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My first time building my new Computer


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I also built my own computer a little while ago ... well I didn't actually build it, but there's this dutch site which allows you to create your own computer and they will build it and test it for you. Great stuff, very good customer service as well -- they would call me whenever one of the parts were out of stock and they'd recommend me similar parts in the same price range. I don't think I would do it myself, since I'm incredibly impatient and scared to death to mess something up.

Homer, if I were you I'd look for a website that can do the same thing and perhaps go to some computer forums where you can ask for advice. There are a ton of people out there that sort of want the same thing and you can easily look at their setup to see if it's got something you might like as well. If you really want to do it yourself then I'd definately do some research before starting.

Personally the single most rewarding moment of the entire experience was the first boot after putting everything together from empty case up. I'm the sort of guy who takes apart everything he owns and tinkers once its out of warranty, and knowing I did it right was an amazing feeling. If you're going to have someone else build your computer, especially if you're going to have it done online, I'd make sure you could get some good references and reviews. If you're going to spend the money you don't want shoddy work.

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Personally the single most rewarding moment of the entire experience was the first boot after putting everything together from empty case up. I'm the sort of guy who takes apart everything he owns and tinkers once its out of warranty, and knowing I did it right was an amazing feeling. If you're going to have someone else build your computer, especially if you're going to have it done online, I'd make sure you could get some good references and reviews. If you're going to spend the money you don't want shoddy work.

yeah, I can imagine it feels great, but I just don't wanna take the risk. Especially since I'm not all that comfortable with computers to begin with. You're right about such sites, but the one I used was highly regarded and is very popular amongst computer fanatics. They offer the service of building it for you, but you can also ask them to just ship the parts and do it yourself. For me it was a perfect experience. Perhaps I will try to do it myself and get my hands dirty when I'm more handy with computers ... and have money to burn ;)

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love this thread. i was just thinking about building one myself, but i've never done it either. what are you guys reading that can explain a newbie on how to build one...things to look out for and such, you know?

i'm not ready to do it yet, so i won't ask about specs and such, but i will...later. but for now...for you guys who have build yours, if you could do it over again, and you could do it without fear of price and could get your dream set up, about how much would it run you? just trying to get an idea because when i'm ready to do it, i'm doing it no holds barred. so, your dream machine, how much roughly are you looking at spending? keep in mind every last piece of hardware, down to every last screw you would need to purchase too if you could.

If you have a old computer laying around, you could try to pull everything apart and reassemble it to get a feel.

Tech sites such as anandtech.com and hardocp.com are useful in recommending hardwares and also instruction on building and overclocking if you wish to.

If I have an unlimited budget, probably will be north of $10000 to get all the latest stuffs... Something like a QX9770 or High end Intel Nehalem chip, X48 MB, DDR3 rams, next gen Geforce 9800 in SLI, 2 32GB SSD drive in raid with 2 750GB WD storage Drive in raid, E-MU high-end soundcard, high-end PVR device with tuner w/ remote, SATA Blu-ray burner w/ HD-DVD playback, all enclose in a Stacker 830 or P190 with all water cooling and 1 kWatts PC Power and Cooling PSU...

Peripheral includes Dual 30" Dell UltraSharp, $1k+ home theater system, diNovo/G15, G5/MX518...

Add in the software like Vista Ultimate/XP dual boot, Free after rebate Internet Security Suite (KIS, NOD32, Norton, etc), MS Office Ultimate, TuneUp Utilities, etc..

I'm bored so I made a rough list off the top of my head... Feel free to add if there's anything missing.

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now you're talking my language. i'll make sure to ask here once i'm ready to look. thanks for the info guys...by the way jp, you got a link to that site you recommended?

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Make sure when you build your computer, to not mess around with the motherboard... like touching the tiny metal things all over the place bcuz you dont want to short it out and have to buy a new mobo, also NEVER... EVERRR touch the pins on the bottom of your processor

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alright so i may have hit a snag. My computer has been running great until now. Windows crashed and wouldn't boot again. Now while trying to reinstall windows the installation doesnt detect the hard drive that I had originally installed it to. So what I need to know is the procedure to check whether my hard drive is dead. Any and all help is appreciated.

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as an update the drive isn't detected in my bios either. its definitely spinning for whatever that matters. Let me know if theres any chance that this thing isnt dead.

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Here's my custom build...


rate please k thx

- you can get a better rate/brand 19" monitor than an Acer (Sunday ads usually have a few to choose from)

- you can get a better rate and better brand (for instance http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...-E1L-_-17171016)

- I've built many computers and am partial to Asus motherboards

- MS Vista - WHY??

my $.02

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I've been looking for a modular power supply to reduce the clutter in the box, which is why I used that one.

I chose Vista Home Premium for the time being until they release an SP3 version of XP Pro

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Now can either be considered a good or bad time to do a build. Components are in flux with a lot of new stuff coming out in '08. But if you can find good deals on last gen hardware, it would be worth it if you aren't one of those guys that need the biggest and best.

That processor is a multitasking beast btw. Should be a solid system.

Vista sucks

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I just realized that I started this thread and never posted my build. So here it is.

MSI P6N Diamond Mobo

Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 3.0 Ghz

2 GB Corsair Dominator Ram

EVGA's Nvidia 8800 GTS

2 Western Digital 250 GB Hard Drives (1 now being RMA'ed)

Thermaltake 750 Watt Power Supply

Samsung Super Writemaster DVD-R

Antec P180 Case

Samsung 220WM 22in LCD

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate on it right now, and while it is damn annoying at times, I'm not having to many problems with it.

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