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TheSpungo's possible new computer...


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You see that alot in stock systems (HP, Gateway, Compaq, etc...). They will make these multi-media systems and stick a crappy, low wattage power supply in them. Gets people every time.

Spungo, you will notice the benefits of the multiple cores when you are running several applications at once. Many, many games today are not yet using the multiple cores. (And the games you are going to be playing will be running just fine) :smile:

Check the case either online or when you get to the store. If you can add a back chasis fan to it, then do it... especially when you go to upgrade the PSU and video card. Video cards need air and sufficient power. If not, you will see your system over-heating, freezes, CTD's, etc...

Do like you said though, get the system and run it for like a week doing all the things you said in your first post. See how things are then go from there. Just my 2 cents... :smile:

I like that, smart post. We think a lot alike.

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Make sure the PSU you upgrade to is of top quality. The Rosewill one posted earlier is not that great.

Look for one of these brands: Enermax, Seasonic, PC Power & Cooling (PC P&C), FSP or Antec.

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Deffinatly worth Upgrading to a 8800 gtx :)

especially if you want to do Much more then you can atm, with editing/making Mods etc, iv got two 8800gtx atm, SLI format,iv onli really got them for Benchmarking, but hey,there even brilliant during games to ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I'm capable enough to build my own, I'd rather buy a sweet stock computer and upgrade it to my liking. I like the security of buying from a company in case anything should go wrong.

And why should I get the 8800 GTS? Because you said so? Do I even need that with the games I will be playing? I need some constructive help, here.

Because the 8800GTS is the best bang for the buck. Any lower do not worth it.

Newer reviews from Anandtech Review for the 8600GT

http://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=6949 List of reviews for the 8500 and 8600 series.

http://www.gpureview.com/ spec comparision

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It is a great price right now, but the quad core will pretty much be standard issue in a year. The problem with the unit is the power supply. It is so underpowered that it's scary. I haven't seen the full specs (only the ones HP wants you to see on their site) but I'll bet it is undercooled also. Make sure it has front and back chassis fans.

I've been running the 07 mod on Vista for a couple of months now with no problems. If you have problems, think UAC, then kill it.

And there's a price cut on the Q6600 right around.. tomorrow. Although people won't see the saving from OEM anytime soon, but different case for online retailer.

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Make sure the PSU you upgrade to is of top quality. The Rosewill one posted earlier is not that great.

Look for one of these brands: Enermax, Seasonic, PC Power & Cooling (PC P&C), FSP or Antec.

Add in Corsair, OCZ, Silverstone, and maybe Thermaltake.

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  • 1 month later...

- As you can see, I'm not a big gamer. I'll play MVP '05 the most, followed by the latest Madden and maybe NHL, as well as GTA: IV when it comes out

sry to dig this up but you realize their only releasing GTA IV for 360 and ps3

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It comes out a year after the console release.

yea just talked to thespungo bout that

ive read that it was being released for the two systems exclusively.

a year after the console release is better than nothing though

i read pc gamer every month and i havent seen anything on it yet either so thats why i jumped to that conclusion

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