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Conquering FOV issue for MVP Baseball 05 in Widescreen


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I've begun work on being able to alter the FOV from 4:3 to 16:10(1920x1200 / 1680x1050) for widescreen resolutions. It actually started a while back with the hex editing of the .exe, but I am tired of my players looking overweight. As such, I have a modded xbox running MVP 05 in Widescreen @ 1280 x 720 and I see no reason why we can't hack the FOV horizontally instead of vertically on the PC as they are running the same game engine. My question is, has anyone done any work on this, found any dead ends that may possibly save me time? There are several FOV variables that I am tweaking in the datafile, but working the .exe with hex edit is a different story. I've also contacted a few gurus at WSGF for their knowledge as well. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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