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Updated Classic Yankee Stadium released


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An updated verion of classic Yankee Stadium by SeanO and myself has been released. It features lots of updates from the last verion. Even if your not into "classic baseball" download this park for yourself. It will simply replace one of your Minor League stadiums. Take some of today's stars like Jeter, Ramirez or Prince Fielder (home town plug!) for a trip back in time. Before the "renovation" in the 1970's Yankee Stadium was a beautiful and awesome ballpark. Here's a pic the current relase:


This version also features some new collision data where you can be Mickey Mantle and smash one off the upper right field facade like in the animated pic below:


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Gosh, it really is a thing of beauty. Luckily, since I play as the Sox I get at least a dozen games here a year in '61 and '67. Always wonderful.

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Thanks for the kind responses. Sean and I put a ton of work into this - he did some incredible OEdit stuff while I mostly worked on graphics and a fair amount of additional OEdit work. There's more we could do but right now I'm absolutely toast in regards to modding (I'm sure Sean feels the same). It's always much more fun to work on a project with another modder.

I have the pieces where I could build a 3d Bronx County courthouse or add the elevated train line behind the stadium. Maybe sometime down the road. Other bigger project stuff would be putting the monuments in play -not easy to do and also next to impossible to test and add some additional collision data.

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