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hopefully when hell freezes over lol....

It's freezing here now. :twisted:

Well ... it's close to that in the North East. And isn't that where the head quarters are?

If Lawler likes the Browns and Indians, I guess he's from Cleveland or surrounding area? But, it would have been funny if the picture caught him on TNA's website.

BTW ... I checked up on that WWE Diva Maryse. On her askmen and myspace pages say that she's a black belt in Karate and she knows Judo and Kick Boxing as well as winning a Hawaiin Tropics contest. And her myspace page plays Enter The Sandman. She's my new favorite. LOL.

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whats the link to her myspace


The problem is that if you search, you will find about 5 or so myspace accounts for her. I think some people try be someone else. Too bad nobody tries to be me though. Maybe I'd get a good reputation then. LOL

Tonight, I think they'll be in Iraq. I like it when they go to Iraq. I wish they would do some more episodes from there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

prolly never, thats what you get for smokin weed. To add, Christian vs Jeff hardy rumored for wrestlemania, id rather see edge vs hardy and have hardy win and have christian screw edge out of it and challenge hardy :)

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One of the best recent tag team matchups have been E+C vs. Hardy Boys. I could see that starting up again although they all would be considerably older than last time. All they need now is for the Fat Dudley Boys to come back. But, I find it funny that Edge was one of the bad guys in WWE and yet Christian was one of the good guys (last I saw) in TNA.

MVP = Most Vain Punk

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and like i said earlier, edge, christian, tomko, and kizarny can have a big gay orgy together, i hope they rot in wwe. well, looks like tna will be going down the drain sooner than i had imagined, christian gone, angle mulling over leaving for wwe, and if daniels, joe, or aj ever sign with wwe, im gonna loose it, there will be no more good wrestling on tv. tna is probably the last chance ever to get halfway good wrestling on tv. god speed injury bug in wwe lol.

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WWE is a big giant so it would have been hard for TNA to make it this long but congrats they did. It's all about the money and the WWE can offer a lot of money. I'm surprised that Angle is thinking about coming back but with all of these wrestlers, how can they fit them all on every show? Perhaps they can have one show on every night of the week.

That's funny about E + C + T + K. How long did you give for TNA anyways?

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Came across this today: Top 5 Un-Scripted Pro-Wrestling Moments


Pretty funny stuff. Especially the Booker T vid, TNA announcers caught reading from their scripts, and the Terry Funk/Cactus Jack video.

Also, Top 10 Greatest Heels of All-Time: http://www.videosurf.com/blog/10-of-the-gr...-wrestling-283/

Sorry if posted already.

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  • 3 weeks later...

good news for indy fans, ROH has a TV deal now, NATIONAL tv deal. but idk what channel, but it is available on directTV, thats all i can remember. ca-ching!

Also, my pick to win the rumble won ;).

also, matt hardy turned heel on his brother to cost him the world title :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Again, I don't expect anything major from him. If Vince cared enough about Christians character he would have had Christian make the comeback at this weekends PPV but I fear he will just be saved as ECW Top Tier talent which basically equals mid card in my book.

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TNA is hands down the worst pro wrestling TV show today. And one of the worst prowrestling shows that I've ever seen. The storylines have logic holes the size of the grand canyon. They have one of the most talented rosters ever, yet they put on like 20 minutes of wrestling on a 2 hour show. The good guys are dorks like of which have not been seen since the glory days of "Das Wonderkid" Alex Wright. The push over the hill ex WWE and WCW guys over good young talent. Basically it's a dying WCW in a six sided ring. Horrible pro wrestling. In fact let me breakdown TNA for you:

-The main stars in TNA are the main even mafia: Kurt Angle(Who is still pretty), Sting(Still pretty good too), Kevin Nash(he can't move at all), Scott Steiner(still sucks), and Booker T(who can be pretty good, but he has gotten pretty lazy). They are the bad guys. The good guys that they fight are a group of about 10 guys that are young up and comers, plus The Dudleys(called Team 3D) and Rhino. Yup the good guys have a 13 on 5 advantage, yet they always loose. Last time I checked good guys should be battling the odds heroically, not the other way around. Plus, like I mentioned before, the good guys are the biggest dorks that you could imagine. They constantly get out smarted. Several of them just have the lamest gimmicks ever. There is little reason to get behind the good guys.

-TNA had an awesome X-Division(Their version of a cruiserweight division). They killed it. TNA had the best womens division outside of Japan in history. They killed it. TNA had a great Tag Team Division. They are doing their best to kill it. All of these division had awesome wrestler, and champions and feuds that matter. They made the good wrestlers look bad. In some cases they took the best wrestlers out of does division. And they booked some crap storylines to kill the divisions. The X-Division belt hasn't ment a thing this Samoa Joe had the belt. The last good womens match TNA had was Awesome Kong Vs Gail Kim like a year ago. And if it wasn't for Beer Money and LAX, TNA would have no Tag Team division.

-The Beautiful People were a great act comedy act. They resently killed it with the governor skits.

I can't go on. When I breakdown this company, I just **** myself off. I've been watching TNA since the weekly PPV era back in 2003. It had a great run from late 2004 to about 2006. It's been all down hill since(with a few exceptions like the Womens Division). The only reason why I even watch is because I love a good train wreck. That and I want to celebrate the instant this company finally dies.


I forgot. TNA also has like 4 or 5 authority figures: Jeff Jarret(The Founder of TNA), Mick Foley(A Stockholder), Jim Cornett(No one is sure), and Tracy Brooks(A chick who is suppost to be in charge of TNA's women's division). So far we know that Jim Cornett doesn't have enough power to restart a match, yet he can fire and hire people, strip titles and book matches. Tracy can book matches, but I think that's it. Jeff and Foley can basically do anything except fire Kurt Angle. There is also Dixie Carter, who is the real life owner of TNA. She has been mentioned on TV several times. All of these authority figures don't have the power to control The Main Event Mafia, who are regular wrestlers. I love TNA!

Edited by Endless
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Your breakdown of TNA is nice. Is that the same Dixie Carter as the one from the TV show Designing Women?

And I guess there may be a 2 tier system where one group of guys can only be fired by Dixie and another group that can only fire the lesser of the two groups. The Women's Division was so much better than WWE IMO but if I miss the TNA show, it's no big deal whereas I usually don't miss Smackdown or Raw ... until baseball season of course.

My question is .... what will happen when TNA does fail? What will happen to all those guys on TNA? How many of them if any will then go to WWE or just decide to do something else like retire? I think they have to re-evaluate the whole platform so as not to kill the show. Competition is good and if WWE is the only show in town then who knows what may happen.

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endless, as much as i hate to admit it (im gung ho TNA) you're right. The smart thing for them to do would be to re-hire all those guys that put them where they were with the x-division, start doing more spots, ect ect. They didnt win fans over with storylines, they won fans over with great wrestling.

Meteamo, Angle will def. go back to wwe, and thats prolly about it for the big buys, maybe team3d. As for the rest of them, they will go back to what they did before TNA, indys.

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