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New Menus


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I'm going to make new menus for MVP Baseball, something that I believe is long needed. This includes fonts, and menu bars.

I just need to know how to open .ffn or convert ttf to ffn

Also, where the file for the menus is.

More to come.

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I'm going to make new menus for MVP Baseball, something that I believe is long needed. This includes fonts, and menu bars.

I just need to know how to open .ffn or convert ttf to ffn

Also, where the file for the menus is.

More to come.

if you can do this mod i will consider you a legend in my book

i have always requested a mod for the menus.

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if you are able to find a way to do this it would be awesome... and if your looking for some ideas... how bout an espn feel... not like espn logos every where but something similar. or you could use the ea's next gen sports menu that they have in like every ea sports games. just a few ideas.

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can u uplad the fiel u cant open. Id like to take a look and its possible some of the other tlented modder could crack it

i dont get it, NBA live series modders are able to change the menus look.

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Here's what I think I'll try to make it look like. Tell me if you think there should be anything else.


The font is Haettenschweiler. But, I think I should make the text a little smaller. When The certain thing is selected it will turn blue-ish, and there will still be the same ball next to the option just like there normally is. I tried to make the Next-Gen Game look with the slanted menus. (If you know what I'm talking about) But it just didn't look right, but I bet somebody will be able to do it.

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