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So, a lot of people have been telling me they want to mod uniforms, yet they have no clue on where to start. So, being Christmas and all, I thought I would create a thread that would take you through the step by step process on how I create my uniforms.

I am in no way a Photoshop wizard and am no way a computer genius, so this will be a basic tutorial that will tell an easy and quick way to make and import unis in MVP 05.

If any other uni modders out there want to chime in with tips (KC or thespungo), or anything that I could do different, feel free. I'm sure there are even quicker ways than mine to make quality uniforms.

This tutorial will go step by step, so that any questions can be answered on the spot and it will go at a leisurely pace. In fact, you will be creating your uni along with mine. Hopefully at the very end of this tutorial, you will have made your first uniform!

The first step will probably be up on 12/26 and the entire tutorial will probably last 4-7 days. Once you get the hang of this method, you should be bustin out unis in less than 30 minutes.

***The only thing you need before we get started is a uniform idea and a copy of Photoshop. The first step will include what programs you need to download.

Well, that's all I have to say for now, and let me know if you want to participate!

And admins, can this be stickied? It will only need to be up for about a week.

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Here is an initial outline. It's not too daunting is it?

1. Get Organized

101. What programs you need

102. What templates you need

103. Folder organization

2. Making Your Uniforms Using Photoshop

201. Logos and scripts

202. Tips that save time

203. Saving bmps

3. Extract/Replace/Import Method

301. EA Graph and extracting

302. nfshtool and replacing

303. Uniedit and importing

304. TiT and importing

4. Other info

401. Jersey numbers

402. Final statements

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Here is an initial outline. It's not too daunting is it?

1. Get Organized

101. What programs you need

102. What templates you need

103. Folder organization

2. Making Your Uniforms Using Photoshop

201. Logos and scripts

202. Tips that save time

203. Saving bmps

3. Extract/Replace/Import Method

301. EA Graph and extracting

302. nfshtool and replacing

303. Uniedit and importing

304. TiT and importing

4. Other info

401. Jersey numbers

402. Final statements

This looks good, very informative. Can't wait to start modding now. Does anyone know where I can get a stadium mod tutorial?

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102: Templates

The main template we will be working with is:

KC's Templates (this wouldnt be possible without him)

For catchers gear, etc:

fizzjob's temps 1

fizzjob's temps 2

*** note: for fizzjob's temps, they need to be stretched to 2x. we will mainly be using kc's templates in the tutorial though and once you can handle those, you should be able to mod the catchers gear temps on your own.

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The main template we will be working with is:

KC's Templates (this wouldnt be possible without him)

For catchers gear, etc:

fizzjob's temps 1

fizzjob's temps 2

*** note: for fizzjob's temps, they need to be stretched to 2x. we will mainly be using kc's templates in the tutorial though and once you can handle those, you should be able to mod the catchers gear temps on your own.

gosh if only you would finish it today, i would be happy.

and i got the hang of using Gimp over my other photo editing program i was using.

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sorry about that geolink, you could always go out and buy photoshop with your christmas money :biglaff:

on another note, you might still be able to do it with your other program. the reason im spreading this out is so people dont fall behind. i am thinking about starting it tomorrow instead of the 26th though.

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sorry about that geolink, you could always go out and buy photoshop with your christmas money :biglaff:

on another note, you might still be able to do it with your other program. the reason im spreading this out is so people dont fall behind. i am thinking about starting it tomorrow instead of the 26th though.

yeeesssssss! do it! do it!

P.S. meh i tryed PS before, GIMP feels sorta the same (its not as user-friendly)

im gud though (i havent falled behind ;))

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as much as i would love to see the first step tomorrow... enjoy your xmas and if you have free time (or feel like it) then you can get to it. but enjoy yourself, its chrismas eve! ;)

of course LOL

BTW anyone feel 'late' I mean shouldn't this guide been released as early as mid-2004 when the site started? there so many talented modders and no guides for uniform making? Whats up wit that? LOL


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103: Organization

Well, since the first step is really easy, ill go ahead and finish it.

Well organized folders can and will save you a lot of time when uniform modding, and it's always nice to have the main folders on your desktop. As you can see, I have a shortcut to MVP 2005, a folder for the current uni that I'm working on, and a created MLB 07 Uniform folder that holds important things as show below.

In MLB 07 Uniform:


Programs (EA Graph and nfshtool)

Finished unis (you are not there yet)

If you already have these things downloaded, just move them into this set up you see below:


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Didn't see this on your outline and thought I would share it here. Hope you don't mind.

Team uniform IDs:

Anaheim u000

Arizona u014

Atlanta u025

Baltimore u009

Boston u010

Chicago Cubs u019

Chicago White Sox u004

Cincinnati u020

Cleveland u005

Colorado u015

Detroit u006

Florida u026

Houston u021

Kansas u007

Los Angeles u016

Milwaukee u022

Minnesota u008

New York Mets u028

New York Yankees u011

Oakland u001

Philadelphia u029

Pittsburgh u023

San Diego u017

San Francisco u018

Seattle u002

St Louis u024

Tampa u012

Texas u003

Toronto u013

Washington u027

All-Star uniform IDs:



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\ said:
Didn't see this on your outline and thought I would share it here. Hope you don't mind.

Team uniform IDs:

Anaheim u000

Arizona u014

Atlanta u025

Baltimore u009

Boston u010

Chicago Cubs u019

Chicago White Sox u004

Cincinnati u020

Cleveland u005

Colorado u015

Detroit u006

Florida u026

Houston u021

Kansas u007

Los Angeles u016

Milwaukee u022

Minnesota u008

New York Mets u028

New York Yankees u011

Oakland u001

Philadelphia u029

Pittsburgh u023

San Diego u017

San Francisco u018

Seattle u002

St Louis u024

Tampa u012

Texas u003

Toronto u013

Washington u027

All-Star uniform IDs:





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