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MVP Baseball 2005 = Windows Vista?


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Vista is quite pointless if you ask me high requirements eats alot RAM and resources I prefer XP Pro and will be staying with it for awhile of course DX 10 works only with vista at this time but there isnt really applications that benefit with Vista at this time according to some reviews DX 10 actually slows down the FPS of games so i say vista = $0

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cool. Also I been reading that XP really takes time for it to know the Dual-Core processors and new hardware.

I'm planning on building a computer as my birthday gift ($1,350 total) and I really want to be really sure.

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Dont know if this helps any but I thought I would pass these along to ya. There really is no reason on upgrading to Vista right now. I would hold off on buying a DX10 card as well. Put that money aside and save up for an even better card when one does come out. Ive heard from too many people to stay away from Vista. At least 10 people told me Spiderman 3 sucked and I saw it anyways. You know what, they were right. Vista just came out and it will get better with a service pack and better support. XP still has SP3 down the road as well.

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I'm planning on building a computer as my birthday gift ($1,350 total) and I really want to be really sure.

If you are going to build a computer, go with Vista now. Make sure you build the box to handle it...dual-core, 2+gigs of RAM, etc. Most everything I had installed on XP installs and runs fine on Vista.* I've been using it for two months and once you get it tuned up it runs the most intensive games and graphics like butter. MVP runs and looks fantastic. Vista does use a lot of RAM. It's meant to. DX10 is where gaming is going so start using the platform for it now. The cards and drivers will be along shortly.

*One word of advice, and IMHO, turn the UAC feature off first thing before you install anything else. It's evil. Do this at your own risk and be sure to read the help file on UAC before making changes.

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