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Home Run Ration


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I need to do this myself since I reinstalled my game.

I THOUGHT it is in the stadium.big file, and inside of there should be a file that allows you to adjust the info for each park. But I just looked and it is not.

I already checked the datafile and I know that was not it. There is a spreadsheet somewhere that allows us to change that info. I think ronmexico knows where that is because he is the one that showed me.

I thought it was a file here: C:Mo's PlaceMVP Baseball 05datafrontend

but can not find it yet.

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You change the progress.big I'm pretty sure, and inside there, theres a stadium file,something.csv. Sorry I can't help, I'm in Finland and don't have the files.

But atleast I can make cool squiggles with their keyboards. ÖÄŤ

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I have opened the stadium file in progress.big. I see HR modifier.

This is what I saw for these teams under HR modifier.

Unique Name Hr Modifier %/100

Ana -0.147743202

Ari 0.109589041

Atl -0.057894737

Bal 0.001034554

Bos -0.026315789

ChC -0.055555556

I have a couple of questions:

1. when it says the name of the team, it is referring to how many hr's are hit by the team or in their ballpark?

2. How would I adjust the numbers to create more HR's?

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Ballpark and negative numbers mean less homeruns. Tinker around with it, itäs not that hard, just make the negative numbers bigger and the positive numbers smaller.


They have a one half key, that's so cool!^~

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I have opened the stadium file in progress.big. I see HR modifier.

This is what I saw for these teams under HR modifier.

Unique Name Hr Modifier %/100

Ana -0.147743202

Ari 0.109589041

Atl -0.057894737

Bal 0.001034554

Bos -0.026315789

ChC -0.055555556

I have a couple of questions:

1. when it says the name of the team, it is referring to how many hr's are hit by the team or in their ballpark?

2. How would I adjust the numbers to create more HR's?

1. No, I believe it is percentage because if it were amount of homers, then you could get a bunch of losers on your team and they would hit the same amount. I belive that is percentage, especially when it says % at the heading (%100).

2. If you want more homers, take mine for example: I'm Atl. I barely hit homers. Barely. So I adjusted my numbers to be the same as Colorado's, which I think was .247 or .275. That was some time ago. Yesterday, I changed mine to .475 and whatever digits came after that. I then played my game and gave up a homer, and got me a homer in the same game. Maybe it worked right away. Maybe not. Some files take affect once you end your season, draft, go through Spring Training, and THEN when you click on "start next season", the changed files get read and begin to take affect.

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