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Stadium Help!


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Thanks for stopping by and entering my topic! I just have a couple quick questions.

First I would like to mod at least one of the AAA Stadiums so it is realistic for the Oklahoma Redhawks, so how would I go about editing an exsisting AAA Stadium into my stadium.

Second what programs do I need to run this? Will Oedit be involved?

Third, How do I edit a stadium so it has the accurate ads, etc...

Finally this has nothing to do with the stadiums but is there a mod that allows you to expand your rosters to 40-man.

Also is there a ditty editor so I can have guys like Dellucci come out to the Godfather Theme?

Thank you.

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Alright (yeah I know I shouldn't have posted a reply to my own topic a second time but I need an answer), I like to modify a stadium but for now is it possibly to do the following...

Download the ditty importer and set the Godfather Waltz as David Dellucci's pre-bat theme, but not for others? Or is it even possible?

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