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What makes people like Michael Vick do the things they do?

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Good post thespungo,

In the US...we choose to listen & view what news we want. It's called "selective hearing"....

Some people feel more strongly about Vick, because he is in the limelight. Some people feel more passionate about the genocide in Darfur, because it's more than one person (and awful).

It's all about what you choose to act on...

I personally am still numb about the whole Vick case. And that's how I want to stay. I know some dogs (more than some) were killed. And I'd rather not find out about the brutality of Michael Vick & other over these dogs.

It's a sad story. Quite sad. I can't imagine it. And I type this with my Lakeland Terrier pup, Teddy on my lap. He always lays on my lap when I'm at the computer. Whether it be me chatting with my MVP Mods brothers, or bettering my photoshop skills, Teddy is there for me. And I wouldn't want it any other way ;)

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The reason he did this is two-fold: He's a thug and everyone knows he really doesn't have a lot of money, ha.

Well, I guess there's only one reason then, he's a thug. Kick him out of the NFL and let him join Pacman to be best friend thugs.

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It's amazing to read and hear how many people have convicted Michael Vick already for these actions. He has been indicted. No trial yet. In the United States judicial system, you are innocent until proven guilty. However, many people are so quick to hear allegations and the term indictment and jump to the conclusion of guilt.

Are these crimes horrendous? Of course. Are they disgusting? Of course. Should a person who commits these actions of cruetly be sentenced under the law? Of course. Is Michael Vick guilty of any crime? Not yet. And until then, no one should claim otherwise. Do I support the treatment of these animals? Of course not. Am I sticking up for Michael Vick? You bet your **** I am b/c that is the system we live in. Do I care if he is found guilty? No, not really. But until he is fellas, he's innocent...

Ok, fine. Let's put it this way. If Vick didn't do these crimes, then I hope that the truth comes out to exonerate him so he can just concentrate on his NFL career. But someone is guilty here. Either someone who Vick knows or, like the federal indictment says, it is Vick himself. So ok, right now he's innocent until proven guilty. Sure, that's the law. But in reality, it's guilty until proven innocent.

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I really love dogs, I got a dog around the time I was born, and I also grew up with her, she was a boxer and she died when I was 9 because some **** head poisoned her and I remember crying all day. I really don't understand how someone can be so heartless towards a dog and murder it. I have a dog now and I feed her, walk her every day. A dog is less of a pet to me and more of a family member, I read here that someone said their dog waits for them after work, and my dog does the same, my mom tells me that like 10 minutes before I usually get home from school she'll lie down on sofa chair thing and wag her tail and look at the door and she sleeps in my bed and when I'm on the computer she lays on my feet and I dont even want to think about how long it'll be and to think that someone murders it willingly just blows my mind.

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Just a little example of how these dogs are our best friends and that to abuse them like Vick did is terrible. Check this article out.


Tiny Dog Saves Baby From Rattlesnake

(AP) MASONVILLE, Colo. - Zoey is a Chihuahua, but when a rattlesnake lunged at her owners’ 1-year-old grandson, she was a real bulldog.

Booker West was splashing his hands in a birdbath in his grandparents’ northern Colorado back yard when the snake slithered up to the toddler, rattled and struck. Five-pound Zoey jumped in the way and took the bites.

"She got in between Booker and the snake, and that’s when I heard her yipe," said Monty Long, the boy’s grandfather.

The dog required treatment and for a time it appeared she might not survive. Now she prances about.

"These little bitty dogs, they just don’t really get credit," Booker’s grandma Denise Long told the Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald.

(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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I'm heyr to defund my akshuns but I r to dum to be able to.

I wuz just suspended from trayning camp by Rojur Goodell.

I don't know why I be so dum but I just is and should not be allowed back in the NFL.

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Now to represent the other side of the spectrum...


Pit Bull Rapes 2-Year-Old

Buffalo, NY -- A disturbing and violent attack leaves a toddler in serious condition at Women and Children's Hospital. Neighbors heard a mother screaming that her child was being raped.

Lockport Police received a 911 call from a frantic City of Lockport mother Sunday afternoon.

The mother told Lockport Police that she left her two-year-old unattended for a short time and after hearing the baby scream, she ran to see what was wrong.

When she got in the room, she told Lockport Police the dog had sodomized the toddler. The mother screamed, scaring the dog and it ran out of the house.

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just on the subject of Michael Vick.

Now, I'm not really into the NFL, nor do I know anything about Vick, but from the things I've seen and read about him one thing came to mind: this guy has watched too many music videos and TV. "You know, it's in hip hop videos so I'll do it too, because even though I make tons of money just like most of those "artists", I'm still very much down with the streets". I can't help but get that feeling. I don't want to generalize here and hopefully this doesn't turn into a race thing, but you see this more and more throughout sports, especially the NFL (the things I've seen) and the NBA. Now, I used to be a huge NBA fan, but I just got tired of watching these guys being more concerned about the way the look and act than their basketball performance. It became a fashion show, and for me alot of that is because they want that street rep so to speak, perhaps because they see that on TV or because they had a difficult upbringing and want people to know that. This might sound awefully prejudice, but this is in fact becoming very stereotypical for alot of younger people, including white people of course, and sadly Michael Vick just basically showed all those kids that it's nothing to be ashamed about.

btw ... I was really into hip hop (underground mostly) a couple of years ago, and I still keep my ears open so to speak, so I'm not here judging a music genre without any knowledge of it. I've had these discussions before where credibility is in question, so I'll just say it before someone responds.

anyway, Indians lost :(

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the answer is simple.


The Vick family is just all out retarded. First his cousin or family member gets caught with Weed. Vick younger brother is well we all know also retarded. Marcus Vick killed his possible career in the NFL for what he did in the last year of his college career(purposely stepping on a players leg and injuring that player. Then he also gave the Finger to the crowd). Michael Vick is still havent been proven guilty(i think he is)but if he gets off easy then well this country is just effed up. Iv seen those animal cop shows were people who abuse there dogs get like 20-30 years in jail.

Please stop using the word "retarded"....it is offensive. I have a 44 year old uncle who has Down Syndrome. The public has labeled him as Mentally Retarded, and he has a hell of a lot more common sense then Michael Vick.

Using the word "retard" is as offensive as using a slur towards an African American or any other derogatory comment.

As for Michael Vick, the guy is useless. If it wasn't for football, he would probably be a career criminal. Look at his track record.

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I dunno UncleMo....I guess I just personally find it offensive, most people do not. I don't want to start any problems in this thread, I just wanted to let Brooklyn know that calling people retarded, or retards is pretty pathetic...IMO.

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Yeah but its not like people that find that offensive are asking much. I just don't see it as offensive but it bothers me that other people do find it offensive, not just you, and I'll use that language with no regard.

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I think a new rule should be adopted by the NFL. By all means, allow Vick to play again, but make sure every team has one of these on the field against the Falcons.

Make sure they're well trained too.

What's fair is fair.

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Vick should be punished like he did to his dogs if he loses a game for his team.

When 1/4th of the people take a guilty plea it starts to look bad especially when he will probably be used to testify.

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