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I know that MERF, MERK, MSLV refer to manager uniforms, but whose templates are you using? Is it something that you created or is it from thespungo's accessories? And also, what does unibig represent? Thanks a lot and take care.

my templates are basically kc's. i just added fuzzones hhlm and made three leg copies (normal, catchers, and high sock)

103 con't

Here is a list (and a few pics) of what the templates really are. The way they are listed (JERF,JERK, etc) is how the appear in EA Graph.


As for "unibig," it is my select screen photoshop template. If you must use it, it is here (although the tutorial will just include a select screen that will just be your JERT uni shrunk to 128x128)

***Please don't ask any questions about unibig until the end of the tutorial. The download of it is below.

An easier way to install uniforms is using Kraw's old installer thingy.

that is another possibility. it is really what is easiest for you. right now, the easiest way to install the uniform select screens is thru fuzzone's uniedit, and that is why im including it.

and i forgot to include legd (sorry kc), but lega and legd will be the same bmp when you import them into the game.

Might i suggest that as you update your tutorial at the back end you also copy paste each step into your first post for those who come to read this thread after you are no longer updateing it

that is a good idea, ill do it.

Well, I'm going to take a new approach at 201. first i need to know how many people know how to put their script on their unis. if yall know how to do that, ill just jump into how to make the script realistic.
I wouldn't mind you skipping that particular step and going directly to showing us how to make the script look realistic enough.

Copypasta'd for the billionth time:

Here's how I do stitching, for those of you who have Photoshop. I'll do it on a 2X template to better show the quality and to give you an idea of how the stitching is:

We're going to take this logo and "stitch" it to the jersey.


Before we make any changes, go to Image->Mode-> RGB Color. This is a GIF, and we want to be able to use all the colors available as opposed to 256.

Also, be sure to remove the white background from the logo itself. Use the Magic Wand tool (W), and make sure the settings up top have Contiguous unchecked. Click on the white background and press delete to remove the white background from the image. You should have a transparent Indians script logo.

Now, what I do is split the colors on the uniform into different layers, from Blue down to red.


From here, right click on the red layer in that toolbox, in this case it's layer 2 and go to Blending Options. This is where we start to fidget.

These are my settings to get the right stitching effect. It isn't quite a one size fits all for every logo, but you can adjust accordingly to achieve the desired effect. For solid colored logos, I often don't add the stitching effect but I give it a raised sort of look:





This pattern is changeable to either the scan-line texture, black diagonals, or on dark colors, white diagonals. Adjust opacity for desired effect.

Now, what I do is copy this same style and paste it to the other layers, however I edit a few things on Image 3 up top so the stitching is different for each layer

Now, layer 1 in this case is the grey trimming. Layer 2 which is the red should always be on top of layer 1. Layer 3 should be the dominant layer as it is the blue trim. Confusing, but it gets the point across.

Now, you don't want to merge everything just yet, because we have not pasted this onto the jersey. Select the blue trimming first (Layer 3), and right click on the layer. Select copy layer style, as this is what you'll need to do to get the stitching back. When you copy and paste it will show up with no stitching effect, and you will need to paste the layer style again, this is why I said to copy the layer style.

Now, since by now you should have my uniform template in a folder somewhere, so what you need to do is open up JERS.psd and click on the Script layer, because we don't want the script to be behind the jersey or anything like that. Now, paste the blue trim.


You'll get something like this, but this is where you resize. Go to edit-> Free Transform and make sure the Width and Height is in proportion. There will be an icon that you will have to click to keep the resizing in proportion, or if you are lazy like I am, you hold shift while you resize.

Resize the image to 34% and try to align the D in INDIANS where the jersey flap is. Sweet. You should get this upon resizing:


Now, paste the layer style onto the blue trimming. great.

Now, repeat the same technique for the grey and red parts of the script.

That should be it, really, unless there was something I missed.

yah i really want to know how to install the uni into the game.

i'll figure the design stuff later on.

Installing the uniforms are one of the easiest things to do, its creating them that takes a lot of patience (at least in my case).

Installing the uniforms are one of the easiest things to do, its creating them that takes a lot of patience (at least in my case).

can you tell me? i have the design set and its in .BMP form... i just don't know what to do next.

201: The Easy Way for Realistic Scripts

First lesson, kc's way is the most professional and will probably get the most realistic results. My way is a little simpler and still yields a realistic approach. You'll win either way you go

Anyways, let's copy all of the files in or templates folder and paste them in a folder that has the name of your uni (yes, like the one you placed on your desktop and yes, we are still organizing). Here ya go:


Ok, now create your uni on your JERF file. (We'll quickly replicate the files to the JERS and JERT files later).

Now you are ready to make your script realistic. First give it a little depth in "Bevel and Emboss" in the layer settings (play around with it until it looks good for you). Here are my settings:


Now for the texture. You also need to play around with it a little. The texture I use is Herringbone 2 (yes, it is not stitching, but it works fine).


Here are my settings. Go for a lot of depth and a little scale and things should look good. Remember these are my settings and you can easily adjust them for your liking. They are not exactly these numbers every time:


Here's the look at the difference. The "stitched" one is on the left.


***Note: if you just play around with "Bevel and Emboss" and "Texture" settings, without even looking at mine, you will still find something that works very quickly. These are the only two things you need to mess with in layer settings (other than overlay and stroke, if you want to color you script a certain way.

...whoever is following, feel free to show us what you've made so far.

Here's mine so far. I really liked what you did with the Astros jersey and wanted to try something similar. I have also added some texture to the logo to make it look realistic. What do you think? I don't know if its that noticeable or not, but anyway here it is.


it looks a lot more realistic redsox. i would try a smaller scale for the texture and then increase the depth of it just a little bit so the texture sticks out a little more. also, increasing the depth in "bevel and emboss" couldn't hurt. if you pm me the photoshop template of that jersey, i could mess around with it, and see if i can find a fit for it. anyways, it still looks pretty good.

dang redsox....looks like not only have you figured out how to do it, you've made leaps and bounds from just a few weeks ago when i last saw you here. way to go. those bandits jerseys are looking great. i would still do something to the undershirt. doesn't quite fit. and that red sox jersey with the astros theme...just noticing that the stripes go right through the buttons too. minor detail. keep it up though.

and great thread hiheat! this should help significantly. hope this gets stickied, and then i can finally get rid of links to other threads that scattered this information everywhere.

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