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LVBP Venezuelan league Mod advances


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Even though I only use mods from the late 50s-early 70s of MLB - I had to take the time to compliment your work. It is really stunning to see the quality you put out. I am very impressed with your work and I am sure you have brought many many hours of enjoyment to many. So for that - all I can say is "Thanks" and hopefully someday you venture into the Classic History of Baseball modding.


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Well, biside thanking you for your nice words, I've gotta tell you that I still have to make some classic uniforms for MLB teams. I'm also thinking of adding a retro gear to each of these LVBP packs, so people can see what Venezuelan teams wore years ago. Of course I took this idea from this site nice old school uniforms (also from the ones tha come inside the game itself). But I hope to be working hard with retros and ancient teams sim for next year version. Right now, I've barely had time to update these packs, as I've had many things to do (not related to MVP Baseball :( ) and my country league is begining on oct-14.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just uploaded a stadium with TV overlay. The stadium is just a version of The Factor's Hiram Bithorn 1.2 and the TV overlay is based on Clint's ESPN 1.2 overlay. It features lots of venezuelan advertising (mostly beer :mrgreen: ) and 'Meridiano Television', a 100% sports venezuelan TV channel. I had never worked with stadiums before.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just uploaded this new version for 'Aguilas del Zulia' Team. Some changes to orange jerseys, that I personally don't like a lot, the double colored sleeve, exactly. But the front scripts are okay, and similar to what they'd been wearing in previous years. Also some minor changes on the sponsor and team old crest patch.


I'll update this post with the link whenever it's ready to download.

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  Umachines said:
I've just uploaded this new version for 'Aguilas del Zulia' Team. Some changes to orange jerseys, that I personally don't like a lot, the double colored sleeve, exactly. But the front scripts are okay, and similar to what they'd been wearing in previous years. Also some minor changes on the sponsor and team old crest patch.

I'll update this post with the link whenever it's ready to download.

Got it added.

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holaaa!!! soy super fanatico de esta liga... y super fanatico de Las Aguilas... me gustaria que pusieras un roster plz... estan muy pavos tus uniformes...!!!!

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  snepp said:
Got it added

Nice managing

  dglf said:
holaaa!!! soy super fanatico de esta liga... y super fanatico de Las Aguilas... me gustaria que pusieras un roster plz... estan muy pavos tus uniformes...!!!!

Gracias por tu opinión. La verdad no tengo nada de rosters aún. Verás, soy superfan de la pelota, superfan de la liga y superfan de las Aguilas, pero el trabajo repetitivo me da superladilla también :mrgreen: . Esa es la verdad de porque no tengo rosters; La parte gráfica, más otras cosas fuera del juego, no me han dejado tiempo aún. Estoy esperando un voluntario...todavía. Claro que si no aparece, le tocará a este negrito ese trabajo también.

  The Moose said:
outstanding work again UM. color me impressed.

Thanks for your opinion too, dude!. I always do my best to make those guys look like the true ones. It's a pity the jersey is so well ironed and never goes out of the pants. BTW, use this post to practice a bit of 'Caribbean' Spanish ;)

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Te entiendo... Te puedo Ayudar con el roster... pero los atributos de los jugadores no los se bien... tu debes saber mas de eso... puedo hacer el roster con los nombres en cada equipo te los envio y le pones los atributos a cada jugador... no se... que dices?

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This is the 2004-2005 uniform set for 'Tiburones de La Guaira'. Notice the design is based on Majestic Athletic BP jerseys. My first try was simply copying the stripes and sleeve collar from any of the BP jersey source files I have, but I also had to put the patches on both sleeves. So what I did to follow the true design was rotating the sleeve pinstripe 15° to have space enough for the patches. I like the final effect, and I think I'm using this trick for MVP 2005 BP jerseys if possible.



There is an ID error in the picture (my fault); It's version 2.0 instead 1.0

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Hiere it's the Aragua update. They're waring a new home jersey with this Twins-like script. I also added another extra uniform and made some fixes to the pinstripes jersey.


http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownloaddetails&cid=9&lid=1064&title=LVBP Aragua pack#dldetails://http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?na... pack#dldetails

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