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Need some uniforms for the 1956 season mod


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Homer - Thanks a lot, those look great!

I hate to be a pain, but would it be possible for you to send me uniform portraits that do not have the "1956" text on them. Currently, none of the other uniform previews have this text (I did things differently than I did with the 1978 mod), and I'd like to keep everything consistent.

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anytime :) but let me know how they look in game. also, could you tell me what slots you install them in? i have a mod i use that i'd like to add them to, but i don't know what slots are good besides the g and h slots.

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oh, and the font files too. if you have ones that go well with these uni's i could use them too.

I'll be installing them tomorrow on my work laptop (that's the one I use for my modding). Once I install them and test them in the game, I'll take some screenshots for you.

I'll also send you the font files that I use.

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Where were you with that before I did all this, homer? :D

I'll use that to update it.

I hate fsh files. I spent 4 hours trying to recompress this stuff and finally got a workable version.

I've got all this image files that could be 2x if you wanted that instead.

Here is the preview of the aways.


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On my way out the door, but I upped the resolution on the jersey top (256x256) and the sleeves and the image is much clearer.

The game hung up when someone put the ball in play, but that could have just been for any reason. Will check later.

Want to up the image size on the pants and hat if all goes well.


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Files sent Jim.

Unrelated question: For all those who do the structure editing of the uniform files (like whoever made the longer pants, the restructured knee, etc) here are my 2 questions:

1) How many vertices are in the standard wristband or elbow guard? Now, how many vertices are in the long sleeves? Could it be possible to turn the a wristband or elbow guard into the 3/4th sleeves that players of the era wore?

2) How many vertices are in the helmet? How many are in the regular soft cap? Would it be possible to turn the helmet into a softcap.

I'll hang up and listen to your answer.

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HCL - These look great. I've attached some screenshots below. Excuse the low-res graphics. They're on a laptop with on-board graphics. I hope you don't mind, but I tweaked the uniforms slightly (removed earflap from the batting helmet and replaced catcher's gear with older classic style gear to be consistent with other uniforms).

Home uniforms:

Road uniforms:

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Twisted? I don't understand. They look straight to me.

Also, I noticed that you uploaded the 60's Met. This will work well with the '78 mod. Unfortunately, the Met wasn't used in 1956, however, I do have the Milwaukee Braves playing in EA's version of the Met since it looks more like a 1956 version of County Stadium than the version of County Stadium used in the '78 mod.

If it's OK with you, I may try to replace the ads in EA's Met with the ones you have in your version. I'd use your version, except that the scoreboard references the Twins, while the version I use simply says "Home" and "Visitor" on the scoreboard.

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Why not just remove the references to the Twins then on the scoreboard?

By twisted I meant the fact that the names on the back of the uniforms look more shifted than usual and the catcher's gear looks all bunched.

Anyways, I was thinking about it and the helmets wouldn't have been red. For somereason, I assumed that the helmets wouldn't be used (dumb me) and those helmets should simply be the same as the hats.

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Now I understand. The "twisted-ness" may be due to the on-board graphics on my laptop as well as the camera angle I'm using. Many of the teams in the game use batting helmets, but they are all flapless, so it's something I can live with.

As for the scoreboard, I can try, however, I am no graphic artist. The way I removed the Twins reference from EA's version of the Met was to use the "spot healer" tool in Photoshop Elements. It's not perfect, but it was good enough for my purposes.

I wouldn't know how to replace the word "Twins" with the word "Braves" on the scoreboard and I wouldn't necessarily want it to say "Visitor" and then have a blank where the "Twins" text was next to the score.

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Ok, Jim...do you have any photos of County Stadium from the 50's? I can try to take the next 2 days or so and create the stadium for you. I have a graphic of the County Stadium scoreboard already on my PC.

I'll see what I can find and send them to you.

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Wow, that would take alot longer than a few days. It looks like a hybrid of The Met and Candlestick Park.

I thought the Met was close, with the wall in the outfield, the scoreboard and the lights, so that it is why I used it. It was a closer fit than the 70's County Stadium with the beer barrel and Bernie Brewer (although that version is PERFECT in the 1978 mod).

Even if you simply took your new version of the Met and changed "Twins" to "Braves" on the scoreboard (and possibly change a few scores, since I think I saw "Cal" displayed), I'd be more than satisfied with that. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be an upgrade to what I have now.

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