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What makes people like Michael Vick do the things they do?

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I just got home and this has been on my mind. I am trying to come to any sensible conclusion of what made Michael Vick mistreat animals in the inhuman way that he did.

This is something that really hits me hard because I am a dog owner and after reading the treatment that these dogs received, it got me very upset and angry.

Killing the animals by hanging them? Drowning them? Electrocuting them? Shooting them?? I want to tell you guys right now that I had a hard time typing those words just now because I was picturing in my mind how those dogs died.

I'm a dog owner. I own four of them and I spoil the living hell out of them. During the summertime right now I have the central air on for them all day so they are comfortable while I am outside working. Before I have dinner, they have dinner. There's always fresh water for them. I don't do this because it's something I should do, it is something I want to do for them. I take care of them and I provide them with the best life possible. And most dog owners out there do the same thing for their dogs without even thinking about it. My dogs are wonderful company. They spend time with me in my computer room while I am spending time with you people in here. They greet me after I come home after a tough day with wagging tails and happy faces. Who could want more from them?

You know what scares me sometimes? You know when you are having a hard time sleeping and you have your mind racing on a ton of different subjects? Sometimes during that time I stop and look over at one of the dogs lying near me, sleeping peacefully away, and I wonder how long will I have these dogs? They mean so much to me. Why do they have to age seven years in one year? Time flies. I wish they were all puppies again. You treat a dog right and they love you forever. Who could want more from them?

Apparently, people like Michael Vick wanted more from these animals, like their very lives.

What bothers me is that I am going to read about people who are going to support what Vick did by saying "they're just dogs." That's right, they are just dogs. And cats are just cats and people are just people. Some won't believe he did this because "hey, that's Michael Vick, he's an NFL player." Well, let me tell you, when you get indicted by a Federal Grand Jury they have to have some pretty solid evidence to do it because the Feds don't waste time.

Does he have a chance to get away with this? Yes. Money talks my friends and he has millions of dollars and that sure as hell will help. It also helps that he's a young, marketable (or maybe not now) star NFL player.

But another thing happened that might not be in Vick's favor. When Vick met with Roger Goodell, he assured the commissioner that the allegations about the dogs and what went on were completely untrue. It that turns out to be a lie, Goodell is going to drop the hammer on him.

And I don't want to hear any excuses for this guy. None will be good enough. I don't care if he had a bad childhood or if he came from a broken home or if was in a gang or did drugs. I don't care how his past was. This guy's 27 years old. You hang a dog or shoot a dog it all comes down to you.

Vick should rot in hell and never play in the NFL again. He is a despicable excuse for a human being. I don't God damn care how many touchdowns he can throw for the Falcons. He's a murderer and if this person plays in the NFL this year, I won't be tuning in.

In a very roundabout way, the only "good" thing about this is that it brings attention on the sport of dogfighting and how popular this is in this country. Maybe, just maybe, this is the thing to stop this crazy practice.

No, they're not "just dogs." They have rights too.

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the answer is simple.


The Vick family is just all out retarded. First his cousin or family member gets caught with Weed. Vick younger brother is well we all know also retarded. Marcus Vick killed his possible career in the NFL for what he did in the last year of his college career(purposely stepping on a players leg and injuring that player. Then he also gave the Finger to the crowd). Michael Vick is still havent been proven guilty(i think he is)but if he gets off easy then well this country is just effed up. Iv seen those animal cop shows were people who abuse there dogs get like 20-30 years in jail.

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Look, i don't know who the hell Vick is but anyone, and i say anyone who shoots at a dog or something like that is not a person but an animal.

I had a dog for 14 years. When my parents bought me that dog i was a little kid and i grown up with him and when he died, it was very painful.

For me a dog, is not a simple dog. For me a dog is a friend.

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Dogs aren't called mans best friend for nothing i mean ive seen homeless people, a person who everyone in society has given up on including his family with his trusty dog still right by his side and with no plans on going anywhere anytime soon. Anyone who has ever owned and cared for a dog knows that there is and absolute connection. My mom comes over to my house and checks on my dog when im at work and she tells me that my dog knows when im about to come home from work. she will go and sit by the door until i walk in. they dont give you any crap about bills or any of the other million stressful things in life they just want a little love and they give it back ten fold. like yankee said i just look at her sometimes and wonder how long im gonna have her around. So i just dont see how anyone could do so many unspeakable things to a dog let alone any other living creature. If vick is guilty and i have no doubt in my mind that he is i hope he goes to jail and never plays another down of football ever again. He shouldnt even be able to play in a flag football game in alaska. they should seriously lock this dude in a cage with a horny silver back gorilla.

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Actual Quote from Vick at one time:

when referring to his football skills-- "I've got two weapons. My arm, my legs, and my brain."

----does that help you understand??

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Actual Quote from Vick at one time:

when referring to his football skills-- "I've got two weapons. My arm, my legs, and my brain."

----does that help you understand??

HAHA, that's funny.

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Actual Quote from Vick at one time:

when referring to his football skills-- "I've got two weapons. My arm, my legs, and my brain."

----does that help you understand??

Yeah - that quote pretty much sums it up. And as far as the dog fighting, I think that's just disgusting. Violating a harmless creature and making it fight another that it has no reason to fight at all just for your enjoyment, it's wrong is what it is. On top of all that, him participating in the executions of the dogs that "weren't up to standards", I don't see how anyone could do such a thing. The dumb part about these things is that if he somehow escapes with just a fine, it will only be like pocket change for him.

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Most amazing about Vick’s case are the repercussions from who he was:

1. He was supposed to be the new All-Star Quarterback, the natural leadership position and the crafter of his franchise.

2. His athletic prowess and adeptness with running would change how QB is played.

3. As there aren’t many black quarterbacks, especially considering the percentage of the NFL squads that are African-American, he would be an anomalous leader, potentially the harbinger of a new group of QBs inspired by Vick.

4. He has a younger brother who’s also good.

5. Nike, among others, has invested shitloads of cash into his image crafting and brand extensions. Do you think Nike will have another “Vick: The Game†commercial that shows him dropping dogs into a foam pit, .22 in hand?

6. He had a wing at the bank dedicated to his NFL contract, another to his endorsements. He had life by the balls. He was the American Dream.

Now, he’s another disgraced NFL player (not labeled guilty), to be described as too much money and fame for a young man to handle, who fell hard from the influence of popular culture, including Gangsta Lifestyle patterns, and will be suspended / banned / imprisoned, dependent on the media climate and the agitation of racial subtones waiting to be scratched. Or he’ll cop a plea and snitch.

You’re not a gangsta named Cheese; you’re a fcuking NFL Quarterback!

Meanwhile, Atlanta’s out their star player; the stockholders of products he’s supported are left with shaky positions in their portfolios; real people (notably marketers and Falcons staff) will lose their jobs; the NFL will conduct a witch hunt on like behavior; and I’m out a starter for my fantasy football team.

And, good. Torturing an animal cannot be tolerated. Pets are not your personal gladiators.

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What bothers me is that I am going to read about people who are going to support what Vick did by saying "they're just dogs." That's right, they are just dogs. And cats are just cats and people are just people. Some won't believe he did this because "hey, that's Michael Vick, he's an NFL player." Well, let me tell you, when you get indicted by a Federal Grand Jury they have to have some pretty solid evidence to do it because the Feds don't waste time.

The thing is, when you really look at it...

Do you kill bugs? People take bugs lives because they don't really have any feelings about the bugs. That's how they're able to do to the dogs what they do, they don't care about them.

Do you eat meat? Same basic premise, killed and even in the "humane" ways of keeping and killing livestock it's still a horrible sight.

I do on both accounts. And mistreatment of animals still really gets to me, expecially dogs (I think me going off on past Vick topics show how much I care about not just my dogs, but dogs as a whole).

It's hard not to kill bugs living in FL. Mass amounts of Misquitoes, Fire Ants everywhere, ect ect. "It's just a bug" but like you said in your paragraph, you can turn it aruond to "it's just a dog" and "it's just a human."

And eating meat is deffinatly the thing I hate thinking about the most. I know that, even in humane situations, they're still getting treated horribly. And I really don't have a problem with other countries (I think it's Korea?) that eat dogs.

I mean, there's still a huge difference between how animals get treated that are going to be killed and the things that happened to those poor dogs. Rape stands, the way they're killed, it's just...I get a shiver thinking about it. And yet right now I'm cooking a chicken and drinking chocolate milk. Do I really have a right to look down at them?

I guess it's just a "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" situation.

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That's the Catch22 of this entire thing DoubleD and why many times in my life I have considered being a vegetarian. Sure, it's different when you have a char broiled burger in your hand and you eat it without thinking about it. But there are times I go out and it is on my mind how those animals are killed and I don't order meat.

As for killing bugs, yes I do that. Without a second thought. I see an ant in the house, it's gone. Bye-bye. The only feelings I have about bugs are that I don't want them near me. If they don't bother me, I won't bother them. But pets are a different story than bugs. Pets are a part of your family. You care for them, you love them.

Do I love all animals? No. For example, I am afraid of alligators and crocodiles, even if I don't know the difference between the two. If I lived down south and I saw one near my house I'd do everything I could to get that thing away from me and that's the truth.

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I saw the thing on Sportscenter, and that is just plain cruel. I would never understand why people would watch that. I don't even have a dog(I'm allergic to them), but my uncle does and thinking about my unclle's dog experincing that is just...like crazy.I can't understand it at all.

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I saw the thing on Sportscenter, and that is just plain cruel. I would never understand why people would watch that. I don't even have a dog(I'm allergic to them), but my uncle does and thinking about my unclle's dog experincing that is just...like crazy.I can't understand it at all.

That's what I mean too. Even if you don't own a dog for one reason or another like you, you can sympathize with the treatment of the animals that were under Vick's so called "care." Even if you are allergic to them, can you spend any time with your uncle's dog?

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Obviously what Vick did was pretty disgusting, but has everyone else forgotten that those kind of inhumane things are done on a daily basis down in Guantanamo Bay... to humans? Not to mention other secret prisons all around the world? And to people who might not even be terrorists? And that genocide is being wrought by other countries besides the US? Like in Darfur?

Sure this story, if true, is a disturbing one, but aren't there worse things going on in the world right now?

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It's amazing to read and hear how many people have convicted Michael Vick already for these actions. He has been indicted. No trial yet. In the United States judicial system, you are innocent until proven guilty. However, many people are so quick to hear allegations and the term indictment and jump to the conclusion of guilt.

Are these crimes horrendous? Of course. Are they disgusting? Of course. Should a person who commits these actions of cruetly be sentenced under the law? Of course. Is Michael Vick guilty of any crime? Not yet. And until then, no one should claim otherwise. Do I support the treatment of these animals? Of course not. Am I sticking up for Michael Vick? You bet your *** I am b/c that is the system we live in. Do I care if he is found guilty? No, not really. But until he is fellas, he's innocent...

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That's what I mean too. Even if you don't own a dog for one reason or another like you, you can sympathize with the treatment of the animals that were under Vick's so called "care." Even if you are allergic to them, can you spend any time with your uncle's dog?

Yeah, he moves around quite often and I haven't seen him in like a year, but I'd spend all my time with her. She even stayed at my house for like three weeks while my uncle was doing something(I can't remember what though). Even though I'm allergic to them, I love them, and as I'm growing up, my allergies to dogs are fading away and hopefully will be gone by the time I live on my own because I would love to have a dog.

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