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Its sad that he is now just known for that one catchphrase. Even if he can't wrestle anymore, give him something other then that to be a part of the show. They gave Sargent Slaughter a bit every week with the Diva Search and the same thing with Al Snow and the Tough Enough Contest. Why can't they find something for good old Ron

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this freaks me out. On raw next week, paul burchill and some chick ive never heard of will start an incest story line. yes, i said incest storyline. WFT are you thinkin vince?

Incest is best.....not that I know or anything, it's just what I've heard, lol

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Maybe it's me, but the matches now seem...dull?

Yeah, I think so too. The seem extra unreal for the past couple of weeks. I'm not sure why. The little Parking Brawl between CM Punk and Chavo Guerrero on ECW was total garbage.

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The Vince/Hornswoggle storyline has had its funny moments, but imo its starting to water down the show. Or you watch Smackdown and watch Edge and Viki Guerrero make out which id rather not see but is still funny. I miss the classic comedy angles with Vince/Angle/Austin in 2001. Along with if anyone remembers Perry Saturn's "Your Welcome" angle.

The matches now are very dull. No ones get more than 5-10 min matches and the main events are at least 10-20 min, but you get some crap like Hornswoggle vs The Great Khali. At that point i change the channel lol.

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cause vince is prolly writing everything himself. heck, i could probably write better story lines. god, i miss the attitude era.

for you guys that are getting board with WWE, give TNA a chance. its on spike tonight at 8pm central. WATCH IT!!!

whatever you say nusileidimas. haha

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Give me WCW Nitro and Monday Night Raw between 96-01 any day of the week and I'll be happy. Wrestling will never be what it was back then. I still remember the day WWF/E bought out WCW. Why? Because I was in the crowd for the Nitro show.

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You guys ever check out a game called Extreme Warfare Revenge?

Yeah it's pretty cool. I personally use TNM7 myself though. And I kid you not, storylines that have been played out in people's circuits on the TNM7 board have ended up being used in WWF/E.

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Competition brings the best out in some people (or companies) ... back when it was WCW vs. WWF/WWE, that was good.

As far as Ron Simmons is concerned, how about teaming up with JBL a few times for good 'ole times sake, especially with JBL trying to wrestle again.

What's been happening with Jericho? I thought he was supposed to come back to save the company?

And what's up with TNA dogging WWF/WWE of late? I think that's funny but makes me think of when ECW was dogging WWF/WWE then learning it's all the same company.

Will anybody else go from WWF/WWE to TNA?

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