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Moving to Troy/Albany/N.Y. Capitol Region


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...The vicinity of the following universities?

- Purdue

- Rensselaer Polytech.

- Virginia Tech.

- Univ. of Central Florida

- NC State

- East Carolina Univ.

...I'm applying for doctorate programs (any other modders have a PhD?), and haven't actually been to most of these places. It occurred to me that some of you might be able to recommend things about the regions these schools are in.


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i don't live n any of those areas, but i applaud you for going after the doctorate program. it's fun times. at least i hope it's as fun for you as it was for me.

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got a few. they're all healthcare related. just for privacy, i don't like to advertise it too much. fun stuff i tell you though. college was absolutely the best time of my life. and then grad school took it to another level. it's well worth it if you got the drive to accomplish it. really, i highly admire anyone who goes through with it. it's quite the commitment.

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i actually just visited rensselaer polytech (rpi) around halloween bc theyre recruiting me for baseball. i cant tell you much about it since im still in high school and live in texas, but i have some info because i took the tour. i could probably answer some basic questions.

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  • 2 months later...

To catch you all up on the boring half-soap opera that is my life, I got accepted for early admission and funding (don't know how much yet) by Rensselaer "RPI" Polytechnic.

I was researching the city it's in, and not only is the local minor league team an Astros affiliate, but a city that I always assumed was fictional in the novels of my favorite writer is based on Troy, N.Y. -- he even wrote my favorite book of all time right there in the town.

A sign from Jesu?


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To catch you all up on the boring half-soap opera that is my life, I got accepted for early admission and funding (don't know how much yet) by Rensselaer "RPI" Polytechnic.

I was researching the city it's in, and not only is the local minor league team an Astros affiliate, but a city that I always assumed was fictional in the novels of my favorite writer is based on Troy, N.Y. -- he even wrote my favorite book of all time right there in the town.

A sign from Jesu?



It's a beautiful city and home to the 2008 New York-Penn League All Star Game.

They filmed a bunch of movies on the campus there.

Have fun and good luck.

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I'm in NC and have been to both NC State and ECU. I would recommend avoiding Greenville(where ECU is) it is a major party town, the school is alright, but Greenville is just not my kind of a place, a bit dirty for my tastes. The area where NC State is in is pretty nice, but I wouldn't move to Raleigh if you were looking for a vibrant night life or anything. Out of the two I would pick State. I go to Appalachian State and love the hell out of it.

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Cool. I currently teach at Western, your "rivals." I put that in quotes because you guys were the Cinderella story of the year in football, while we...I don't think we won any games.

RPI is good if you like a 70/30 male/female split and if your ok with hanging out with some of the lamest people ever (my brother went there).

I'm married, so I'll be hanging out with my wife. Pretty much.

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I'm in NC and have been to both NC State and ECU. I would recommend avoiding Greenville(where ECU is) it is a major party town, the school is alright, but Greenville is just not my kind of a place, a bit dirty for my tastes. The area where NC State is in is pretty nice, but I wouldn't move to Raleigh if you were looking for a vibrant night life or anything. Out of the two I would pick State. I go to Appalachian State and love the hell out of it.

Is ASU really as HOT HOT HOT as they think they are?

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RPI is not that bad, as far as i know. Their rugby team had some cool people on it, also some real geeks, but they seemed nice and they have a pretty nice campus.

Troy, NY is also not that bad. Its not exciting, theres not a whole lot of places to go and see but its not bad. Its a nice town just a little quiet and slow.

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  • 2 months later...

To catch you all up again with the never-ending soap opera of my life, I got accepted and offered money from everywhere that wasn't NC State (though Purdue let me know so late that it didn't matter anymore).

I've given notice to RPI that I've accepted their offer, and they've offered me a **** ton of money to spend the next four years or so studying technical communication, interactivity, usability, interface design, etc. etc.

So we'll be in Troy next year. We visited a few weeks ago, and wound up really liking the place. I can see what you meant Sean, about it being a grey and ugly city, but -- I grew up in one of those, so it kind of felt like home. I also like the fact that five minutes up the road takes you out into the countryside, where I think we'd like to live, but that we can still drive to a Target within 20 minutes (our nearest here is an hour away -- we make special Target day trips).

Anybody in the Troy/Albany area should send me a PM. We'll be looking for locals to befriend!

In other great news, my writing partner just got accepted into the screenwriting program at USC, and has kindly offered me his coattails to ride, should the situation ever arise.


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That's good news about RPI Eric. My friend goes there and he really likes it. However, it is a very male dominated campus, but like you already stated that doesn't really apply to you. But I wish you all the best in your endeavors.

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