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Washington Baseball Team


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is it going to be the Washington Senators? i know it's going to Washington but i didn't know it was the Senators. is this team going to be in the leauge next season?

by the way, you'd be a mod god if you created this team.

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No, it's not going to be the senators unfortunately, the mayor wants to remove any political affiliation from the team since DC has no representation in the senate. Weak. :roll:

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nationals would be a good onbe, but another name that could be considered, but not likey to go vary far would be Republics. as the the as the Republic of the united states.

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i hadn't heard that, not ther would've likely used eithr anyway, but does anyone see or know why the capital has issues with a nick name that either of throws or anything siimialer to throws. its a nick name and a nickname as always been a reflection, representative, or historic of the area of the teams in most cases, as it is for for other sports and level of competition in the the U.S.

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now that going a little to far of reach to have the goverment say a nickname cant be uded. there better things for them to do then simply say a team nickname cant be this or that! i cant see why they would be upset over a nickname to start with.

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agreed. i mean to call them something that seems harmsless. i mean they already have the redskins, the united, saand at time the wiszards wher called the buttlets, which l;ikely the wrost of the nicknames in that areas history.

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Senators will probably be out because DC doesnt have any reps in Congress. I think its between Grays and Nationals(or something like that). I think the name and jerseys should switch with the government control. Right now it would be the Republicans or the Elephants and if Kerry wins than it could be the Democrats, donkeys or the asses.

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Senators will probably be out because DC doesnt have any reps in Congress. I think its between Grays and Nationals(or something like that). I think the name and jerseys should switch with the government control. Right now it would be the Republicans or the Elephants and if Kerry wins than it could be the Democrats, donkeys or the asses.

"Washington Asses" ...I like the sound of that :lol:

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