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Comiskey Park 1950s Released!

Sean O

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At last, at long last, we've finished the major ballparks for MVP. Comiskey was the last hurdle to the major ballparks, and thanks to paulw, it's done.


Should be up soon, enjoy!

thanks again to paul for all his work.

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This is absolutely amazing. I know you used Tiger Stadium as a base, but this is not Tiger Stadium. This is Comiskey Park. This is a beautiful stadium. There are a few inaccuracies (such as the upper deck being too high) that can't be fixed, but they don't detract from the park at all. One of the best parts is the texture on the outfield walls - exact details. Also, the outfield dimensions are perfect. I just have a few questions:

Is there a way to change the shadowing? In the game, the shadow covers the first base side, meaning the sun would be to the southeast. The stadium is pretty dark, especially behind homeplate, which is almost black. Can you more the shadow around, or at least make the park brighter?

Do you plan on tweaking this and releasing later versions of the park, such as ones with the monster scoreboard and bullpens in CF?

I don't want to take away from what you have created. This is really an amazing park. As a Sox fan, I have waited for this since I first found this site. Congrats and thank you.

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Woo hoo! We now have another stadium for the upcoming '56 season mod! :wtg:

We'll have to squeeze this one into Total Classics as well soon.

Thanks a lot guys!!!!

Sean - You said that you used Sportsman's Park as a base for Comiskey, right? I just want to know which .txt file I should extract from the datafile.big file to use with Comiskey.

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