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Total Classics 1978 has been released!


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After 8 months of work, the Total Classics 1978 conversion mod has been completed and released. :)

Hopefully you enjoy the mod as much as I enjoyed creating it. It truly was a labor of love and it allowed me to remember a great time in my life. Thanks to all those who provided material and support for the mod.

The mod should show up as soon as the admins approve it. Please post any questions or comments on the mod in the Classics forum here on MVPMods.

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dang, of course no staff here right now :) i can't wait...been eagerly awaiting this one for months now.

Who said there was no staff here. :lol:

Great work Jim.

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Be aware that the wrong file is shown for download. I had to use a dummy file in order to fill out the upload form.

Until Trues or one of the admins pulls the file (it's about 460 Mbytes!) from the MVPMods FTP upload area, the download is incorrect.

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472,970,175 Bytes

You win the prize for biggest MOD to date

And that's WITH UHARC compression set to the highest possible compression. Uncompressed, the files total about 850 Mbytes.

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321,705,403 when optimized for T.i.T

Kraw, why do I have the feeling you want to release a mod that is bigger than this one just to say you released the biggest mod ever? Hahaahahaha.

What the heck, if you do I am positive it will be just as good as this '78 mod. I'm downloading it as I type this. Too bad you didn't get to see this season in person. What a year it was.

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Kraw, why do I have the feeling you want to release a mod that is bigger than this one just to say you released the biggest mod ever? Hahaahahaha.

The "livin' Large" version of 06 was over 600MB, it was just too much of a bandwidth hog and people could get 100% the same with the "In like Flint" version for only 320MB (it just took longer to install)

What the heck, if you do I am positive it will be just as good as this '78 mod. I'm downloading it as I type this. Too bad you didn't get to see this season in person. What a year it was.

HAHA, I'm older than you think

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I realized a short time ago when I tried to run the Total Classics 1978 installer on my home computer that I included the debug version of the installer. I kept getting error messages regarding missing DLL's. You can still manually install the files by copying them to proper locations.

Since I discovered this problem, I have grabbed the proper version of the installer from my work laptop, verified that it runs fine on my home computer (i.e. no missing DLL error messages) and I'm repackaging everything now.

I used 7zip this time to compress the files (thanks Kraw!) and that will reduce the file size by about 75 Mbytes.

Once WinRar finishes, I'll upload the new version and ask Trues to update the copy on the downloads section.

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While it might be a couple of months before I can really get one started, I fully intend to do a '78 Giants dynasty. Basically for three reasons:

1. You guys do a hell of a job with these things and it's too enjoyable not to do a dynasty.

2. The Giants ended a four-year stretch in '78 where they had been under .500

3 (and most importantly). The damn Bums went to the Series that season and that really needs to be rectified.

Love your work guys - can't wait to see what you do next!

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Played a few games-awesome work. I love the ABC logo and other scoreboard features. I simmed a season and the Yanks and R Sox were tied for the wildcard behind Milwaukee-they played a one game playoff and the Yanks won again 6-1, sorry Bosox fans.

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Ok, so, a slight problem. I had to manually install '78 because I was having DLL issues with the installer, and that went fine. However, when I load up a dynasty, every player in the game is available in free agency, whereupon several other teams signed the Pujolses and Guidrys on the list.

Any ideas?

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Ok, so, a slight problem. I had to manually install '78 because I was having DLL issues with the installer, and that went fine. However, when I load up a dynasty, every player in the game is available in free agency, whereupon several other teams signed the Pujolses and Guidrys on the list.

Any ideas?

First of all, when did you download the mod? The first version I uploaded on Friday had the wrong installer. It was a debug version that required certain DLL's to be present. I rebuilt the package with the correct installer (verifying that no DLL's are needed) and uploaded it late, late Friday night. Trues reposted this version yesterday morning.

You can tell which version you have by looking at the package size. The initial version is about 460 megabytes and the newer package is 404 megabytes (I used 7zip to create the package the second time, which reduced the size).

As for the dynasty, are you starting a new dynasty or reloading an existing one? Do you have trades, injuries, etc. turned off (which is what I did when testing the mod)?

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Great, I didn't see any update information in the history for the file, so I'll download the new version.

I started a new dynasty, have unlockable players off and i've tried with default rosters on and off. i'm sure I just forgot to copy something over in the manual install.

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WOW :balloons: As a guy who has grown up and lived in Australia, my love for baseball was from 3 month old season preview mags and a Friday night 11pm to 12pm highlight package and the World Series shown on free to air channel. 1986 I fell in love with the Bosox, Clemens, OilCan and Boggs and follwed them ever since. 5 years ago on a Fox filler programs they showed Steve Garveys hosted Baseballs Greatest Games, and one caught my eye.....the 1978 playoff, yes old news and folklore for you guys, but to me it was brilliant to finally see. Anyway sorry for the novel but my thanks goes out to Jim825 and all the other guys behind the mod for the fun to come in the years to come. Your work for me is not just play it and thats it, but real joy and appreciation for your work is boundless. The section about the 1988 mod for me made me jump out of my skin and I can't wait for it's release. As I have said to tebjr and the guys behind the 1988 mod i want to join in and contribute my help in putting it together if you guys need my help. Anyway back to Fenway, 1978 and battle Nolan Ryan and the Angels.


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Yeah, I'm not sure if i'm the only one (I certainly hope others are enjoying this mod), but with a clean MVP install and the updated '78 executable, I'm still getting all the players in free agency.

1). anyone else with this problem?

2). how do I fix it?

I do stadiums, and really stadiums only, so I'm clueless about the rest of the game. Thanks.

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Yeah, I'm not sure if i'm the only one (I certainly hope others are enjoying this mod), but with a clean MVP install and the updated '78 executable, I'm still getting all the players in free agency.

1). anyone else with this problem?

2). how do I fix it?

I do stadiums, and really stadiums only, so I'm clueless about the rest of the game. Thanks.

Sean - How can you see the free agent list in dynasty mode? I tried but could not find the free agent list. The only way I could see the free agents was to click "Manage Rosters" on the main menu screen.

When I did that, I saw a major league team on the right hand side (the Yankees in my case) and the free agents on the left side. I tried this with both the "standard" (i.e. out of the box) version of MVP 2005 and also the Total Classics 1978 mod, and in both cases, all the players in the game are listed on the free agent list.

Are you saying that you don't see any players on the right side of the screen (i.e. no players on the major league team)?

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Need some help fellas. How can i keep the MVP07 mod as well as the Classic 78? I don't want to delete the 07 mod, but also want to be able to play the 78. Please advise, I'm kinda new to all this. In other words,I don't want to overwrite my MVP07 mod, with the 78 mod. How do I keep both? Thx for all the work you modders do, to keep this game fresh.

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