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Fielding Gloves


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I know this is kind of anal of me to say, but it really bothers me that first basemen don't use a first baseman's mitt. Is there a way someone can make one that can be used in the game and is relativly easy to install.


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There is no easy way. The problem is that you can't assign specific gloves to specific positions....How can I explain....there are 5 gloves that the game uses, let's say I was to edit glove number 1 to look like a first baseman's mitt...no problem, I'm sure I could do it. Then you would have to go through everyone in the league and make sure that only first basemen are using glove 1 because the game has no way of knowing that it is for first basemen only....the problem would be compounded everytime new players are created by the CPU, and/or called up from the minors....no easy task.

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Thanks Spitoon, I get what you are saying, and that makes sense, but couldn't we think of it in the reverse. If someone was to make a first basemen's mitt, they could make it so it replaces glove 5, that blue one, and then I just have to change first baseman. Changing just the first basemen would me a more managable task. Anyway, maybe it could be made for people like me who would want to take the time to change them.

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Thanks Spitoon, I get what you are saying, and that makes sense, but couldn't we think of it in the reverse. If someone was to make a first basemen's mitt, they could make it so it replaces glove 5, that blue one, and then I just have to change first baseman. Changing just the first basemen would me a more managable task. Anyway, maybe it could be made for people like me who would want to take the time to change them.

That's exactly how I explained it. I could make glove 5 look more like a first baseman's mitt, but then you would have to go through the entire league and change all 1st basemen to use glove 5 and ensure that no other non-1st basemen were using glove 5....and then, as players are generated by the CPU, or called up from the minors, you would have to go through again....it's definitely possible, but I think it would be an ongoing process, where you would have to regularly check for call ups to ensure that they weren't wearing it unless they were playing 1st base....the start of every new year would be challenging as well because there is a lot of player movement around that time....

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