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Baltimore Memorial Stadium

Sean O

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Thank you! The best version of Memorial Stadium yet. Thanks for giving us a full house.

Should there be home and visitor dugouts or have I installed it wrong?

Thanks again.

There should be dugouts. We just need to know what Sean used as a base for Memorial Stadium. We can then extract the base stadium's .txt file out of the datafile.big file, rename it to orioday.txt and orionite.txt and copy it to the data folder.

Sean - By the way, the stadium looks great. Until you create a 50's version, I'll use this for the 1956 mod (as well as the 1978 mod and TC8).

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The answer to the dugout question is: making dugouts sucks. With everything I'm modding, it's not worth the several hours involved to move and tweak the dozens of pieces that go into the dugout to make it look acceptable, especially with something based off of the sunken Cleveland Stadium.

My apologies.

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With all due respect, having something like this:


...plus all of the collision areas that are off, like outfielders appearing through walls, indicates that it may need a lot more work, and is just "not ready for prime time," or something that one would want to use. This one seems like it was a "rushed" release. If it's "not worth the several hours involved" to get it right, why even release it in the first place in it's flawed condition?

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With all due respect, having something like this:


...plus all of the collision areas that are off, like outfielders appearing through walls, indicates that it may need a lot more work, and is just "not ready for prime time," or something that one would want to use. This one seems like it was a "rushed" release. If it's "not worth the several hours involved" to get it right, why even release it in the first place in it's flawed condition?

Do it your own god damned self then. Why don't you spend the dozen hours to get the park into this shape, then you can comment, yeah?

Jesus christ, this is why I'm burnt out on parks now, and why I don't have any desire to continue the rest of the list.

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Do it your own god damned self then. Why don't you spend the dozen hours to get the park into this shape, then you can comment, yeah?

That has always been the lamest argument imaginable from someone who screwed something up and can't take criticism. "Do it yourself." I'm sure that if I searched the forums I might find you complaining about something that you can't do yourself.

People can and will and should comment when something is crap. You're burnt out? Then go and take a nice long vacation and take your cry baby attitude with you.

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or maybe you should just do it your damned self. lame argument? what's lame is to bash something you haven't the slightest ability to do yourself. seriously...do it yourself if you're so high and mighty. and for the last time, he DIDN'T screw it up dumbass. he was well aware of it.

why release it at stages like this? i think he's made it quite clear why. first off, there are plenty of people who are quite content with it just the way it is, including himself. if you're not, then fix it. it's perfectly doable. but don't come in here making excuses because you're too lazy to learn to do it yourself. just because he's not willing to do it doesn't make it any less of a mod. THERE IS such a thing as beta stages of a mod. in fact, ALL mods are pretty much beta releases because there is ALWAYS room for improvement. but we're SO SORRY that it's SO flawed that is not to you liking. how dare he do that to you? get bent.

yes people should comment, because that actually can help the modder. but don't sit here on your high stool and bash people's work and think it's constructive. if it irritates you so much, why don't you just get the hell out of here? don't bother using it. what's the point in all of your comments then? useless, that's what. if you can't contribute anything but shit like that, just leave everyone the hell alone. frankly, no one gives a crap what you think. he's well aware of any imperfections in his mod.

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Instead of just criticizing the mod, why not ask why it's like that. I'm sure Sean would have been more than happy to tell what imperfections where in the stadium.

You don't like the mod, don't use it. I'm sure Sean won't lose any sleep because some *** like you bashed his work.

People can and will and should comment when something is crap

Your right, they should. Like the fact that you've never offered anything constructive to this site. Whether it be a mod or anything that you've posted in the forums. It's all crap.

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I think the two of you know what you can do.

The stadium was relegated to the bit bucket after one use.

And yes, it's a lame argument. Using that logic people couldn't criticize MVP Players because they can't do it themselves, and on and on.

And the Internet never fails to amaze me. I can guarantee that none of you would speak to me in that fashion face to face.

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And the Internet never fails to amaze me. I can guarantee that none of you would speak to me in that fashion face to face.
What, and you would? Hey, guess what, whether or not we decide to talk to a stranger (and an idiot at that) and criticize his crappy argument for something because he's to lazy does not show true moral value of a person.
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You bet I would, kid. I did not use profanity and personal insults in my responses. And "too lazy" not "to lazy" should have been used in your idiotic response.

Was it you who told someone on these forums just recently to "get an education?"

May I suggest that you take your own advice?

It would seem that some members here, and that INCLUDES some "admins," are incapable of following the rules that are posted:

- You do not have the right to insult/attack/etc someone for ANY reason.

I would suggest that calling me a **** qualifies under that rule, wouldn't you, tebjr? Or are you allowed to break the rules as you see fit?

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May I suggest you shut up before you get your @$$ kicked? You don't like the mod, go do it yourself, you moron.

Gee, what an ORIGINAL response! Let me know when come up with a thought of your own. And *I'm* the moron???

This just keeps getting better. Or sadder, depending on your position.



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Gee, what an ORIGINAL response! Let me know when come up with a thought of your own. And *I'm* the moron???

This just keeps getting better. Or sadder, depending on your position.



Look, the quick and dirty answer is, I create more product than virtually anyone else around here, simply because I don't have the time to iron out the little spots. If I had EA's tools, I could easily create every park perfectly, but unfortunately that's not possible. If you haven't noticed, with a few slight exceptions, I am the only person who routinely tears down entire parks to rebuild them as others, which is why nothing I create by myself can touch the work of Pirate or rolie or paulw or everyone else.

Each dugout, especially at Cleveland Stadium, is 12-18 different parts, not counting the collision detection and everything else. I spent about 4 hours on the Base Stadium that I use for most of my recent parks, where I sank literally every point in the seating area down about 8', removed the roof, fixed the crowds, and so on. So, the dugouts were built at Cleveland for a stadium 8' higher up than it currently is, creating one heck of a big issue when it comes to placing them correctly.

Now, I could go through each dugout piece by piece, sink it down, adjust the mfield files (without leading to any more stretching of the field textures, which isn't easy given how EA did it), fix the collision detection, fix the seating bowl around it and remove the crowds, and it still wouldn't look right because we don't know exactly which elements control the location of players in the .txt file.

The alternative would be to move the rest of the stadium independent of the dugouts. This would mean 1). the seating would look incorrect for Baltimore, without seats at field level behind the plate 2). the dimensions in the corners would be more incorrect, due to the differences between Cleveland and Baltimore. So, instead of a corner distance of 330' with a 14' wall (which alone took some convincing in oedit, and which is already 21' farther than the real Baltimore corner), it would've been 330' with a 22' wall. It just wouldn't have looked right for Baltimore.

So, because I didn't want to spend several more hours to make the overall park look worse, and because I'd already spent a great deal of time converting Baltimore from Cleveland, I judged it as good as I could get it, and released it hopefully in time for TC '64 and TC8.

You seem to think you're the only one around here noticing the elephant in the room that is the problems with my park. Thing is, everybody notices it, it's impossible not to notice it, because the problems are glaring. But like Mark Bellhorn getting chance after chance, and Adam Dunn correctly being seen as a productive player, they're able to look past that which can be ignored, simply because there is value there despite the flaws. Everyone else on the site seems to be able to deal with the problems, because overall I'm still creating park after park after park to give the single season mods a different, classic feel.

If you can't handle that situation, I'm deeply sorry, but don't download my parks. You'll only be disappointed. If you want perfection, try Rolie's immaculate Dodger Stadium, or Big O's Camden / Fenway. I wish everything I made could be perfect, but it won't happen. Learn to deal with it, or ignore everything I've done.

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Gee, what an ORIGINAL response! Let me know when come up with a thought of your own. And *I'm* the moron???

This just keeps getting better. Or sadder, depending on your position.



Why are you wasting your time here? Do you think you'll earn some respect with your idiotic rants that nobody cares about? Do you think that people will actually listen to you? For someone who calls me "kid" you sure act like a jerk with the matureness of a toddler.

btw, I know the difference between "to" and "too". It's a spelling mistake, not the fact that I don't know the difference. I'm hoping that you'll be grown up enough to take my word that I'm being honest, which I am. Even so, if that's the best argument you can come up with, then you need help. Read your response again:

You bet I would, kid. I did not use profanity and personal insults in my responses. And "too lazy" not "to lazy" should have been used in your idiotic response.

Was it you who told someone on these forums just recently to "get an education?"

May I suggest that you take your own advice?

You did not give a single reason as to why you had the right to criticize Sean O's work or why my argument is wrong. You merely corrected a spelling mistake.

Yeah, I can see it now: I come up to you, say all the things I'm saying, you insult me, I walk away. Big whoop. Or, you beat me up, get arrested, spend a few days in the slammer, and all I get are a few bruises. Seriously, you're wasting your time, nobody cares about you. If you reply to this post, you really won't be able to handle someone telling you the truth, you'll have to blabber on why you're right and everyone else is wrong, whining like a little kid. Sometimes I can't believe the immaturity in people way to old to be doing this stuff.

Another thing: Do you think that if you USE CAPITAL LETTERS LIKE THIS people will listen to you because you're "louder"? The internet ceases to amaze me.

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I think the two of you know what you can do.

The stadium was relegated to the bit bucket after one use.

And yes, it's a lame argument. Using that logic people couldn't criticize MVP Players because they can't do it themselves, and on and on.

And the Internet never fails to amaze me. I can guarantee that none of you would speak to me in that fashion face to face.

yeah, we know what we can do. and in case you haven't noticed, we're doing it. what are you doing? crying like a little girl. get over yourself.

people are more than welcomed to criticize mods because it is actually productive in making these mods better. but nowhere does it state it's anyone's job to insult the modder. nowhere does it state that the modder has to do anything in return. these are done completely on a voluntary basis. what productivity is to be gained from your crap: "is just "not ready for prime time," or something that one would want to use. This one seems like it was a "rushed" release. If it's "not worth the several hours involved" to get it right, why even release it in the first place in it's flawed condition?

" that is what we don't call criticism. can you tell the difference, or is that above your head too? he's already explained quite clearly why these look that way. but i suppose taking the time to read that is too much to ask. instead you choose to point out the obvious that has already been asked about. good work buddy. that's very helpful. that should get him right on it shouldn't it?

there's a huge difference between someone who CAN'T do it and someone who refuses to do it. are you physically incapable of doing it yourself? if not, then why not do it yourself? is it just TOO hard for you? maybe you should go cry about that too.

but don't come in here attacking sean o and acting all high and mighty as if you're innocent of any "personal attacks." but heck, if you choose to do so anyhow, don't go hiding behind the very forum rules that you refuse to abide by yourself. but hell, here's a few more no no's:

Pointing out Spelling/Grammar errors isn't necessary.

You're not a moderator

but i suppose it's ok for you, since you can justify it.

and what, you really think i wouldn't talk to you like this in person? and how might you know that? do you have some sort of special ability to make predictions now? or is that supposed to be some sort of pathetic threat? you think that makes you tough or something? yeah, you're a badass.



again, how is it justified? he's quite clearly explained why it was done the way it was. but because you didn't like that answer you take a big dump all over it and call it justified? and why in the world would you criticize the modder? explain to me how it's different than insulting the guy? it's the mod that should be critiqued, but just because you're an ass about how you do it doesn't justify it. the fact that he's even taking the time to explain again to such a simpleton just amazes me. it really spells out the difference between the two of you. you're just pathetic. plain and simple.

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This is why I never started modding to begin with!

It had nothing to do with lack of talent whatsoever. Nope, it was completely the fault of hypothetical critics. Who knows what I could have accomplished without your hypothetical whining and some talent?

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This is why I never started modding to begin with!

It had nothing to do with lack of talent whatsoever. Nope, it was completely the fault of hypothetical critics. Who knows what I could have accomplished without your hypothetical whining and some talent?

Don't worry Eric. You'll soon be too busy to worry about modding, getting rich selling research papers on the Internet. If you've got to spend all that time grading them, you might as well make a little money on the side, right? :lol:

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- You do not have the right to insult/attack/etc someone for ANY reason.

I would suggest that calling me a **** qualifies under that rule, wouldn't you, tebjr? Or are you allowed to break the rules as you see fit?

I didn't insult you. I merely call them as I see them.

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Look, the quick and dirty answer is, I create more product than virtually anyone else around here, simply because I don't have the time to iron out the little spots.


Now wouldn't it have been easier to leave a response like that in the first place rather than cursing and telling me to do it myself, etc, and thus receiving my second response IN KIND?

Read my original post. I didn't insult you, curse at you, or otherwise be a dick.

I rightly criticized your work that in my opinion was not up to par with some of your others WHICH I HAVE DOWNLOADED AND USE!

Were you involved with the classic Yankee Stadium? I believe that I complimented that one if you care to go back and look at the thread.

I pointed out ONE area where the ball gets through the fence, period.

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I didn't insult you. I merely call them as I see them.

So do I...

Hey, uh, tebJR...do live anywhere near Providence, RI? How about you Homer?

The reason I ask is that I've had some off-board private communications with a few people (not mentioning any names), and they seem to think that you are just a loud-mouth punk with an undeserved title who feels like a big man hiding behind his monitor making foul-mouthed messages, knowing that he is safe and warm in his tiny little room in Mom's basement.

I just can't believe, as they told me, that if I stuffed your brains up an ant's ***, it'd roll around like a BB in a boxcar OR When they put teeth in your mouth they ruined a perfectly good anus OR 2% more brains and you'd be a plant. No offense to plants of course. And I certainly can't believe that you are a butt puppet.

But I digress. I'd like to dispel all those impressions since I don't believe that they are true. So if you DO live anywhere near Providence, PM me with a time and place where we can meet for a beer or two.

On another note, my Ignore list is sure gettng a workout. It's too bad that there are some that can't be added.

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