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Spungo's Glove and Crashing


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I installed "Spungo's Fielding Glove Mod", and then started having problems.

First the first baseman's mitt looked like this (see attachment below).

Then the game crashes every time I use Tampa Bay or Texas in a game. It makes no difference if they are home or away.

My game setup is original install, adding my own downloaded mods. I had the following:

EA patches 3 & 5

Rosters UR8.5

KC's frontend art and loading screens

KC's Total MLB Uniform Pack 126

Updated Portraits, ball, bases, audio

I have tried several times to uninstall and reinstall. Uninstalling and deleting anything related to MVP 2005. No luck.

Everything works fine until I install the new rosters. Tried both UR 8.4 and UR 8.5. The glove shows up in both rosters. But Tampa Bay and Texas only crash when using UR 8.5.

I saw the glove problem in another thread. http://mvpmods.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=19812.html

Can anyone help or advise what I should do?

Thanks in advance.

Aug. 19, 2007

I hate to bump this, but no one has responded. My problem is still the same.

I even d/l MVP 2007 Mod. Still have the same problem.

I have ran a search of any folders/files connected with MVP Baseball, even when into the registry. Deleted all folders/files associated with MVP Baseball.

Then tried a clean install. When I add the UR 8.5, problems with glove, Tampa Bay and Texas are still there. What am I missing or doing wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.

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