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Creating Accurate Rosters!


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Hey I was wondering how people make roster ratings accurate? :? How do you get the right power and contact ratings for players and how do you get the right ratings for movement and control for pitchers etc........ Is there a converter sum 1 uses? Do they just make them up from the top of thier head and pray that it is accurate? :banghead: If someone who makes rosters for the site tell me how? I would like to start doing roster updates myself. :!:

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I don't actually create rosters, but I have adjusted some ratings. Truth is, there is no foolproof way to do it. You have stats & all that, which you use to base info on. It is not perfect & can't take into account one's tendency to have hot streaks or cold one's thereby messing up your calculations you have done. But we try the best we can.

I have edited rosters & tried my best to do this. I watch games & watch players & see what they are doing. I then adjust these players to what I feel will best reflect the way they are playing currently.

As I stated, this method is not foolproof, but for a video game it is the best one can do. Of course it is also all relative. (& no, I do not mean that I married them). I may perceive something in a player someone else does not, & other than hard stats, such as what a pitcher throws etc, one can't do anything other than try one's best.

For instance...I will create Yankee pitching as good, because they have a good staff. I can also put in what each pitcher throws. However can I truly get the miles per hour? Of course not. In fact a pitcher might have a wide range of how fast he throws. I have seen pitchers throw a splitter at 80 something miles per hour & also at 50 something. How does one reflect that? Well, the best way (other than to make him throw 2 splitters in the game, which I think you can't do in the game) to do this is, to use what he throws more of the time. But even then you can't be exact because the pitchers are human & will never throw a pitch exactly the same way.

Hope this helps.

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