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MVPedit help


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This may be a dumb question, but I don't know much about downloading and installing things. How do you take your roster from the game that you edited and put it on MVPedit? I have MVPedit up and running but it is default rosters and I don't want to re-do all of the roster editing so if someone could tell me step by step what to do I would be happy. Thanks for whoever can help me.

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If you had made changes to roster and saved it either as a dynasty or owner mode file, then you would need to use TyWiggins' .DAT importer/exporter to export the .DAT files from your dynasty/owner mode.

Once you have exported the .DAT files, go into MVPEdit.

Goto File-Import-DAT files and point it to your importer/exporter folder location. That should then load your rosters in MVPEdit. Perform whatever changes you need and export the .DAT files either into the data folder under c:program files or export it to the importer/exporter folder and use the importer option to import the updated roster files into your dynasty.

As far as trying to find that program, just search for importer/exporter (exact words) as Homer mentioned and it will come up. Hope this helps.

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