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new 22' pc screen!


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Do you think it's worth it to change my 19' screen for a 22' in order to play mainly at mvp 2005 and madden knowing that the maximum display mode that handle mvp 2005 is 1280x1024 and a 22' screen is 1650x 1050.

Any experience or suggestion would be appreciate. :wink:

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I have a Samsung SyncMaster 226BW 22" Widescreen, and I love it! I would definitely get it. My father has a 19" Widescreen, and the defference is amazing.

Of course, you need a good video card in order for it to be spectacular. I have a Nvidia eGeForce 8600GT Superclocked 256mb video card, and it is truly amazing.

If anyone here has played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, they will know that it requires a monster video card, and with this one I can run it with everything turned up almost as high as it will go. This video card can be picked up for not much more than 100 bucks.

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Do you think it's worth it to change my 19' screen for a 22' in order to play mainly at mvp 2005 and madden knowing that the maximum display mode that handle mvp 2005 is 1280x1024 and a 22' screen is 1650x 1050.

Any experience or suggestion would be appreciate. :wink:

I'm sure there's something you can hex edit, similar to what people were trying to do to get MVP in widescreen, to get the resolution you want

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