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Get a 1998 scenario, make your own promotion using the EWR Editor, and try to get them to the top!

There's so many good wrestlers you can sign, like Styles, Christopher Daniels, Kurt Angle, Jerry Lynn, ettc

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that sounds like fun. can you make more than one install like mvp. have say, 99 scenario in one folder then in another folder, have one from 2003? not the game saves sub folder, but like on the desktop or wherever?

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Hey guys, just ran my first show using TNM7 and thought I'd give you an example how it spits out results and all that. When running a card, you can choose to watch the play-by-play or just skip to the finish. Also, in TNM you have complete control of your roster and if you'd like, the match outcome as you could book an entire match if you'd like.

Tuesday Night Terror #1


Owner Trent Cross welcome fans to PWU's first show. And mentions that tonight, on the very first show, the PWU World Champion will be crowned with a 30 man battle royal.

Austin Aries, CM Punk and Colt Cabana defeated Carlito, Gregory Helms and MVP after Punk pinned Helms with the G.T.S. in 17:31.

Rating: *** 1/2

The Rock 'n Rave Infection (Lance Hoyt and Jimmy Rave) defeated

Cody Rhodes and Jimmy Wang Yang when L. Hoyt pinned Yang with the

Texas Tornado Slam in 13:59.

Rating: *** 1/4


The camera shows the locker room with everyone getting in each other's faces arguing who is going to walk away the world champion tonight. The main focus is on CM Punk and Gregory Helms who look like they are going to go at it again, after the first match tonight.

The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) defeated

Cade and Murdoch when Shelley pinned Cade after a back elbow in 18:58.

Rating: ** 1/2

30-Man Battle Royal for the vacant PWU World Title:

Bryan Danielson won a 30-man Battle Royal:

x P. London threw out J. Morrison after a flying senton in 1:52

x C. Rhodes threw out L. Hoyt in 2:36

x S. Moore threw out J. Rave after a back elbow in 3:59

x MVP threw out Aries after a spinning thrust kick in 5:57

x C. Sabin threw out Murdoch in 9:19

x Boogeyman threw out MVP in 13:27

x Cabana threw out G. Helms after a duck-down move in 15:53

x Cabana threw out S. Marella after a kick to the midsection in 16:10

x Rhino threw out E. Burke after a flying headbutt in 20:41

x Miz threw out B. Kendrick in 23:06

x Carlito threw out Rhino after a swinging neckbreaker in 24:10

x C. Sabin threw out Cade in 27:41

x Thorn threw out Yang in 27:49

x Abyss threw out Raven in 28:15

x P. London threw out Carlito in 30:06

x Miz threw out P. London in 30:35

x Cabana threw out J. Noble in 34:48

x Thorn threw out Punk in 35:18

x B. Danielson threw out C. Sabin in 35:46

x B. Danielson threw out P. Williams in 40:21

x Thorn threw out A. Shelley after a bodyslam in 41:27

x B. Danielson threw out Cabana in 44:31

x Thorn threw out Kofi in 45:05

x Boogeyman threw out Miz after the Boogeybomb in 47:54

x Boogeyman threw out Thorn in 50:39

x B. Danielson threw out Abyss in 53:48

x B. Danielson threw out C. Rhodes after a duck-down move in 56:15

x B. Danielson threw out S. Moore in 58:02

x B. Danielson threw out Boogeyman after a jumping front kick in 1:04:32

Rating: ***

(Bryan Danielson won the PWU World Title.)

TV Rating: 6.13

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I'm interested in what you guys are talking about so I google EWR and all I got was Newark Liberty Airport. LOL

I'll look some more ... I think I found it.

That was really interesting nusileidimas.

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Tried trial version of TNM7 ... cool so far.

The first match for the new first show was four stars and lasted 30 minutes ... a steel cage title tag team of AJ Stiles & JBL VS. Charlie Haas and Christopher Daniels (the Double Cs). AJ was a no show so Bobby Lashley took his place to no avail. The Double Cs won after Daniels escaped the cage and left JBL Bleeding. The next match was a towell triangle match between Christie Hemme, Candice Michelle and Kelly Kelly. Christie was the fan favorite but Candice won after pinning Kelly Kelly atfter 25 minutes or so. The last match was a title match between Batista and Bobby Lashley, who fought earlier for the tag titles and lost. The match was great. The crowd was getting into it and Bobby Lashley pinned Batista several times and Batista pinned Lashley several more times. Having an iron man match was a good idea and the ratings are surely to go through the roof, especially when it's no DQ and falls count anywhere but unfortuntely for me, I had no time limit. So after the match was still going strong after 3 hours and 32 minutes, I decided to take my losses and exit the program via the task manager. So much for that.


I didn't realize what I did until after the match wouldn't end for that long. But, it was interesting and I'll look at this again as well as the other programs. This seems more real than when it's on TV. Thank you very much for letting me know about these programs.

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Here are 2 export/import files. The first one "AllWrest" contains so many old school wrestlers it isn't even funny. The 2nd one, "Current" contains Raw/ECW/Smackdown as of December 07, TNA as of December 07, and ROH as of like June 07.

To use these files, unrar them into your export folder, then open up TNM and go to Database > TNM Control Center > Import and then select each file, and a screen will pop up asking you if you wish to install each wrestler or not.

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This topic needs to be stickied.

:lol: :loco:

Just remember for some matches that you need to set a time limit for the match.

How about this for an All Time Royal Rumble Match of present and past stars?

Great Kahli, Big Show, Kane, Undertaker, Bautista, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, Bobby Lashley, Andre the Giant, King Kong Bundy, Abyss, Tomko, Kevin Nash, Festus, JBL, Triple H, Umaga, Hulk Hogan, Conan Stevens, Brock Lesnar, Giant Silva, Jorge "El Gigante" Gonzales. Pyscho Sid, Mat Morgan, Snitsky

Did I leave any other big guy out? .. Or any guy can that may be able to hold his own?

BTW ... I was looking up some of these guys on wikipedia and I saw that among Festus's many names, was the "imposter Kane". So, I guess he was involved when Kane fought his evil twin. LOL

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does Bam Bam Bigelow count?

And yes "Festus" is "imposter Kane"

I have no idea. I'm not that familiar with all of the wrestlers. I just wonder who would win between all of the current and past really big and powerful wrestlers from all the organizations. But, I guess the more the merrier. Next, there should be a 5 foot 5 and shorter royal rumble. Break out the Lucky Charms. LOL

Maybe, we should just have a political royal rumble. We can have Hillary, Obama, McCain, Huckabee, and Ron Paul along with possibly all those who already dropped out. The winner can take on Bush for bragging rights.

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The PPV opened with Marine troops at ringside holding the Stars and Stripes while one of them sang The National Anthem.

- The usual opening video is shown. This one centered around people telling lies. They showed clips of various figures in Amercian history lying such as Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon and others.

- The venue looks pretty full on TV but who knows how papered it is and how many camera tricks they are using. The crowd seems excited though no matter how large it really is.

(1) TNA World Tag Team Title Match: AJ Styles & Tomko © vs BG James & Bob Armstrong. BG cut a promo before the match. He said they have three words for you "God Bless America". Big pop for AJ and Tomko. AJ took the mic. and asked Tomko why he hasn't called him back in three weeks. Tomko said he needs to get his head on straight and not worry about that right now. AJ does the Curley Shuffle and takes a right hand from BG. Bob Armstrong tags in. He's in great shape for 67 years old. Tomko tags in and Bob slaps him in the face. Tomko powerslams Bob and AJ blind tags in and goes for the pin but only gets a near fall. Kurt and Karen Angle are shown watching the match backstage. AJ goes to nail BG but misses and nails Tomko instead. BG hits AJ with the Stretch Armstrong but AJ kicks out before the 3 count. AJ takes out the knee of BG which leads to he and Tomko hitting BG with the Tornado Plex for the win.

- Kip James has come to the ring and is checking on BG's knee.

- Backstage Karen told Kurt that she is sick of doing favors for him. She goes into a rampage and starts screaming and yelling. Kurt told her to go buy some Midol and take her friend PMS with her. Karen shoved him and stormed off.

- Mike Tenay and Don West rundown the rest of the lineup from ringside. Mike say don't touch that dial because you don't want to miss the main event. Why would someone turn it after paying 30 bucks to see this event ?

- A preview video is shown for Traci Brooks vs Payton Banks.

(2) Traci Brooks vs Payton Banks. They brawl the floor and Traci sends Banks into the railing. Banks turns the tide by sending Brooks into the steel steps. The crowd gets behind Traci by chanting her name. Payton Banks charges into the corner but Traci moves and scores a roll up for the win.

- A preview video is shown for Scott Steiner vs Petey Williams.

- Backstage the returning Scott Hudson interviews both Scott Steiner and Petey Williams.

(3) Case vs Case: Scott Steiner vs Petey Williams. A test of strength to start off and Steiner wins it very easy. The crowd is chanting for both guys back and forth. Steiner trys to use one of the cases on Petey but ref. Slick Johnson stops him. As he's putting the case out f the ring Petey grabs the other case and nails Steiner with it. Petey goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Steiner counters it into an Alabama Slam for a near fall. Petey seems to be busted hard way. Petey hits Steiner with a low blow but as he's going for the Destroyer some huge muscle bound black female comes to ringside and distracts Williams. Steiner nails him with a powerbomb for the win.

- Backstage Jeremy Borash says he has a new book coming out called "JB's Guide to Banging Hot Brauds". JB suggests that Kurt and Karen renew their wedding vows live Thursday on iMPACT! and Kurt loves the idea.

- Eric Young's drinking training video is shown.

(4) Drinking Championship: Eric Young © vs James Storm. Tenay mentions that the athletic commission won't allow them to hold Barbwire Massacre 2 in Greenville so instead it will be held live via satelite in Orlando. Eric Young dives off the top to the floor and on to Storm. Young hits Storm with a moonsault for a near fall. Young hits Jackie and Storm with a double FU for a near fall. Storm goes to use a beer bottle on Young but Rhino returns and nails Storm with the Gore giving Eric Young the win.

- Rhino takes the microphone. He says Thursday on iMPACT! he has got alot to say and he's back to kick some you know what.

- From The iMPACT! Zone in Orlando Jim Cornette talks about Greenville banning Barbwire Massacre from taking place.

(5) Womens Title: Awesome Kong © vs ODB. ODB trys to body slam Kong but can't do it. Kong takes her into the corner and hits her with a big splash. Kong is totally dominating this match. ODB hits Kong with a Thez Press from the top rope for a near fall. The crowd is really behind ODB. Kong takes off ODB's head with a vicious looking lariet. Kong goes up top but ODB is able to take her off with a Powerslam for a near fall. Kong hits the Spinning Back Fist and Awesome Bomb for the win.

- James Mitchell cuts a promo from Orlando talking about Barbwire Massacre.

(6) Barbed Wire Massacre 2: Abyss vs Judas Mesias. Jim Cornette introduces the match from ringside in Orlando. Abyss press slams Judas into the barbed wire ropes. Abyss chokeslams Mesias off the ring apron through a barbed wire board. Abyss nails Mitchell with the Blackhole slam. Mesias spears Abyss into a barbed wire board in the corner. Abyss Blackhole Slams Mesias into a barbed wire board for the win.

(7) Booker T vs Robert Roode. Booker takes control from the start hammering away on Roode. The crowd is really behind Booker. This is much better than there match at the Troy, Ohio house show. Payton Banks enters the ring and Booker goes to hit her but stops which allowes Roode to nail the distracted Booker T from behind. Booker takes back over with various spin kicks. Booker nails a spinebuster on Roode followed by the Spinaroonie. Booker goes for another spin kick but misses and crotches himself on the top rope. Roode trys to run away but Booker chases him backstage. The ref. counts 10 so the match is over. They continue to battle backstage. Booker slams Roode into a concrete wall. Payton Banks pulls up in a car. Roode pulls her out of the driver seat and drives away without her.

- They go to a video package hyping the main event but half way through it they cut it off and go to a backstage segment where Kurt tells Karen they they are going to renew their weeding vows Thursday on iMPACT!. AJ Styles seems really jealous and walks off.

- Backstage Scott Hudson interviews Team 3D and Johnny Devine. Brother Ray says if any of the 3 can pin Johnny Devine they can have the X Division title.

(8) Six Man Street Fight: Team 3D and Johnny Devine vs The Motorcity Machine Guns and Jay Lethal. The Guns toss a bunch of weapons in the ring including a kitchen sink and a blow up doll. Brother Ray powerbombs the blow up doll. Ray pulls SoCal Val in the ring and licks her face. Lethal snaps and takes on all 3 guys by himself as the Guns are layed out on the floor. Lethal lays Johnny Devine out on a table and drives him through it with the big elbow drop for the win. This means Lethal is X Division Champion once again, the X Division stays Team 3D must drop to 275 pounds or leave TNA.

- Sonjay Dutt comes to the ring and celebrates with Val and Lethal. For some reason Sabin and Shelley aren't shown again.

(9) TNA World Title with Special Enforcer Samoa Joe. Kurt Angle © vs Christian Cage. Joe is more over than both Angle and Cage. Kurt has on a new singlet, red and white striped socks and still no knee pads. Angle trys to grab a chair at ringside but Joe stops him. Angle shoves Joe and Joe shoves him back which allows for Cage to take control. Angle reverses things and trys to Olympic Slam cage into the ring post but misses and botches the whole spot. Angle hooks on the Ankle Lock but Cage makes it to the ropes. Christian nails the Unprettier but only gets a near fall. The referee goes down. Cage locks the Ankle Lock on Kurt and Samoa Joe hops in the ring to see if he taps. Kurt grabs a chair and goes to use it but Tomko runs in a stops him. Tomko then turns on Christian and gives Kurt Angle the win.

- A video hyping TNA is shown with a new slogan "Cross The Line".

Full Credit: Gerweck.net

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