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the main event is NO DQ! and a 24 man tag match on ECW tommorow.


I predict tonight's main event will see HHH hit Cena and Orton with sledge hammer and HBK will super kick Flair ... either that or Cena will become newest member of DX along with HBK, HHH and Flair ... Take your pick ..... lol

edit: I didn't see [Finlay getting involved] coming at all. What's next? Floyd and Batista coming out too ... leaving HBK, Cena, HHH and Flair in the ring with Orton? HBK then can super kick Flair leaving HHH in the ring to Sledge Hammer Cena and Orton ....

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Was the PPV worth the money? What's the main event you speak of?

Thanks for all the info guys. As I said before, I still think Show vs. Kahli would be better than Show vs. than Mr. Money.

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show v/s mayweather wasn't anything much. Big show beat him up for about 10 minutes, then Mayweather took some brass knuckles off of one of his goonies' necklaces and hit big show in the jaw and big show didn't get back up.

(no, his jaw isn't broken)

so far i've been happy with paying 55 bucks for it.

MITB match by far the best one.

Flair v/s HBK was good.

triple threat was good, but ended wierdly

umaga v/s batista was good, but batista messed up a couple times toward the end, including on his finisher.

bunny mania ------- who cares? the most exciting thing was when the lights went out in the middle.

taker and edge are still going at it, but I'm probably going to switch over to the baseball game b/c taker won't lose at WM, and is going to get his long title run that he was supposed to have last year but got hurt.

like rog said, they have all been good except for bigshow/mayweather and the bunny mania stupidity.

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Okay ... thnx Mav

For the PPV, do you need a special package or can you have a basic package and then just call up?

lol, it's already up on his wikipedia that he is 16-0 at wrestlemania and is a 6 time champion and the match isn't over yet...


We all know how accurate Wikipedia is anyway.

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IDK, I thought Bunny Mania was good only because Snoop Dogg Clothes Lined Santino. Also, the Punch to the jaw Santino received from The King was hilarious.

I was very happy with the HBK Flair match. As for the WWE title, I really thought sucky Cena would pull off a Double FU

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Other than the HBK/Flair match im sorry to say that was the worst Wrestlemania since WM13. Show and Mayweather was worse than expected, and if i wanted to see the "power of the punch" I would rather have seen Regal.

Money in the bank was ok minus the fact Punk won. Out of all the talent in that match they picked someone who will never draw a dime to win and get a title shot.

The triple threat match was good, but it still baffles why they would keep the belt on Orton. Don't get me wrong anyone is better as champ than Cena so it should be interesting where this angle goes.

I gotta say the best thing they did this year was have Kane squash Chavo in what like 2 min. For once something finally believable.

Over all maybe it wasn't as bad as WM 13, but it sure was damn close.

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The Money in the Bank was a great match and Punk is going to draw money. He has a big rising fan base.

Yeah I don't like the results of the triple threat but it was one hell of a match.

I am thinking the reason Chavo go squashed is because he failed his third drug test. Just a theory.

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Mav, yeah, so what if I was wrong. I'm glad the E didn't do the predictable thing and let HHH win. lol.

I'm glad I didn't have to pay the $55 price tag. I got to watch a crystal clear stream online.

My take:

24 Man Battle Royal - 24 men and the match is over in 5 minutes. Pure crap.

JBL vs Finlay - This match was pretty decent and had some nice spots in it. I marked out when Finlay finally does a suicide dive and in the process of flying out of the ring, gets clocked in the head with a trash can lid.

MITB - This was a total spotfest and very well put together. By far the BEST match on the PPV. I loved how they had Matt Hardy come in and give MVP the Twist of Fate off the top of the ladder. Some other badass moves were when Shelton did a sunset flip over the ladder and ended up double powerbombing I believe Morrison and MVP. Also when Morrison climbed up on the top rope with ladder in hand and did a moonsault to the outside onto everyone. Carlito also hit a Backstabber on Y2J off the ladder. If done right, it looks like CM Punk may be the new future of the WWE with the win. I have a feeling they will move him to Smackdown or Raw and build him up more, probably as a heel.

Umaga vs Batista - This match was crap. Batista showed how much he really sucks as he botched more than once.

Chavo vs Kane - Um...a 10 second match? Something tells me Chavo did something, and could possibly be out of the WWE due to a third wellness policy violation because I don't think Vince would have a title change hands that fast for Chavo being backstage at TNA.

Ric Flair vs HBK - I hate to say it, but I thought this match was decent at best. I really wasn't too into it and I'm a huge HBK fan (have been since 93). I did like how the match ended though, HBK standing in the corner and Flair on his knees telling HBK to bring it on, and then BAM, Sweet Chin Music.

Bunnymania - HAHAHAHAHA!

Randy Orton vs John Cena vs Triple H - First off, Cena came out with the gayest entrance I have ever seen. Some no named school marching band doing his theme. This match was decent and could have been much better though. Orton was on the brunt end of multiple beatdowns by HHH and Cena and multiple submission holds from both guys as well. I called the finish though right after HHH hit the Pedigree on Cena and Trips got his head punted by Orton. Orton keeping the title was the right thing to do as this wasn't the Main Event and they had to have one champion keep their title.

Floyd Mayweather vs Big Show - An ever bigger HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA than the Bunnymania Match.

Undertaker vs Edge - This was a dull performance between these two and shouldn't have been the Main Event, even if it was Taker's streak on the line. Edge had too many non believable reverses or counters to Taker's finishers. I wanna say he escaped from the Last Ride and Tombstone two times each. They had great drama though after Taker hit the Tombstone on Edge with the ref down and then all of a sudden you see Charles Robinson running as fast as he could down to the ring and making the count only to have Edge kick out at 2 3/4. Glad Taker won the title and kept the streak. It's just a shame he's on Smackdown.

Overall, I would give this PPV a 6.5 out of 10. The only match really worth seeing was the MITB. I also thought this WM was a lot of hype and not much show. It was also pretty funny that the power went out. I also read reports that during the fireworks at the end, a string of them broke and started landing on fans in the upper deck.

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HOLY **** METAMO!! LOL, you got your wish! LMAO!

I'm happy now. Finally, the two giants. I was tired of seeing David vs. Goliath. In real life, Goliath would swat David ... you would never see someone like Rey Mysterio going head to head with someone like Show. I guess the crowd will be chanting for Show now.

I was going to type this earlier but the site was slow as anything before and didn't respond one bit.

The Ric Flair bit at the end was very nice and well done. Four things of note:

1. Cena and Jericho went to the ring. When were they partners with Ric? I would assume so since they were in the ring. And they held the ropes down for Ric's family. Nicely done.

2. Edge ... as much as I don't like him was the first one down in front clapping and giving Ric his respect. That was good.

3. Orton didn't go up to the ring. I thought he partnered with Ric at one point. Orton did however clap and stood center stage when everyone else came out ... which was both nice.

4. I didn't see Kahli coming out with everyone else. Even the refs came out which was a nice thing to do. And Show with that speech got the crowd onto his side, especially with the hug he gave Ric.

I knew the Kahli / Show face-off was coming. It had to come ever since Show came back. One of the last things Show said on ECW before Show left (remember when Hayman [sp?] was on] was that he'll eventually face-off with Kahli.

BTW ... what ever happened to that weekend show the Show had with Cindy Margolis?

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