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Is there a way I can resize an image to 512x512 pixels without cutting off the picture?

i.e. Microsoft Paint cuts the pic off when resizing

If I'm not clear, photobucket directly lets you resize to 800x600 i think. The picture stays the same, except the size.

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I don't. I don't have the program. I am going by what Photoshop has in the "Resize Image" Dialogue box. I don't know if your program has anything like that. I just thought that maybe it did, and maybe that was causing your problem.

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Where do u see that???

In IrfanView, it's called "Preserve aspect ratio". I believe that IrfanView defaults to having this checked, which means that if you change one dimension (width or height), IrfanView will automatically change the other one (i.e. it keeps the width / height ratio the same). The purpose of this is to try to prevent the picture from getting distorted when you change the dimensions.

If you want to be able to change both the width and the height independently, make sure that "Preserve aspect ratio" is not checked. Be aware, however, that doing this could distort the picture if you do not change both dimensions proportionally (e.g. double both width and height or reduce both by 50%, etc.).

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