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Roster Building Processes & Global Tweaks


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The following information may be of interest to some of you that are planning on producing a Full Season Mod, building a Season Roster Set or even just building a team or two of rosters.

Probably of very little to no interest to most readers.

These procedures are what I follow in building the rosters for the Full Season Mods we have produced and will be producing for Total Classics seasons such as 61*, 64 & 67. Working on 69 now.

Historically it is fair to say that Robert Glass's MVPEdit utility was the catalyst that started all of this roster building interest amoung the Total Classics Team members beginning with the Total Classics versions then onto the Full Season Conversion Mods.

When MVPEdit was first developed we assisted Robert with the formulas that were used to produce the players ratings that were assigned during the importing process from the Lahman Data Base. For the most part those formulas were decent relative to the time frame we wanted to get them done in. We were driven to get them done quickly with the best degree of knowledge we had at the time of how the game functioned combined with the available statistics we had to work with from the Lahman Data Base.

My eternal gratitude is extended to Robert for such a superb product he developed in MVPEdit. However, with ever increasing knowledge of how the game functioned, as we played it more and more, it became apparent to us that MVPEdit could benefit greatly from a few additional adjustments(i.e. Tweaks) . Robert had long hung up his spikes when we developed the below Global Tweaks to improve on the rosters realism during game play. Obviously these Tweaks could have been implemented directly into MVPEdit (as we actaully had enhanced MVPEdit multiple times while working with Robert with additional tweaks prior to him basically Sunset'ing MVPEdit).

Also I will include my list of Roster Building Processes that I use as my guidelines/steps during roster building time as not to forget anything and to keep everything as consistent as practical.

So below you will find two LISTS:

1) Roster Building Process

2) Global Tweaks

Please keep in mind that these list were created for my personal use (in terms that mean something to me) and thus may not be extremely explicit in their meaning to you. However, if you are basically familiar with the Global Edit capabilities of MVPEdit they likely will at least make some degree of sense. I am more than happy to answer any questions regarding these list that you may care to ask.

Finally, (mostly with the Global Tweaks) it is very important that they be executed in the order listed (at least to a good degree) to produce the results intended. Even in the Roster Building Process the order of execution is of some importance as well but probably to a lessor degree than the Global Tweaks list.

A) R O S T E R - B U I L D I N G - P R O C E S S :

1) Import Teams from Lahman Database:

2) Fill Non Playing Teams with 90OOxxx.mbe Boilerplate

3) Cut to 25 Man Rosters

4) Correct Positions & SP & RP’s

5) Set Lineups & Rotations

6) Global Tweaks

7) .mbe’s Migration Utility

8) Set #99 Players Personalities Traits

9) Individual Tweaks

10) Pitch Types

11) Star Power

12) Outlyers

13) Hot/Cold Zones

14) Adjust Homer Run % with Fly/Grounder/Liner = 100

15) Export Teams to .met files

16) Import Teams to Final .mbe file

17) Team Tendencies

18) Team Intensities vs other Teams

19) Manager Names

20) Manager Ratings

21) Portraits

22) Verify Player Jersey Numbers

23) Check Each Player Portrait/Face etc

24) Adjust Batting Gloves & other Accessories as appropriate

B) G L O B A L - T W E A K S :


Use Plate Discipline for Brown & Light Brown then set Black individually

PD = ( 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 ) = Brown

PD = ( 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0 ) = Light Brown


Use Fielding Rating for 7 colors then set Black "8" (Dark/Red) individually

FD = ( 15, 7 ) = Light Brown

FD = ( 14, 6 ) = Dark Brown

FD = ( 13, 5 ) = Red

FD = ( 12, 4 ) = Black

FD = ( 11, 3 ) = Light Black

FD = ( 10, 8, 0 ) = Dark Black

FD = ( 9, 2, 1 ) = Red/Black


Use Throw Strength

TS = ( 15, 10, 5 ) = 1

TS = ( 14, 9, 4 ) = 2

TS = ( 13, 8, 3, 0 ) = 3

TS = ( 12, 7, 2 ) = 4

TS = ( 11, 6, 1 ) = 5


Non-Pitchers PD < 14 then PD +2


Non-Pitchers Bunt < 9 & > 1 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & PD = 15 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & PD = 14 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & PD = 13 then Bunt +5

Bunt = 1 & PD = 12 then Bunt +5

Bunt = 1 & PD = 11 then Bunt +4

Bunt = 1 & PD = 10 then Bunt +4

Bunt = 1 & PD = 09 then Bunt +3

Bunt = 1 & PD = 08 then Bunt +3

Bunt = 1 & PD = 07 then Bunt +2

Bunt = 1 & PD = 06 then Bunt +2

Bunt = 1 & PD = 05 then Bunt +1

Bunt = 1 & PD = 04 then Bunt +1

Ptichers Bunt = 15 & Fld = 14 then Bunt -1

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 13 then Bunt -2

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 12 then Bunt -3

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 11 then Bunt -4

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 10 then Bunt -5

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 09 then Bunt -6

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 08 then Bunt -7

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 07 then Bunt -8

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 06 then Bunt -9

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 05 then Bunt -10

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 04 then Bunt -11

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 03 then Bunt -12

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 1 then Bunt +1

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 2 then Bunt +2

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 3 then Bunt +3

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 4 then Bunt +4

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 5 then Bunt +5

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 6 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 7 then Bunt +7

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 8 then Bunt +8

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 9 then Bunt +9

Bunt = 1 & Fld =10 then Bunt +10


Non-Pitchers SA = 9 then SA = 10

SA = 6 then SA = 9

SA = 3 then SA = 8

SA = 2 & SP > 59 then SA = 7

SA = 2 & SP < 60 then SA = 6

SA = 1 & SP > 59 then SA = 5

SA = 1 & SP > 49 & < 60 then SA = 4

SA = 1 & SP > 39 & < 50 then SA = 3

SA = 1 & SP > 29 & < 40 then SA = 2


Pitchers -5

BR = 0 & SP > 59 then BR = 5

BR = 0 & SP > 49 & < 60 then BR = 4

BR = 0 & SP > 39 & < 50 then BR = 3

BR = 0 & SP > 35 & < 40 then BR = 2

BR = 0 & SP > 30 & < 36 then BR = 1


Non-Pitchers SP < 40 then SP = 40

Pitchers SP < 35 then SP = 35


Make certain Pitchers primary & secondary positions are set prior to continuing




Throw Strength Primary Pos = SP then TS +4

TS < 9 then TS +1

TS < 5 then TS 5

Throw Accuracy TA < 6 then TA +5

Primary Pos = SP & TA < 9 then TA +2

Primary Pos = RP & TA < 13 & > 10 then TA -2

Primary Pos = SP & TA < 11 & > 8 then TA +1

Range +2

RG < 4 then RG = 4

Primary Pos = RP & RG > 7 then RG -3

Fielding Fld < 4 then Fld 4

Primary Pos = RP & Fld > 10 then Fld -5

Primary Pos = SP & Fld = 4 then Fld +1


Throw Strength +1

Throw Accuracy +2

Range +3

Fielding Fld < 4 then Fld = 4


Throw Strength -1

Throw Accuracy OK

Range RG < 4 then RG = 4

Fielding OK


Throw Strength OK

Throw Accuracy TA < 6 then TA = 6

Range +3

Fielding OK


Throw Strength OK

Throw Accuracy +2

Range +3

Fielding Fld < 13 then Fld +3


Throw Strength OK

Throw Accuracy TA < 5 then TA +4

Range +3

Fielding -1

Fld < 4 then Fld = 4


Throw Strength TS < 7 then TS +3

Throw Accuracy TA < 8 then TA +2

Range +1

Primary Pos = CF & RG > 10 then RG +2

Fielding -1

Fld < 4 then Fld = 4



Stats Batting Games Played < 11 then Durability = 1

Games Played > 10 then Durability = 2

Games Played > 20 then Durability = 3

Games Played > 30 then Durability = 4

Games Played > 44 then Durability = 5

Games Played > 54 then Durability = 6

Games Played > 64 then Durability = 7

Games Played > 74 then Durability = 8

Games Played > 84 then Durability = 9

Games Played > 94 then Durability = 10

Games Played > 104 then Durability = 11

Games Played > 114 then Durability = 12

Games Played > 124 then Durability = 13

Games Played > 139 then Durability = 14

Games Played > 149 then Durability = 15

Pitchers (Starters):

IP > 279 then Dur = 15

IP > 259 & < 280 then Dur = 14

IP > 239 & < 260 then Dur = 13

IP > 219 & < 240 then Dur = 12

IP > 199 & < 220 then Dur = 11

IP > 179 & < 200 then Dur = 10

IP > 149 & < 180 then Dur = 9

IP > 119 & < 150 then Dur = 8

IP > 89 & < 120 then Dur = 7

IP > 59 & < 90 then Dur = 6

IP > 39 & < 60 then Dur = 5

IP > 29 & < 40 then Dur = 4

IP > 19 & < 30 then Dur = 3

IP > 9 & < 20 then Dur = 2

IP > 4 & < 10 then Dur = 1

IP < 5 then Dur = 0

Pitchers (Relievers):

IP > 139 then Dur = 15

IP > 129 & < 140 then Dur = 14

IP > 114 & < 130 then Dur = 13

IP > 92 & < 115 then Dur = 12

IP > 82 & < 93 then Dur = 11

IP > 72 & < 83 then Dur = 10

IP > 62 & < 73 then Dur = 9

IP > 49 & < 63 then Dur = 8

IP > 39 & < 50 then Dur = 7

IP > 29 & < 40 then Dur = 6

IP > 24 & < 30 then Dur = 5

IP > 19 & < 25 then Dur = 4

IP > 10 & < 20 then Dur = 3

IP > 5 & < 11 then Dur = 2

IP > 1 & < 6 then Dur = 1

IP < 2 then Dur = 0


Starters +16

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 2 then Stamina +4

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 3 then Stamina +6

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 4 then Stamina +8

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 5 then Stamina +10

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 6 then Stamina +12

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started > 6 then Stamina +14

Relievers No Change to (RP & RP) (Was Primary & Secondary = RP -5)



Pitch # 2 +2 (Was OK)

Pitch # 3 +2 (Was +3)

Pitch # 4 +2 (Was +2)

Primary & Secondary = RP then Pitch # 2 -2 (Was 0)

Primary & Secondary = RP then Pitch # 3 -2 (Was -3)

Primary & Secondary = RP then Pitch # 4 -2 (Was -2)


(Was - Nothing done to Primary Pos = RP & Secondary Pos = RP)

Pitch # 1 +10

Pitch # 2 +10

Pitch # 3 +10

Pitch # 4 +10

If Primary & Secondary = RP then -5 on All Pitches

If Primary Pos = SP & Fastball Control < 50 then FB Control = 50

If Primary & Secondary position = (SP & SP) or (SP & RP) & Pitch 2-5 Control < 40 then Pitch 2-5 Control = 40

If Primary & Secondary position = (RP & SP) or (RP & RP) & Pitch 1(FB) < 40 then Pitch 1-5 Control = 40



For both versus L & R handed Pitching

Non-Pitchers CON < 25 then CON = 25

Pitchers CON < 15 then CON =15


For both versus L & R handed Pitching

Non-Pitchers PWR +10

Pitchers PWR < 30 & > 19 then PWR +5

PWR < 20 & > 9 then PWR = 25

PWR < 10 & > 0 then PWR = 20

PWR = 0 then PWR = 15

All Players

PWR > 59 & HR% < 2 then PWR = 59

PWR > 49 & HR% < 2 then PWR -10

PWR > 69 & HR% < 3 then PWR = 69

PWR > 59 & HR% < 3 then PWR -10

PWR > 79 & HR% < 4 then PWR = 79

PWR > 69 & HR% < 4 then PWR -10

Stats HRs hit vs L = 0 & Stats HRs hit vs R = 0 then PWR -10


For both versus L & R handed Pitching

All Players

HR% > 0 & Stats HRs hit vs L = 0 & Stats HRs hit vs R = 0 then HR% = 0


"OUT" Pitch (Guidelines):


< 2.20 15 & 14 Movement Pitches (Also Consider # Wins)

< 2.59 14 & 13

< 2.99 13 & 13

< 3.20 13

for Relievers add .50 to E.R.A.

*** Do Starters & Relievers by Book & Guidelines above.

to select Relievers: Pitch 2 Movement > 11 & Pitch 2 Control < 80


ALL Players:

Contact (L & R) > 79 & Durability < 7 (then individual tweaks as needed)

Power (L & R) > 69 & Durability < 7

Pitchers Only:

Contact (L&R) > 79


To identify potential too > of Pitchers that are seldom used for adjustments:

SP, Dur < 8 & (FB cntl > 85, 2nd Pit Cntl > 85 etc .....)

RP, same as above

Check for 5% Problem in HR % (to identify potential problem):

if HR % vs R < 4 & HR % vs L = 5

if HR % vs L < 4 & HR% vs R = 5

Adjust Pitchers FB Speed & 2SeamFB relative to FB's speeds

Adjust Pitchers Knuckleballs to < Speeds ? ( 47mph - 73mph )

Power L & R

If PWR > 59 & HR % < 4%

** Base adjustments on Rating Chart with consideration for Contact Rating (i.e. >then< & <then>)

“GUIDELINES†for Above Power Rating Reduction:

ONLY do “L†first and Then “R†separately not combined…..

If PWR > 59 & HR % < 4%



>97 -13

>94 -12

>89 -11

>84 -10

>79 -9

>74 -8

>69 -7

>64 -6

>59 -5

>54 -4

>49 -3

>44 -2

Check for Fastball Speeds not being the highest Speeds (i.e. Changups; Knuckleball; Circle Change; Knucklecurve; Palmball etc) & for ChangeUPs being > fast

Primary RP & Secondary SP in Starting Rotation make STAMINA total +16 after substracting what they were already increased by in STAMINA Global Tweak Section above

Power for low Home Run hitters:

Both L & R:

PWR > 29 & HR% = 0 then PWR -10

PWR > 29 & HR% = 0 then PWR = 30

PWR > 39 & HR% = 1 then PWR -7

PWR > 39 & HR% = 1 then PWR = 44

PWR > 54 & HR% = 2 then PWR = 54

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That is GREAT to hear and precisely why I decided to post such lenghty meaningless stuff to most readers.

I hope to encourage others to continue roster/team building and sharing them with all of us.

Disclaimers are certainly in order here - to the effect that these are not meant in anyway to say they are the Best by any means nor produce the most accurate roster sets. Bottomline is they are what we use and are very satisfied with.

But I will also say that these do produce surprisely accurate results from all of our hours upon hours of testing.

I always welcome dialogue on roster building ideas and processes --- I enjoy such discussions and always gain from hearing their ideas/questions as well.

Thanks Again and Good Luck with Your Rosters !!!


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  • 2 months later...

I cannot believe that this thread evaded for me this long. Thank you very much for this Don. What a very helpful source.

I used Don's "How-To" on roster building when I created the rosters for both the 1956 and 1978 season mods and the simulations I ran afterwards produced results that were very close to those achieved during the actual 1956 and 1978 seasons.

Don is constantly tinkering and tweaking his formulas to try go get the most realistic results possible.

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Don, though you may think meaningless to most it will only take one to

adhere to and be on his/her way to yet another Classic mod. Then more happy classic enthusiasts will surface :)

Thanks for taking the time to post this data

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Don, though you may think meaningless to most it will only take one to

adhere to and be on his/her way to yet another Classic mod. Then more happy classic enthusiasts will surface :)

Thanks for taking the time to post this data

Very true. The more I get comfortable with many of the modding aspects of this game, the more I feel crazy enough to venture into an endeavor such as creating a total classics mod. All of you classics modders have surely been an inspiration to many of the members here; me included. Thanks again for everything.

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Thanks Guys,

Glad these are of some value to some of you.

Here are my latest Global Tweaks which have a couple changes to Batters Contact & Pitchers Movements for E.R.A. ..... along with a correction of a figure check I had on the previous one for a value in the Power for Low Home Run hitters (i.e. 40) tweaks:



Use Plate Discipline for Brown & Light Brown then set Black individually

PD = ( 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 ) = Brown

PD = ( 14, 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0 ) = Light Brown


Use Fielding Rating for 7 colors then set Black "8" (Dark/Red) individually

FD = ( 15, 7 ) = Light Brown

FD = ( 14, 6 ) = Dark Brown

FD = ( 13, 5 ) = Red

FD = ( 12, 4 ) = Black

FD = ( 11, 3 ) = Light Black

FD = ( 10, 8, 0 ) = Dark Black

FD = ( 9, 2, 1 ) = Red/Black


Use Throw Strength

TS = ( 15, 10, 5 ) = 1

TS = ( 14, 9, 4 ) = 2

TS = ( 13, 8, 3, 0 ) = 3

TS = ( 12, 7, 2 ) = 4

TS = ( 11, 6, 1 ) = 5


Non-Pitchers PD < 14 then PD +2


Non-Pitchers Bunt < 9 & > 1 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & PD = 15 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & PD = 14 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & PD = 13 then Bunt +5

Bunt = 1 & PD = 12 then Bunt +5

Bunt = 1 & PD = 11 then Bunt +4

Bunt = 1 & PD = 10 then Bunt +4

Bunt = 1 & PD = 09 then Bunt +3

Bunt = 1 & PD = 08 then Bunt +3

Bunt = 1 & PD = 07 then Bunt +2

Bunt = 1 & PD = 06 then Bunt +2

Bunt = 1 & PD = 05 then Bunt +1

Bunt = 1 & PD = 04 then Bunt +1

Ptichers Bunt = 15 & Fld = 14 then Bunt -1

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 13 then Bunt -2

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 12 then Bunt -3

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 11 then Bunt -4

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 10 then Bunt -5

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 09 then Bunt -6

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 08 then Bunt -7

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 07 then Bunt -8

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 06 then Bunt -9

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 05 then Bunt -10

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 04 then Bunt -11

Bunt = 15 & Fld = 03 then Bunt -12

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 1 then Bunt +1

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 2 then Bunt +2

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 3 then Bunt +3

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 4 then Bunt +4

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 5 then Bunt +5

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 6 then Bunt +6

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 7 then Bunt +7

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 8 then Bunt +8

Bunt = 1 & Fld = 9 then Bunt +9

Bunt = 1 & Fld =10 then Bunt +10


Non-Pitchers SA = 9 then SA = 10

SA = 6 then SA = 9

SA = 3 then SA = 8

SA = 2 & SP > 59 then SA = 7

SA = 2 & SP < 60 then SA = 6

SA = 1 & SP > 59 then SA = 5

SA = 1 & SP > 49 & < 60 then SA = 4

SA = 1 & SP > 39 & < 50 then SA = 3

SA = 1 & SP > 29 & < 40 then SA = 2


Pitchers -5

BR = 0 & SP > 59 then BR = 5

BR = 0 & SP > 49 & < 60 then BR = 4

BR = 0 & SP > 39 & < 50 then BR = 3

BR = 0 & SP > 35 & < 40 then BR = 2

BR = 0 & SP > 30 & < 36 then BR = 1


Non-Pitchers SP < 40 then SP = 40

Pitchers SP < 35 then SP = 35


Make certain Pitchers primary & secondary positions are set prior to continuing




Throw Strength Primary Pos = SP then TS +4

TS < 9 then TS +1

TS < 5 then TS 5

Throw Accuracy TA < 6 then TA +5

Primary Pos = SP & TA < 9 then TA +2

Primary Pos = RP & TA < 13 & > 10 then TA -2

Primary Pos = SP & TA < 11 & > 8 then TA +1

Range +2

RG < 4 then RG = 4

Primary Pos = RP & RG > 7 then RG -3

Fielding Fld < 4 then Fld 4

Primary Pos = RP & Fld > 10 then Fld -5

Primary Pos = SP & Fld = 4 then Fld +1


Throw Strength +1

Throw Accuracy +2

Range +3

Fielding Fld < 4 then Fld = 4


Throw Strength -1

Throw Accuracy OK

Range RG < 4 then RG = 4

Fielding OK


Throw Strength OK

Throw Accuracy TA < 6 then TA = 6

Range +3

Fielding OK


Throw Strength OK

Throw Accuracy +2

Range +3

Fielding Fld < 13 then Fld +3


Throw Strength OK

Throw Accuracy TA < 5 then TA +4

Range +3

Fielding -1

Fld < 4 then Fld = 4


Throw Strength TS < 7 then TS +3

Throw Accuracy TA < 8 then TA +2

Range +1

Primary Pos = CF & RG > 10 then RG +2

Fielding -1

Fld < 4 then Fld = 4



Stats Batting Games Played < 11 then Durability = 1

Games Played > 10 then Durability = 2

Games Played > 20 then Durability = 3

Games Played > 30 then Durability = 4

Games Played > 44 then Durability = 5

Games Played > 54 then Durability = 6

Games Played > 64 then Durability = 7

Games Played > 74 then Durability = 8

Games Played > 84 then Durability = 9

Games Played > 94 then Durability = 10

Games Played > 104 then Durability = 11

Games Played > 114 then Durability = 12

Games Played > 124 then Durability = 13

Games Played > 139 then Durability = 14

Games Played > 149 then Durability = 15

Pitchers (Starters):

IP > 279 then Dur = 15

IP > 259 & < 280 then Dur = 14

IP > 239 & < 260 then Dur = 13

IP > 219 & < 240 then Dur = 12

IP > 199 & < 220 then Dur = 11

IP > 179 & < 200 then Dur = 10

IP > 149 & < 180 then Dur = 9

IP > 119 & < 150 then Dur = 8

IP > 89 & < 120 then Dur = 7

IP > 59 & < 90 then Dur = 6

IP > 39 & < 60 then Dur = 5

IP > 29 & < 40 then Dur = 4

IP > 19 & < 30 then Dur = 3

IP > 9 & < 20 then Dur = 2

IP > 4 & < 10 then Dur = 1

IP < 5 then Dur = 0

Pitchers (Relievers):

IP > 139 then Dur = 15

IP > 129 & < 140 then Dur = 14

IP > 114 & < 130 then Dur = 13

IP > 92 & < 115 then Dur = 12

IP > 82 & < 93 then Dur = 11

IP > 72 & < 83 then Dur = 10

IP > 62 & < 73 then Dur = 9

IP > 49 & < 63 then Dur = 8

IP > 39 & < 50 then Dur = 7

IP > 29 & < 40 then Dur = 6

IP > 24 & < 30 then Dur = 5

IP > 19 & < 25 then Dur = 4

IP > 10 & < 20 then Dur = 3

IP > 5 & < 11 then Dur = 2

IP > 1 & < 6 then Dur = 1

IP < 2 then Dur = 0


Starters +16

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 2 then Stamina +4

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 3 then Stamina +6

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 4 then Stamina +8

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 5 then Stamina +10

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started = 6 then Stamina +12

Primary = RP & Secondary = SP & Games Started > 6 then Stamina +14

Relievers No Change to (RP & RP) (Was Primary & Secondary = RP -5)



Pitch # 2 +2 (Was OK)

Pitch # 3 +2 (Was +3)

Pitch # 4 +2 (Was +2)

Primary & Secondary = RP then Pitch # 2 -2 (Was 0)

Primary & Secondary = RP then Pitch # 3 -2 (Was -3)

Primary & Secondary = RP then Pitch # 4 -2 (Was -2)


(Was - Nothing done to Primary Pos = RP & Secondary Pos = RP)

Pitch # 1 +10

Pitch # 2 +10

Pitch # 3 +10

Pitch # 4 +10

If Primary & Secondary = RP then -5 on All Pitches

If Primary Pos = SP & Fastball Control < 50 then FB Control = 50

If Primary & Secondary position = (SP & SP) or (SP & RP) & Pitch 2-5 Control < 40 then Pitch 2-5 Control = 40

If Primary & Secondary position = (RP & SP) or (RP & RP) & Pitch 1(FB) < 40 then Pitch 1-5 Control = 40



For both versus L & R handed Pitching (Likely not done for TC61* yet)

Non-Pitchers CON < 25 then CON = 25

Pitchers CON < 15 then CON =15 (May consider making this 20)

New Contact Tweaks:


Any of these Criteria:

If Contact =

94 then 95 ..... (+1)

92 or 93 then 94 ..... (+2 & 1)

90 or 91 then 93 ..... (+3 & 2)

88 or 89 then 92 ..... (+4 & 3)

86 or 87 then +4 ..... (90 & 91)

All of these Criteria:

>64 & <86 then +5 (70-90) ..... (which is 65-85)

>44 & <65 then +10% (50-70) ..... (which is 45-64 @ +5 - +6)

Any of these Criteria:

44 or 43 then 49 ..... (+5 & 6)

42 or 41 then 48 ..... (+6 & 7)

40 or 39 then 47 ..... (+7 & 8)

38 or 37 then 46 ..... (+8 & 9)

36 then 45 ..... (+9)

All of these Criteria:

<36 & >24 then +10 ..... (35-45) (which is 25-35)

<25 then 34


For both versus L & R handed Pitching

Non-Pitchers PWR +10

Pitchers PWR < 30 & > 19 then PWR +5

PWR < 20 & > 9 then PWR = 25

PWR < 10 & > 0 then PWR = 20

PWR = 0 then PWR = 15

All Players

PWR > 59 & HR% < 2 then PWR = 59

PWR > 49 & HR% < 2 then PWR -10

PWR > 69 & HR% < 3 then PWR = 69

PWR > 59 & HR% < 3 then PWR -10

PWR > 79 & HR% < 4 then PWR = 79

PWR > 69 & HR% < 4 then PWR -10

Stats HRs hit vs L = 0 & Stats HRs hit vs R = 0 then PWR -10


For both versus L & R handed Pitching

All Players

HR% > 0 & Stats HRs hit vs L = 0 & Stats HRs hit vs R = 0 then HR% = 0


"OUT" Pitch (Guidelines):

E.R.A. (NEW Version)

1.90s 15 & 14

2.00s 15 & 13

2.10s 15 & 12

2.20s 14 & 13

2.30s 14 & 12

2.40s 14 & 11

2.50s 13 & 12

2.60s 13 & 11

2.70s 13 & 10

2.80s 12 & 11

2.90s 12 & 10

3.00s 12 & 9

3.10s 11 & 10

3.20s 11 & 9

3,30s 10 & 9

3.40s 10 & 8

for Relievers add .50 to E.R.A.

*** Do Starters & Relievers by Book & Guidelines above.

to select Relievers: Pitch 2 Movement > 11 & Pitch 2 Control < 80


ALL Players:

Contact (L & R) > 79 & Durability < 7 (then individual tweaks as needed)

Power (L & R) > 69 & Durability < 7

Pitchers Only:

Contact (L&R) > 79


To identify potential too > of Pitchers that are seldom used for adjustments:

SP, Dur < 8 & (FB cntl > 85, 2nd Pit Cntl > 85 etc .....)

RP, same as above

Check for 5% Problem in HR % (to identify potential problem):

if HR % vs R < 4 & HR % vs L = 5

if HR % vs L < 4 & HR% vs R = 5

Power L & R

If PWR > 59 & HR % < 4%

ONLY do “L†first and Then “R†separately not combined…..

If PWR > 59 & HR % < 4%



>97 -13

>94 -12

>89 -11

>84 -10

>79 -9

>74 -8

>69 -7

>64 -6

>59 -5

>54 -4

>49 -3

>44 -2

(The following should have been addressed during the correct Position setting part)

Primary RP & Secondary SP in Starting Rotation make STAMINA total +16 after substracting what they were already increased by in STAMINA Global Tweak Section above

Power for low Home Run hitters:

Both L & R:

****(Likely not done yet for TC61* & TC67 – was done for TC64)

PWR > 29 & HR% = 0 then PWR -10

PWR > 29 & HR% = 0 then PWR = 30

PWR > 39 & HR% = 1 then PWR -7

PWR > 39 & HR% = 1 then PWR = 40

PWR > 54 & HR% = 2 then PWR = 54

REMINDER: The following should be accomplished during the Pitch Types adjustments:

Adjust Pitchers FB Speed & 2SeamFB relative to FB's speeds

Adjust Pitchers Knuckleballs to < Speeds ? ( 47mph - 73mph )

Check for Fastball Speeds not being the highest Speeds (i.e. Changups; Knuckleball; Circle Change; Knucklecurve; Palmball etc) & for ChangeUPs being > fast

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Homer - Nice to hear from you - Hope you are doing well.

Nope, I don't have any official way of determining those things. Home Run % is fairly straight forward but for the other things you mentioned I basically go from memory (which for me the '60s are pretty clear in my mind even to this day) and use the reference books I have from the '60s to adjust things I can't recall and can find info on. Wish I could be more help to you especially since you have contributed so much to all of this.

Take Care,


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  • 1 year later...

same here. in fact, i'm stuck at doing attributes altogether, so i don't know how i will do them. i would prefer one consistent method so that i can have objective way to create attributes that will not take me three years. at the pace i was going, i decided to put off doing attributes in hopes that someone will have a better method when i'm ready to go back and add them. for now, my concentration is going into making the roster, faces, portraits and audios. i had no idea how pain staking a process it was. this alone will take forever.

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That's the biggest reason it took me so long on the '88 mod. Figuring a whole career's worth of stats to determine attributes has to be tougher than doing a season mod.

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Hey dudes,

Homer, you asked a while ago if it would possible to convert my rating calculators into a spreadsheet form, and an idea hit me:

Why don't you record a macro, copying stats from excel into my calculators, generating the ratings, and then pasting the results into another spreadsheet. I don't know how familiar you are with macros, but it's worth a look.

If not, I may be able to create a macro that accomplishes this. No promises.

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i don't even know what a macro is :)

but i've thought about something like that. i would prefer a method that allows me to copy lines from baseball-reference.com into a spreadsheet and generate ratings that way. it's the least amount of steps i could think of. i have to take into consideration that i am doing this for 3250 different guys, so anything that can save me even a microsecond adds up quickly. plus it would be one way to make it consistent. the only issue i've come across (besides not know what a macro is) is that i was hoping to generate attributes from the two best seasons each guy has had. the issue is that i don't have splits for anyone before 1954.

i tried copy and paste from that site the other day, but the stats get all entered into one box. i know it can be done, but i just haven't had the time to figure out how to make it work yet.

by the time i'm done making the rosters and what not, i hope to have something figured out. if not, then worst case scenario i just base them off of lahman's database from their best season.

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i don't even know what a macro is :)

but i've thought about something like that. i would prefer a method that allows me to copy lines from baseball-reference.com into a spreadsheet and generate ratings that way. it's the least amount of steps i could think of. i have to take into consideration that i am doing this for 3250 different guys, so anything that can save me even a microsecond adds up quickly. plus it would be one way to make it consistent. the only issue i've come across (besides not know what a macro is) is that i was hoping to generate attributes from the two best seasons each guy has had. the issue is that i don't have splits for anyone before 1954.

i tried copy and paste from that site the other day, but the stats get all entered into one box. i know it can be done, but i just haven't had the time to figure out how to make it work yet.

Hey homer,

A macro is a set of instructions for a computer. A macro recorder is a piece of software that "records" user actions for "playback at a later time". More information can be found here.

So my idea would be to paste your stats in excel, record a macro that would copy them to my calculator, and paste them into a new spreadsheet.

Hopefully that makes sense. I PMed tebjr with details. Most Macro Recorders are either crappy, a virus, or expensive and good. The most popular is JitBit, but it's $40.

(To paste baseball reference data into excel: Right click on a cell > Paste Special... > Text > Click OK.)

Edit: I'm working on improving my split estimator. It might be a while, but it's looking good so far...

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well i have all the time in the world :) i've still got many teams to create before i'm at the point of doing attributes. though i do have enough done to play some games, which is too tempting for me to resist sometimes.

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I use OpenOffice to view/edit my Excel files and I just found out that it has a Macro recorder. I'm still lost on what I need to record and how to move it to your calculator.

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