Splitter... is primarily a strike out pitch...it is not meant to be thrown as a strike but is presented to give the illusion of a strike. It is ALWAYS thrown LOW in the zone. It is meant to have a very late break to it. It is similar to the forkball in that regards. The thing with a splitter is that it is a faster pitch that is used 0-2, or 1-2 when you are ahead in the count. The reason a splitter gets blasted is because if you leave it a little up then it drops right to the sweet spot of the bat. If it has no movement on it then SEE YA LATER you are looking 400 feet the other direction....

2>Change up.... is a pitch used to affect timing of the hitter. The straight change can be used anytime in the count but is most effective when mixed in with a hard heater. It is again, like most pitches thrown best LOW in the zone. It should have a nice downward movement to it. It is not a very late breaking pitch but it is what we call a set up pitch. A straight change followed by a hard cutter or splitter can be deadly. A general rule of thumb with a change is that the velocity should be about 10-12 MPH slower than your 4 seamer.

3>Cutter... is essentially a modification of a 2 seam fastball. It is meant to look like a slider but it is a difficult pitch to control. Hence why it gets hit so hard. A cutter is meant to be an out pitch that is best thrown HARD and TIGHT. It is meant to saw off a hitter and jam him on the hands. That is when it is most effective. A hard cutter thrown with some tail from a Righty to a RH batter is deadly. It is generally not as hard as a 4 seamer about 5-7MPH slower is best. It is also a pitch that has a very late break to it. It almost seems to jump inside to a hitter at the last moment.

I hope that I have given you a little insight into pitching. I can tell you how to throw these pitches if you would like in another column to help you better understand the Physics of each pitch!!!!

Take care and happy sawing off of batters...

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I am a pitching instructor so let me see if I can relate this to you...

1> Splitter... is primarily a strike out pitch...it is not meant to be thrown as a strike but is presented to give the illusion of a strike. It is ALWAYS thrown LOW in the zone. It is meant to have a very late break to it. It is similar to the forkball in that regards. The thing with a splitter is that it is a faster pitch that is used 0-2, or 1-2 when you are ahead in the count. The reason a splitter gets blasted is because if you leave it a little up then it drops right to the sweet spot of the bat. If it has no movement on it then SEE YA LATER you are looking 400 feet the other direction....

2>Change up.... is a pitch used to affect timing of the hitter. The straight change can be used anytime in the count but is most effective when mixed in with a hard heater. It is again, like most pitches thrown best LOW in the zone. It should have a nice downward movement to it. It is not a very late breaking pitch but it is what we call a set up pitch. A straight change followed by a hard cutter or splitter can be deadly. A general rule of thumb with a change is that the velocity should be about 10-12 MPH slower than your 4 seamer.

3>Cutter... is essentially a modification of a 2 seam fastball. It is meant to look like a slider but it is a difficult pitch to control. Hence why it gets hit so hard. A cutter is meant to be an out pitch that is best thrown HARD and TIGHT. It is meant to saw off a hitter and jam him on the hands. That is when it is most effective. A hard cutter thrown with some tail from a Righty to a RH batter is deadly. It is generally not as hard as a 4 seamer about 5-7MPH slower is best. It is also a pitch that has a very late break to it. It almost seems to jump inside to a hitter at the last moment.

I hope that I have given you a little insight into pitching. I can tell you how to throw these pitches if you would like in another column to help you better understand the Physics of each pitch!!!!

Take care and happy sawing off of batters...

Wow....Thats a lot of Info....More Plz :)

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thank you very much TBjays. Like the guy above me said, more please, haha.

I never grew up with baseball so I'm kinda new to this and replies like yours make me understand the sport better, thanx. I'll keep your name on top of the list if I have anymore pitching questions.

once again, thanx a bunch.

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