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Stupid Madden


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I recently upped my CPU offensive sliders all to 100, middle of my 5th franchise season, to make things harder

First game with it, I won barely.

Then the second game, the Seahawks were killing me

after the third quater it was 52-24

I then just start PA-deep balling it and onsides kick. After my first two touchdowns, they got the onside kick and I held them to field goals both times

But after the third, I got the onside kick and scored another. so I scored 29 points, they scored 6, and it's 58-53 OMG SO CLOSE JUST ONE MORE ONSIDE KICK AND I GOT THIS

well guess what


So I march down the field (quickly, <3 PA-deep ball against CPU), 17 seconds left and I got 2nd and goal and still one timeout left. I call curl flats, easiest pass to complete right? Except against one defense, cover blitz. Which they called. So I threw it out to the flat to my fullback (greg jones) who was open. OMG I'M GONNA SCORE I RUN I RUN OH NO THEY'RE ABOUT TO TACKLE ME RUN RUN OH S*** DIVE DIVE DIVE INTO THE ENDZONE so I dive right AND SOMEBODY HIT ME AS I DOVE AND HE FUMBLED THE F'N BALL OUT OF THE ENDONZE FOR A F'N TOUCHBACK AND GAVE THEM THE BALL


my QB (brian brohm) threw for 590 yards though

god damn it

What's even worse...the second year of my franchise, I'm in the first round of the playoffs. I'm down by two, under a minute to go, and I'm in field goal range to go ahead. I'm just running the ball to run down the clock and get better field goal range. THEN MY RUNNING BACK FUMBLED THE BALL and I lost the game. S***ty way to lose a stupid playoff game, I was so pissed afterwards.

What's really funny about that?

My running back was Chris Johnson.

Yeah, the same Chris Johnson that fumbled the ball last night that allowed Boise State to tie the game while ECU was trying to run down the clock.

Ofcoarse East Carolina still won. If only I was as lucky...

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i was just playing madden last night. i was up 17-0 at one point and up 17-3 at half and i was playing as the cowboys against the giants. then in the second half, i had two bs fumbles and the giants came back 31-31. i had the ball with about a minute left, going fo r the winning drive and romo threw a pick on about the 50. then the giants rush, yes, i said rush, the ball for like twenty yards on the next two plays and kick a field goal as time expired. the sad thing was, the giants kicker was mike vanderjagt (i have no clue how to spell that), who used to play for the cowboys and miss 30 yarders. anyways, i just threw my controller to the floor and shut off the ps2 in angst.

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well i was playing some madden 07 last night :D (i let my brother borrow ncaa 08) for the 360 and i was trying to go for my undefeated season and i was playing the pats. so im losing 14 to 17 and im driving down the field. so i get to around their 25 yd line and as im running i cover up the ball... and guess what. my rb fumbles it. sometimes i think madden wants me to break the disk. :(

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What I'm annoyed by most now are my safeties acting like idiots on lob passes from the QB. The opposition will throw a fly ball to a receiver, and even when a safety or DB beats the WR to the ball, he'll just stand there like an idiot as its caught for a 30 yard gain. Sometimes I can't orient myself fast enough to take control of the safety to block the ball, and it gets annoying.

Also, I'm noticing tons of dropped passes on All-Pro, way more than there should be. It's not even when there's a contested play or a hit after the reception, it's Randy Moss dropping three straight without anyone around him, or Welker/Stallworth muffing easily catchable receptions far too often.


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Friedman, I'm noticing that as well. I'm playing with the Patriots, and we have all 90+ rating linemen, and Brady gets no time whatsoever. I'm really kind of annoyed, though I can deal.

On this last game, luckily my offense was cranking, because my defense gave up 30-something points to the Texans. Every single throw of more than 20 yards was a reception, because my safeties just stood there without even attempting to knock it loose.

Also, I threw a lob pass to a wide open Wes Welker that would've gone for a touchdown... dropped. Randy Moss dropped another 3 passes. Amazing.

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You can raise catching via sliders.

on defense I just play as the FS haha

The O-line AI is so messed up though, and sliders don't fix it at all. I rarely stay in the pocket and take like 10-15 yard drop backs because of it

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wats funny is i was playing madden with green bay (my fav team) against dallas in the NFC Championship and i was up 20-10 in the 4th quater with 2:35 left and dallas had the ball. Romo threw a 65 yard touchdown to T.O.

I march down the field and Ryan grant fumbles and dallas recovers. 0:07 seconds left dallas has the ball and they decide to throw a hailmary instead of tying it up. Tony Romo f*cking completes the hailmary to Sam Hurd and they beat me 24-20

I Nearly broke my controller ha

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Same sport, different game... :ontopic:

In NCAA 08, the opposition threw a 40-some TD pass. I was called for offsides and, of course, the 6 points were kept. Then it shows a cutscene with a player from their team arguing with the ref. One can only wonder what he's complaining about...

"...please sir, take the touchdown away from us! I pushed the defender!"

Anyway, back to Madden - I think some of the the players look too buff in the 360 version. The camera angles aren't creative enough. The audible system is still crap, and are they still just showing what you see on your screen in the stadium scoreboards?? Cheapos.


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"...please sir, take the touchdown away from us! I pushed the defender!"



I enjoyed reading all of these posts. Thank you.

Only thing I can think of is after I a long break from the series, I decided the play the Madden 07 I just bought and decided to play on the hardest level after a few games. I was losing big time in the 2nd quarter. I think the score was 56 to 7 and they sacked me about 8 times so far. I quit the game and I've been playing Baseball ever since. LOL

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could i possibly get a link to the files and instructions? im not sure im not in the right place.

You'll need to do a free register first. Then head to the forums via:


Files are kept/attached in each respective sub-forums threads. NFL 2K5 had its own sub-forum. Head to the rosters section. Also, there is one contributor there who centralized various rosters and other files for us:


Hope that helps.

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