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Everyone has done a great job.


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I think that everything that everyone is doing is great on here. I don't understand why EA made it so hard to manage rosters and all on MVP. Madden has always been really easy. I think EA would be making a grave mistake not putting out another game, and not especially using everyone's opions and ideas as well as technical ablities to make the next. I've been trying to put players into other rosters for a couple of weeks and can't get the game to stop crashing or miss reading ifo and now am at another crossroad of crashing. It is so time consuming trying to do this stuff and would be so much more enjoyable to just simple put created rosters by us and, whomever, into a rosters folder and play. The ability to import players and teams in the game would be pretty helpful as well. A expansion team option would be great... etc. Well if anyone has any ideas as to why players would have strange numbers and letters on there faces in Manage roster mode, and casuing crashes related or unrelated, let me know... please.

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