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Guest Mindwarped

umm...YES!!..Come back to what exactly? He obviously won't be president again (not that he would actually get re-elected anyway)..The guy was IMPEACHED; he's done enough damage to this country already.. :?

damn you're a dumb kid

Impeached but not removed for office, he created more job in an 8 years period than any other president.

he got impeached for a damn blowjob, at least he did not start a war that makes america more unsafe and kill 1000 US soilders and 30000+ iraqi

Bush has lost more jobs than anyone since the GREAT DEPRESSION

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regardless of how any president had or had not treated the middle eastern untermenchen, 9-11 would have happened. Wake up!! We cannot negotiate with seventh century subhumans. We must kill them first, for they are sworn to doing so to us. We did not wage this war, though we WILL finish it.

Presidents, also, do not "create" jobs, else through bloating an already mammoth bureaucracy. And don't claim that Clinton forced a thriving economy... economical data is cyclical. It takes seven years, on average to see policies in effect. The truth is that Clinton could be considered at fault for the 1999 recession, pre- 9-11, and the scandals wrought by his trickle-down immorality.

Your specious assertion of lost jobs does not take into account those who find new jobs or are owners of their own small business ventures, like me and my father. We, although doing quite well of late, are part of your spun statistics. The net unemployment rate is 5.4%!!!! That is equal to the best quarter of Clinton's administration. We are at full employment, in TRUE, SCIENTIFIC economic data. Bring some intellectual honesty, or propagandize to yourself.

Regardless, W. will win 40 states, mark my words.

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i used to like bush, but then i saw that he became some kind of jack *** or something, he reminds me of a retarded monkey, and that guy kerry forget it, after this election our country is screwed

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bill clinton allowed this terrorist **** to go on, if he had tried to do somethin about terrorism and al qaeida, in stead of havin oral sex with interns 9-11 might not have happened....

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