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MaddieDaddie's Datafile Version 3.1 Issues


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Ok so I'm using that datafile with his sliders. I love the file except for three glaring issues I'm having.

1. Very hard to strikeout batters.

2. Unreal amount of homeruns given up.

3. The computer always seems to come from behind to steal games.

Now I have no problem with that happening in a realistic way, but these problems I'm having are over the top. I've adjusted the sliders but it's the same. Anyone have and edits to this file? I tried to figure out how to chance the file my self but couldn't do it. Any help?

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  \ said:
to lower the homeruns, you need to edit batterai line of the datafile. numbers 15-24 and 30-31 especially. 30 and 31 controls power speed.

I should have directed him to you also Kumala. :smile:

Man, I am loving your new datafile. Like you said, when you hit a HR, you feel like you earn it. Great datafile for me. :wtg:

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anything for us mvps. I may not provide screenshots and readme files, I leave to you guys to try it and see how it feels. All I want is to make this game be great. Thats what I think a game should be like, perfect timing, location, boom homerun. Not just swing everytime and a homerun. My objective is to provide the best sim possible. thanks again and glade to see this one works for you and whoever else. thanks man.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The homeruns and doubles hit by the computer is maddening. Damn there has to be a fix because those issues downright kill this datafile.

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You can role up your sleeves and make the changes you want to the datafile. I would suggest you read 2 things:

Datafile Tutorial by RRodKey: http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=161.html

Datafile.txt Layout Spreadsheet by Snepp: http://www.mvpmods.com/Downloads/details/id=149.html

* I'm currently using a hybrid of KSM's datafile and Kumala's latest datafile. I absolutely love Kumala's ball physics(variety of hits is amazing), but I must have KSM's pulled back BattingView 4 to hit. So I just took the battingview4 code from KSM's datafile and plugged it into the appropritate places in Kumala's.

I am a very happy camper. :smile:

Good luck man, hope get things like you want them.

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Thanks for those links. If I didn't love everything else about this datafile I'd use another one. If I can fix those issues I mentioned this game will be near perfect.

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  \ said:
Thanks for those links. If I didn't love everything else about this datafile I'd use another one. If I can fix those issues I mentioned this game will be near perfect.

No prob man. Can't leave a fellow Cubbie hanging. :smile:

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