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A Houston Astros CAP Dynasty


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Last Name:Michael

First Name: Sandoval

1st position: LRP

2nd position: SP

Bats: R

Throws: R

Num: 24

Birthday: 3/22/90

Height: 5'9

Weight: 178

Bone Profile:

Body Type:

Skin Tone: tan

Hair Style: short

Hair Color: black

Facial Hair: chin hair

Batting Stance: Soriano

Swing Type: ?

Ditty: Hip Hop

Bat Color: dc

Glove Color: Blue

Catcher's Mask: dc

Batting Glove: dc

Wristband: dc

Elbow Guard: dc

Shin Guard: dc

Socks: High


RH Contact: 10

LH Contact: 25

RH Power: 25

LH Power: 10

Pitches: (Fastball,Curve,sinker,2 seem)

Type of Pitcher:Fastball:92 Curve 77(12-6)Sinker:84 2seem:88


Bunting: 55

Plate Discipline: ?


Speed: 40

Steal Tendancy: 5

Baserunning Ability: 10

Fielding: 70

Range: 90

Throwing Strength: 90

Throwing Accuracy:90

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I'll be a backup infielder, I know im in the Devil Rays dynasty, But there are some other people participating in other CAP dynasties, that are in the Devil Rays dynasty

First Name: Johnluke

Last Name or Alias: Chaparro

Birth Date: 4/8/1984

First Position: 2B

Second Position: Util

Throws: R

Bats: S

Career Potential: ****

Ditty: Hip Hop

Jersey Number: 22

Height: 6'1''

Body Type: Athletic

Face: 9

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: 7

Facial hair: none

Body Build: Even

Bat Color: Black

Glove: Light Brown

Elbow Guard: None

Wristband: Small, Both Arms

Socks: High

Batting Gloves: On

Stance: V. Guererro


Contact V RHP 80

Contact V LHP 75

Power v RHP 85

Power v LHP 90

Bunting 90

Plate Disc 75

Durability 80

Speed 85

Stealing Tendency - 90

Baserunning Ability - 75

Fielding - 70

Range - 60

Throwing strength -75

Throwing accuracy - 75

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I'll be a backup infielder, I know im in the Devil Rays dynasty, But there are some other people participating in other CAP dynasties, that are in the Devil Rays dynasty

First Name: Johnluke

Last Name or Alias: Chaparro

Birth Date: 4/8/1984

First Position: 2B

Second Position: Util

Throws: R

Bats: S

Career Potential: ****

Ditty: Hip Hop

Jersey Number: 22

Height: 6'1''

Body Type: Athletic

Face: 9

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: 7

Facial hair: none

Body Build: Even

Bat Color: Black

Glove: Light Brown

Elbow Guard: None

Wristband: Small, Both Arms

Socks: High

Batting Gloves: On

Stance: V. Guererro


Contact V RHP 80

Contact V LHP 75

Power v RHP 85

Power v LHP 90

Bunting 90

Plate Disc 75

Durability 80

Speed 85

Stealing Tendency - 90

Baserunning Ability - 75

Fielding - 70

Range - 60

Throwing strength -75

Throwing accuracy - 75

you gave yourself 1000 sumtin points when a back up can only get 800
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I'll be a reliever.

Last Name: Johnson

First Name: Michael

1st position: MRP

2nd position: LRP

Bats: S

Throws: R

Num: 9

Birthday: 10/28/90

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 165

Bone Profile: Athletic

Body Type: Athletic (in game)

Skin Tone: 1

Hair Style: 7

Hair Color: Blonde

Facial Hair: None

Batting Stance: A-Rod.

Swing Type: Two Hands

Ditty: Rock

Bat Color: Black

Glove Color: Blue

Catcher's Mask: Normal

Batting Glove: No

Wristband: None

Elbow Guard: None

Shin Guard: None

Socks: Low


RH Contact: 20

LH Contact: 24

RH Power: 20

LH Power: 15

Pitches & Ratings: (for pitchers)

Stamina: 40

Pickoff: 35

Fastball control: 85

Fastball velocity: 94

Pitch 2 - C CHG

Movement: 85

Trajectory: 1-to-7

Control: 85

Velocity: 75

Pitch 3 - Splitter

Movement: 80

Trajectory: 12-to-6

Control: 75

Velocity: 88

Type of Pitcher: (Power, finesse, etc.) Power

Delivery: Eric Gagne

Bunting: 50

Plate Discipline: 0

Durability: 80

Speed: 34

Steal Tendency: 0

Baserunning Ability: 0

Fielding: 60

Range: 10

Throwing Strength: 55

Throwing Accuracy: 20

Points Distributed: 875

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Last Name: Brown

First Name: Fred

1st position: RP

2nd position: SP

Bats: R

Throws: L

Num: 13/3/53

Birthday: 05/03/1989

Height: 5'11

Weight: 210

Bone Profile: Athletic Big Chest

Body Type: Average

Skin Tone: 2

Hair Style: 8 Short Hair

Hair Color: Brown

Facial Hair: Barbiche

Batting Stance: Generic

Swing Type: 1 Two Hands

Ditty: Country

Bat Color: Black

Glove Color: Black

Catcher's Mask: Normal

Batting Glove: Yes

Wristband: None

Elbow Guard: None

Shin Guard: None

Socks: High


RH Contact: 20

LH Contact: 21

RH Power: 10

LH Power: 11

Pitches & Ratings: (for pitchers)

Fastball: Control - 87, Velocity - 99

Cutter: Control - 85, Velocity - 94, Movement - 90 (Right Diagonal 10-4)

Sinker: Control - 81, Velocity - 92, Movement - 85 (Down 12-6)

Stamina 32

Delivery: Randy Johnson

Bunting: 0

Plate Discipline: 20

Durability: 85

Speed: 35

Steal Tendency: 0

Baserunning Ability: 10

Fielding: 75

Range: 70

Throwing Strength: 85

Throwing Accuracy: 85

Points Distributed: 925

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Fred - You're at 909 right now. You have 16 more left. Just edit your original post with the improved attributes.

JoeSmith35 - You're at 1105. Same goes to you for editing yours down to 800.

I said it in the first post and another time or two in this thread, if you don't have the correct amount of points, I'm not going to accept it. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm being stiff about this, but it's already enough work putting everything into MVPEdit and then into the game, and then running the dynasty, etc.

Here's a suggestion that you could implement into this dynasty. Say for instance, if a player goes on a tear and is on a 10-game hitting streak, we could probably allot a set number of points (5?) to be added to any of the hitting aspects. Likewise, say a pitcher has won 5 games in a row, a set number of points will be awarded and can be added to any of the pitching features, for reaching the milestone.

We could do this with base-running, appearance, hitting streaks, no BB being allowed, not striking out for a long duration, etc...

Of course, we could also incorporate negative points, when say a player goes 0-15 or something similar. And for pitcher, if he loses a set number of games in a row, or walks a lot of batters, etc...

I do think this will be something that could get tiresome, but just wanted to suggest this idea. What do you think?

This sounds like a great idea, I'll definetely think about it. Thanks.

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I REALLY hope this works out since I haven't been in any of the other dynasties. Anyway: I'm abroad and short on time, so please please let me know if the point values don't work and if-how I can-should fix them.

Here we go: Backup Catcher

Last Name: Wood

First Name: Holly

1st position: C

2nd position: 3B

Bats: Right

Throws: Right

Num: 07

Birthday: 12-20-1984

Height: 5'7 (6 even if necessary)

Weight: Default

Bone Profile: Athletic

Body Type: Athletic

Skin Tone: Light

Hair Style: Short with long sideburns

Hair Color: Brown

Facial Hair: Goatee

Batting Stance: Gehrig

Swing Type:

Ditty: Rock

Bat Color: Brown

Glove Color: Red

Catcher's Mask: Traditional

Batting Glove: Any

Wristband: Right

Elbow Guard: None

Shin Guard: Yes

Socks: Reg


RH Contact: 70

LH Contact: 50

RH Power: 64

LH Power: 49

Points Distributed: (Includes Below) 820

EDIT: Thanks D-Unit for the heads up:

Bunting - 57

Plate Disc - 70

Durability - 70

Speed - 60

Stealing Tendency - 40

Baserunning Ability - 65

Fielding - 80

Range - 90

Throwing strength--75

Throwing accuracy - 80

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SeanRobinson - You're just missing these:

Bunting -

Plate Disc -

Durability -

Speed -

Stealing Tendency -

Baserunning Ability -

Fielding -

Range -

Throwing strength

Throwing accuracy -

Edit those into your post, and make sure the numbers add up to 820. If you do, the spot is yours.

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Fred - You're at 909 right now. You have 16 more left. Just edit your original post with the improved attributes.

Done and done. Good luck with this.

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Thanks Fred.

I am enlisting myself as an emergency starter, I didn't want to be on the original 25 man roster since I'm already in two dynasties, but as long as you guys stay healthy I won't be playing :D

Here are my stats so there is assurance I don't cheat...

Last Name: Drogalis

First Name: Mike

1st position: SP

2nd position: RP

Bats: Right

Throws: Left

Num: 23

Birthday: 1/5/1990

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 180

Bone Profile: Athletic

Body Type: Average

Skin Tone: Light

Hair Style: Short with long sideburns

Hair Color: Black

Facial Hair: None

Batting Stance: Alex Rodriguez

Swing Type: Two Hands

Ditty: Hard Rock

Bat Color: Black

Glove Color: Black

Catcher's Mask: Hockey

Batting Glove: Yes

Wristband: No

Elbow Guard: No

Shin Guard: No

Socks: High

Pitches & Ratings: (for pitchers)

Stamina: 79


Movement - 0

Control - 71

Velocity - 96

Trajectory - 12-6


Movement - 75

Control - 70

Velocity - 81

Trajectory - 11-5


Movement - 80

Control - 70

Velocity - 76

Trajectory - 12-6


Movement - 75

Control - 70

Velocity - 90

Trajectory - 10-4

Delivery: Mariano Rivera


Durability - 80

Speed - 30

Stealing Tendency - 0

Baserunning Ability - 0

Fielding - 40

Range - 30

Throwing Strength - 40

Throwing Accuracy - 40

Points Distributed: 850

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I'll take the 4th spot in the rotation.

Last Name: Hudson

First Name: Ryan

1st position: SP

2nd position: RP

Bats: Left

Throws: Right

Num: 15

Birthday: 11/6/1985

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 230

Bone Profile: Athletic

Body Type: Average

Skin Tone: Light

Hair Style: Short

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Facial Hair: None

Batting Stance: Ichiro

Swing Type: Two Hands

Ditty: Hard Rock

Bat Color: Black

Glove Color: Black

Catcher's Mask: Hockey

Batting Glove: Yes

Wristband: No

Elbow Guard: Black Pad

Shin Guard: Yes

Socks: Low

Pitches & Ratings: (for pitchers)

Stamina: 79


Movement - 0

Control - 75

Velocity - 97

Trajectory - None


Movement - 75

Control - 70

Velocity - 61

Trajectory - 11-5


Movement - 80

Control - 70

Velocity - 96

Trajectory - 9-3


Movement - 75

Control - 70

Velocity - 94

Trajectory - 12-6


Movement - 75

Control - 60

Velocity - 95

Trajectory - 10-4

Delivery: Francisco Rodriguez


Durability - 70

Speed - 10

Stealing Tendency - 0

Baserunning Ability - 0

Fielding - 20

Range - 0

Throwing Strength - 0

Throwing Accuracy - 0

Points Distributed: 750

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i will sign up and be a bench player, i will edit this post when i get the stats, but it the overall points just the all the ratings added up?

First Name: Andrew

Last Name or Alias: Wright

Birth Date: 9/22/92 probably cant do it in game so just make it the closest

First Position: 2B

Second Position: util

Throws: R

Bats: R

Career Potential: 3

Ditty: rock

Jersey Number: 22 if avaliable if not whatever

Height: 6’0

Body Type: athletic

Face: white generic

Hair Color: black

Hair Style: long(I don’t know if possible but it doesn’t really matter)

Facial hair: none

Body Build:athletic

Bat Color: black

Glove: brown

Elbow Guard: none

Wristband: none

Socks: high

Batting Gloves: none

Stance: renteria


RH Contact: 60

LH Contact: 60

RH Power: 30

LH Power: 30

Bunting: 70

Plate Discipline: 40

Durability: 60

Speed: 90

Steal Tendancy: 70

Baserunning Ability: 80

Fielding: 60

Range: 50

Throwing Strength: 50

Throwing Accuracy: 50

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Hudda has been added as the number 4 starter. One spot in the rotation is left.

redsfan776 - thank you and yes, just add the attributes together.

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Last Name: Garnett

First Name: Kevin

1st position:RF

2nd position:OF




Birthday: 2/5/1987

Height: 79

Weight: 240

Bone Profile:Athletic Big Legs

Body Type: Average

Skin Tone: 2

Hair Style: 5 Sideburns

Hair Color: Brown

Facial Hair: Goatee

Batting Stance: Chipper Jones

Swing Type: 3 (one-hand)


Face: 13 (Chipper)

Star Potential: 4 (Lots)

Bat Color: Black

Glove Color: Black

Catcher's Mask:Normal

Batting Glove:Yes

Wristband: Large Both

Elbow Guard:None

Shin Guard: Black



RH Contact:79

LH Contact:57

RH Power:94

LH Power:68

Bunting: 10

Plate Discipline:75

Durability: 70

Speed: 64

Steal Tendency: 0

Baserunning Ability:65

Fielding: 65

Range: 65

Throwing Strength:99

Throwing Accuracy:75


I made myself a left handed masher with a cannon arm but only average fielding that struggles against left handed pitching.

I attached my .mep file so you can just import it right into MVPEdit and not have to worry about touching my attributes.

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Thanks a lot for the .mep KG, saved me some time there lol. But being 14 points short, why not add it to his speed and make it 78?

That's also available for whoever wants to send an .mep file :D

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Last Name: Silberling

First Name: Michael

1st position: CF (backup OF slot)

2nd position: UTIL

Bats: L

Throws: R

Num: 9, or 35, or 4

Birthday: 10/7/93

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 132

Bone Profile: Average

Body Type: Big Legs

Skin Tone: Tanish

Hair Style: Normal, mid-sideburns

Hair Color: brown

Facial Hair: none

Batting Stance: A-rod

Swing Type: 2 hand

Ditty: Rock

Bat Color: Pine

Glove Color: Light Brown

Catcher's Mask: Hockey

Batting Glove: No


Elbow Guard: No

Shin Guard: No

Socks: High


RH Contact: 90

LH Contact: 70

RH Power: 20

LH Power: 15

Bunting: 55

Plate Discipline: 65

Durability: 55

Speed: 90

Steal Tendency: 15

Baserunning Ability: 50

Fielding: 70

Range: 70

Throwing Strength: 70

Throwing Accuracy: 65

Points Distributed: 800

Face 907

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