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MVPMODS 2007 GM League


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Well, if any one has been following the 1901 league, they would be able to tell you that we are complete with our first season. It was a great season. We have also had many suggestions to make a 2007 league to run with the 1901 league. So I decided, why not? Twice the fun for us then. Sign-ups are being taken now for the league.


Questions and Answers

What do you need?


How does this league run?

You become the GM of a team. You make all the lineup changes, call ups, send downs, expenses, contract negotiations and much more!

How do sims work?

We will be simming 1 week a night on a weekly schedule of Sunday-Friday. We will be taking a break on Saturdays, and major events like the draft, all star break, and offseason.

How can I found out more about this league?

PM me, or, leave a post in this thread, I will be happy to answer any questions!

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