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Changing audio files for teams


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Im currently swapping a minor league club with a major league one, and ive got the graphics swapped but need some advice on swapping the audio.

What do I need to do to swap the audio files around, and is there a list of which files are which teams?

Thanks in advance

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not all that easy, here is info that should help you

Ok, Here goes....

Using team 15 - Diamondbacks as an example

from dataaudiospch_pbpspch_pbp.txt file


tmn.15.e.fn.1 0

tmn.15.e.for_c.1 9472

tmn.15.e.tn.1 14848

tmn.15.m.c.1 20736

tmn.15.m.fn.1 25344

tmn.15.m.lb.1 34048

tmn.15.m.tb.1 41216

tmn.15.m.tn.1 48128

tmn.15.s.3rdo.1 54528

tmn.15.s.iloff.1 64256

tmn.15.s.ld.1 74752

tmn.15.s.nbat.1 83968

tmn.15.s.nup.1 94208

tmn.15.s.tn.1 103424

tmn.15.s.tnx.1 108800

tmn.15.s.tr.1 114432

this is what is in the 15.hdr file (inside tnamehdr.big) it describes the layout of 15.dat (inside tnamedat.big)

so t here's 16 "pieces" of team name announcement in this file

The 'e' 'm' or 's' refer to different level of emphasis or situations by the announcer I think

and the abbreviations refer to content of the announcement

'nup' = "next up for the Diamonbacks"

'lioff' = "leading off for Arizona"

'c' = "Arizona"

'fn' = "The Arizona Diamondbacks"

etc etc

the numbers to the right refer to the audio's position in the dat file

so looking at the 15.hdr file for Arizona


what i've figured out is

9A 4A = nothing

0F 00 = team id - 15 in hex (OF) - like for player audio

02 10 = "10" refers to the number of announcements - 16 is '10' in hex

00 00 = nothing

DF 01 = I think refers to the size of the dat file - haven't tested this yet

00 00 = nothing

00 00 = position of first announcement within dat - '0'

00 01 = type of announcement = "e.fn"

00 25 = position of 2nd pbp - '9472' / 256 = 37 = 25 in hex

00 00 = type of announcement = "e.for_c"

00 3A = position of 3rd pbp - '13848' / 256 = 28 = 3A in hex

00 03 = type of announcement = "e.tn"

and so on

when position number gets over ~65280 restart from '00' in the 2nd value use '01' instead of '00' in the first value


01 8D = position of 16th pbp 114432

02 0B = type of announcement "s.tr"

havent touched any values in the hdr file after this..

these are the codes for different announcement type I have found so far

the first value is the context

00 = 'e' 01 = 'm' 02 = 's'

the second is the type

00 01 = e.fn - full name (e)

00 00 = e.for_c - for city_name (e)

00 03 = e.tn team name (e)

01 0D = m.c. city name (m)

01 01 = m.fn full name (m)

01 03 = m.tn team name (m)

01 07 = m.lb team leads (m)

01 08 = m.tb team trails (m)

02 02 = s.lioff leading off (s)

02 03 = s.tn team name (s)

02 04 = s.nbat now batting (s)

02 05 = s.nup next up (s)

02 09 = s.3rdo That'll do it (s)

02 0a = s.ld

02 of = s.tnx team name emphasised (s)

02 0b = s.tr

the number and variety of audio contained within these team audio files can vary an can be changed

ok so that's the hdr file the dat can be manipulated with the extractor program uploaded by kraw

however you have to make sure the position of the sound files within the dat is a multiple of 256

so I have been using a copy of a larger existing dat file to create new team audios like the Expos - that way the audio positions and sizes can easily be changed without messing things up (which extractor seems to do a lot)

It doesn't matter if you leave more files in the dat than there should be as the game will only recognise the number of audios listed in the .dat

Anyway, I think there's lots of possibilities opened up by this...

including altering the actual play by play and chants etc

anyway hope some of this makes sense

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