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Coaches and pep talk


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I've been searching the internet looking for those awesome pep talk lines coaches always use in sports movies to bring that extra intensity to their players before or during the game.

I came up pretty much empty on my search and these were the only ones I could find.

• You think big, you play big.

• Together we’re winners, by our own, we’re losers.

• Winning isn’t everything; it’s the only thing.

• It's easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you're a winner, when you're number one. What you've got to have is faith and discipline when you're not yet a winner.

I was hoping that you guys had some more lines that I could add to my list :)

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imdb.com might help you. just look for all the sports-movie titles you can think of that have good speeches... then on the left side of the screen click on "Memorable Quotes" - that will probably have some in there.

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i coach my daughters volleyball team, last weekend they were giggling about some damn boy who showed up and thought i would care. i said that i did not care who showed up to the game, all i wanted was for us to win one game. they won the first and i told them i had lied, i wanted two!

Got it. then i got greedy and asked for a third.

2-1 is not bad though!!!!

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I was recording my little brother hit, when he was on deck I said the inspirational line:

"If you strike out, this is going on facebook."

Little smartass hit a slow chopper back to the pitcher.

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'nuff said. Personally, a bunch of quotes won't do much for me. But this is something that might pump me up. That and a few songs I like...

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"This is the game of your lives, now some of you may make it to the pros, but for most of you, this is the end of the line!!"

anybody know what show this was? lol, those were his words that he gave to football players when they lost thier mascot (which they thought would help them win) Funny stuff

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There are heroes, and then there are legends.

Heroes are remembered.

But legends never die.

I don't know why that quote has always gotten to me, but it has. Props if you can name the movie ;) (Then again, considering what genre of forum I'm posting on, I'd hope everyone here could name it!)

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There are heroes, and then there are legends.

Heroes are remembered.

But legends never die.

I don't know why that quote has always gotten to me, but it has. Props if you can name the movie ;) (Then again, considering what genre of forum I'm posting on, I'd hope everyone here could name it!)

The Sandlot

It was the part when Benny had the dream of Babe Ruth and when he was leaving, he said those words.

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